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Old 09-11-2006, 01:01 PM
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Sillypore New penal code

Hi bros, did not see anymention of this so I thought I will be the first.Silly Pore govt revised penal code.Anal and oral sex is no lonegr illegal if it is done in private between consenting persons.It is iilegal if the girl is under 16 yrs old.

The law against child sex is tougher.Also the revison to protect a woman who say they are "rape" but husband is wider, woamn get more power.Sigh!

Thought you bros will be happy now that its ok to get a blow job without getting arrested as long as you do it "hidden" hehehehe

Just sharing hope you guys are plsd.

Ps : cud use the points but not important
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Old 09-11-2006, 01:10 PM
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Re: Sillypore New penal code

You might be hidden from view but if it still a public area and if someone complain against you, you are still liable to be charge for indecent exposure or committing an obscene act in a public place.

Some of the others laws should also be amended as it was implemented a long time ago.

Under the MOM's law, an executive earning more than 1.6k, the company can make him work up to 72 hours a week without having to pay OT. This regulation was set up in the 70's. It should be amended.
Old 09-11-2006, 01:24 PM
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Re: Sillypore New penal code

Originally Posted by Fire Fighter
Under the MOM's law, an executive earning more than 1.6k, the company can make him work up to 72 hours a week without having to pay OT. This regulation was set up in the 70's. It should be amended.
Wow, if it is made in the 70s, then it should really be amended. In the 70s, 1.6K is really quite a good pay. Now...
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Old 09-11-2006, 01:26 PM
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Re: Sillypore New penal code

Originally Posted by Fire Fighter
You might be hidden from view but if it still a public area and if someone complain against you, you are still liable to be charge for indecent exposure or committing an obscene act in a public place.
i agree.. anything done in public bud tio zaogeng unexpectedly will be deemed as outrageous or disgusting.. however sillypore being a ahem! GRACIOUS society.. it may pay 2 be polite if say..

u and ur gf are dining in a restaurant.. u have a fetish 4 her 2 bj u underneath the table.. put a small placard stating : BLOWJOB IN PROGRESS.. PLS BE CONSIDERATE AND NOT TO DISTURB, THANK YOU.

same goes wen u are both in the car.. BJ/FJ IN PROGRESS.. PLS DO NOT PEEP! THANK YOU.
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Old 09-11-2006, 01:39 PM
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Re: Sillypore New penal code

well the revised penal code and changes to some "old"ones are mentioned in the news.Yes, the panle is "old" but the last revision was in 1984 and now in 2006 the latest.

Bro fire fighter, understand yr situation hv been working more than 72hours with OT for a very long time, its only now that i am upper mangement made some chnages to the structure so the people who go do it are rewarded.Its MOM guidelines just the annual leave and variable bonuses/etc.Executives cannot join union etc.But the "company" can pay "OT' or allowanaces if they deemed necessary eventhough the salary is 1.6K and above.

I am working in the shipping industry operation staff wrok more tha 20 hours a day at times 24/7.they earn basic pay of $1800 - $ 3000 depending on length of service/etc.Most of them dunt hv OT but are paid allownaces for the extra hours 24/7 work btw $ 1000 - $2000 a month + salary this varies from companies, so bro its up to yr management to pay you ther extra.Most management use MOM guide as an excuse .

Just my opinion to give u a heads up
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Old 09-11-2006, 06:39 PM
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Re: Sillypore New penal code

while i believed its still a good thing tat the penal code is revised regarding
oral sex between consenting parties .. always wondering my ex.. would hold this against me when the relationship turns sour
sweet fanta
Old 09-11-2006, 06:46 PM
sbf4life sbf4life is offline
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Re: Sillypore New penal code

bro it was discussed yesterday there are some more info on it..

Originally Posted by bowrider
Hi bros, did not see anymention of this so I thought I will be the first.Silly Pore govt revised penal code.Anal and oral sex is no lonegr illegal if it is done in private between consenting persons.It is iilegal if the girl is under 16 yrs old.

The law against child sex is tougher.Also the revison to protect a woman who say they are "rape" but husband is wider, woamn get more power.Sigh!
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