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Old 30-07-2016, 07:52 AM
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Sore throat after frenching WLs

Hi guys, wonder how many of you have always got some kind of sore throat a few days after frenching with the WLs. (in geylang legal houses)

It could possibly that germs and bacteria spread to me after doing things like bbbj and assrim ?

anyone face similar situation ?
Old 30-07-2016, 08:08 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
It could possibly that germs and bacteria spread to me after doing things like bbbj and assrim ?
Quite possible due to that
Old 31-07-2016, 01:09 AM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
Hi guys, wonder how many of you have always got some kind of sore throat a few days after frenching with the WLs. (in geylang legal houses)

It could possibly that germs and bacteria spread to me after doing things like bbbj and assrim ?

anyone face similar situation ?
I think you are over thinking things. It could be that you were already falling sick to begin with.
Old 31-07-2016, 02:38 AM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
Hi guys, wonder how many of you have always got some kind of sore throat a few days after frenching with the WLs. (in geylang legal houses)

It could possibly that germs and bacteria spread to me after doing things like bbbj and assrim ?

anyone face similar situation ?
The cold virus that causes sore throats is very contagious. You don't need to french someone in order to catch the bug.

A cough or a sneeze is all it takes as transmission can take place via a process known as droplet infection. You can also catch the cold virus by touching a contaminated surface then touching your eyes, nose or mouth. The cold virus can survive for up to 48 hours outside the body.
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Old 31-07-2016, 03:48 AM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

How a Common Cold Starts

You can catch it from another person who is infected with the virus. This usually happens if you touch a surface that has germs on it -- a computer keyboard, doorknob, or spoon, for example -- and then touch your nose or mouth. You can also catch it if you're near someone who is sick and sneezes into the air.

A cold begins when a virus attaches to the lining of your nose or throat. Your immune system -- the body's defense against germs -- sends out white blood cells to attack this invader. Unless you've had a run-in with that exact strain of the virus before, the initial attack fails and your body sends in reinforcements. Your nose and throat get inflamed and make a lot of mucus. With so much of your energy directed at fighting the cold virus, you're left feeling tired and miserable.

One myth that needs to get busted: Getting chilly or wet doesn't cause you to get sick. But there are things that make you prone to come down with a cold. For example, you're more likely to catch one if you're extremely tired, under emotional distress, or have allergies with nose and throat symptoms.
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Old 31-07-2016, 08:56 AM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

thanks bros, but i feel its too much of a coincident, like this year i got about 3 times, everytime its almost right after (1-2 days) frenching with some FLs.
Old 31-07-2016, 06:01 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Sometimes it is all in the mind. Another option is to stop frenching WLs.
Old 31-07-2016, 08:25 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

If it is just normal cold just take medicine will do. Nothing to worry about.
Old 31-07-2016, 11:42 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Originally Posted by blocky View Post
bro... for the next 3 times, do not french with them and see what happens
bro, with the same persons ? i might not rtf them again, nothing to do with the colds or whatever.

for those FLs that I can't manage to french, I can't rem getting any sore throats or whatever.

but if i dun french during a session, the mood is like 1/2 gone already.

but paying for the medication and having them is not fun at all.
Old 31-07-2016, 11:58 PM
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Originally Posted by gjlow View Post
Sometimes it is all in the mind. Another option is to stop frenching WLs.
Ya. Safety first.
Just focus on BJ & FJ w rubber.
Frenching is not full safe.
Old 01-08-2016, 05:47 AM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
bro, with the same persons ? i might not rtf them again, nothing to do with the colds or whatever.

for those FLs that I can't manage to french, I can't rem getting any sore throats or whatever.

but if i dun french during a session, the mood is like 1/2 gone already.

but paying for the medication and having them is not fun at all.
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Old 01-08-2016, 07:00 AM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

sounds like you are prone to having tonsillitis.
do u have it often without frenching?

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
Hi guys, wonder how many of you have always got some kind of sore throat a few days after frenching with the WLs. (in geylang legal houses)

It could possibly that germs and bacteria spread to me after doing things like bbbj and assrim ?

anyone face similar situation ?

Back in malaysiaaaaa.. Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu
please add my point if you can

disclaimer - i am a retired health care worker, helping out here only. if wrong info, dun blame me.
Old 01-08-2016, 02:25 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

Originally Posted by SBF-Man View Post
sounds like you are prone to having tonsillitis.
do u have it often without frenching?
not really. maybe once or twice a year ?
Old 01-08-2016, 03:42 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

bro if you have tonsillitis often then the problem could be with you
of course she would have a tonsillitis infection and pass it on to you as well..
if u have tonsillitis often, then u might want to consider tonsillectomy

btw, why would anyone french a lady who have suck so many cocks? the thought alone is enough to disgust me

Originally Posted by desmond_lee View Post
not really. maybe once or twice a year ?

Back in malaysiaaaaa.. Bersekutu Bertambah Mutu
please add my point if you can

disclaimer - i am a retired health care worker, helping out here only. if wrong info, dun blame me.
Old 01-08-2016, 04:24 PM
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Re: Sore throat after frenching WLs

No need french to get cold virus
just talk to them also can get if body is weak
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