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Old 03-10-2006, 12:29 AM
milfmilf milfmilf is offline
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coffeeshop milf

Maybe older bros, those above 40, can share your experience

This evening I was having coffee and then dinner at one of the coffeeshop at GL lor 2x. The purpose is to check out the milf in that area which I have been drooling for some time. This time I sat there long enough, while waiting for my friend, to discover that there are many good stuff though their age may range from early 30 to 40+. Many with solid assets and look attractive enough for those who like milf. the strange thing is they don't approach "younger" man like me..ha...i'm in my late thirties and not that ulgy. Best thing is they really can tahan the old uncle mostly late 50 or 60+++. Wonder what they mostly talk about other then "business". Spotted one that really interest me but no chance and also haven't gather up courage to chat up with her, cos still not used to this style hehe.

Any bros ever chat or up any of these coffeeshop milf? What's the price like?can share your experience? well i think i will go back there soon and strike some deals with that gem i spotted.
Old 03-10-2006, 04:09 AM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Most of them in that famous MILF kopi-tiam are in the $40-60 category w/o mafu but some with 'see water' mafu. The age of 20s are usually $60(sometimes with rms thrown in). Those in the 30s are $50. Those approching 40s or above are usually $40 or $50 with rm. Some will go as low as $25 to $30 but usually those in the 'CMI' category.

Most of them there are resting & TCSS there as the ah pek provide them all the food they wanted. If they are with someone, just try to make eye contact first to indicate your interest in them before approching as it's not so nice when they are with someone. Most of the ah pek will not mind when the FL shd decide to go with u. Just politely acknowledge them & it usually works. But if the FL do not want to make eye contact with u, it usually means that the customers have already 'pow' & up them later, so just move on. Cheers.
Old 03-10-2006, 08:35 AM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Originally Posted by milfmilf
the strange thing is they don't approach "younger" man like me..ha...i'm in my late thirties and not that ulgy. Best thing is they really can tahan the old uncle mostly late 50 or 60+++.
They aim 50 to 60s uncles becos most of them near retirement age and can withdraw cpf money...
Old 03-10-2006, 01:17 PM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

thanks! should spend the money for zhuhai on these milf
Old 03-10-2006, 02:08 PM
dirtyhairy dirtyhairy is offline
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Talking Re: coffeeshop milf

Yo Bros all,

Allow me to join in this coffeeshop may be surprised that some old uncles or Ah Peks have not only the $ power but endurance as well... like my neighbourhood retired bizm uncle I know and his wife, both in their 70s, still bonking till kingdom cum whenever they have a chance, checking into hotels for quiet trysts. (we have spotted them in H81 dah) Sipei Solid...then I have also cum across a seemingly abe-bodied chap in his 30s who's sadly impotent! thinks to each his/her own...the main thing is to able to find and what our thread starter is doing even at the coffee shops..
Me thinks his right too as I once chanced upon this "chio and tight body" PRC Milf working as a coffeeshop helper in one of the GL lorongs when I was helping an unwell Mo Jing at the doctors early this year.
This reminds me to pay that coffeeshop a visit i.e. if I can break out of camp at nite dah!
Enjoy bros.
Bro Dirty Hairy, telling the hole truth and nothing but the truth.
Old 03-10-2006, 10:03 PM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

there is also saying that ah bek since cannot perform therefore only looking for milf's company and hj at most. So to the milf also earier money perhaps. Then at times if milf need sex then target all you young bulls
Old 04-10-2006, 12:50 AM
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Thumbs up Re: coffeeshop milf

Someone zapped me two brownies --- and I have a good idea who the poor sod is --- for giving my views on not stereotyping Ah Peks as old "has-beens" or the young as virile studs as some had been affected by impotence too.
But I am curious as to the reason for ticking me off.
So pray tell why so that I may henceforth learn some more.
and yes, to the petty zealot who zapped me, I wish you the best.

Bro DirtyHairy, sharing the hole truth and nothing but the truth.
Old 04-10-2006, 01:12 PM
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Talking Re: coffeeshop milf

I wish to thank one "strong, friendly and lao lup cheong", our "72-yr-young Ah Pek" for upping me 4 brownies. Will our old bro kindly leave an id of his nic so that I may return the favour as appropriate the next time?
Meanwhile, as I remain in the dark over the earlier zapping, please let me say that we should not let ageism be the rule to a good fuck.
To me, this forum is an oasis of so many wonderful bonks, so please dont get too personal. May we all enjoy, young or old, so long as you can still up yours...can UnderStand?
Cheers. Can someone kindly advise where that kopitiam is for me to start my virgin Geylang trawling and oggling please, please?
Kopkunmak mak!
Bro DirtyHairy
Old 04-10-2006, 07:05 PM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Old 05-10-2006, 12:04 AM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Spotted one that really interest me but no chance and also haven't gather up courage to chat up with her, cos still not used to this style hehe.
this is what i did, i see someone i like, I go to tape on her shoulder or upper arm. She would look back and give her your expression or gesture, you want to 'up' her.. that's should work.. and when she goes off with you, nod and acknowledge to any of the uncles or men around her.. should be fine..

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Old 05-10-2006, 12:05 AM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

anyone tried the FLs at the carpark opposite the shell station and next to the coffeeshop? saw a few quite decent looking ones but that place too open for me to go approach them.
Old 05-10-2006, 12:30 AM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Originally Posted by Shakyywayy
The age of 20s are usually $60
buttie.. in 20s already MILF liao ah?
4/7/12: Cleared my inbox. Can send me message again.

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Old 05-10-2006, 12:46 AM
milfmilf milfmilf is offline
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Originally Posted by titts82002
this is what i did, i see someone i like, I go to tape on her shoulder or upper arm. She would look back and give her your expression or gesture, you want to 'up' her.. that's should work.. and when she goes off with you, nod and acknowledge to any of the uncles or men around her.. should be fine..

came, saw, conquere ?..
bro titts82002, thanks for the advice! but hor.. " expression or gesture, you want to 'up' her.." how to show? .. jin pai-seh.. newbie in this area..... cos this milf are butterflying around... so tap should and say "how much" or "let's have fun"..a bit crude leh...

always thought of asking her to sit and chat to find out "environment" first..
Old 05-10-2006, 12:55 AM
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Re: coffeeshop milf

Originally Posted by asdfghjkl
buttie.. in 20s already MILF liao ah?
Nope, I dun consider them as MILF but there are some 20s among the MILF in that 'MILF' kopi-tiam Cheers
Old 05-10-2006, 01:08 PM
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Talking Re: coffeeshop milf

Can our Geylang sexperts pray tell which kopitiam to bio the chio MILFs? Aku "virgin trawler in Geylang dah...lorong X7 or 2x...sipeh confusing when u u cannot stop and look when u r driving a big freaking lorry...(me find lorry useful bcos no worry kena bang cos the other party jialat not me in tight situation leh....esp when some idiots hit yr car and pretend and run) .
So can advise.. eh all u gurus?
Bro DirtyHairy
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