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Damn! I missed a target today
Sorry bros if this seems like a pointless thread but I started this thread just to express my frustration. There is no sex described in this thread.
I was feeling hungry last night and so decided to go with my friend to Mr Bean(the one opposite Parklane) for supper. Upon reaching there, I saw 4 pretty ladies in their 30s sitting inside the cafe with a 40+ guy. So I thought ho say liao lah cos I like MILFs. If I parked there and sit beside my car, then it won't be so obvious that I am ogling at them. Furthermore, there were only 2 tables occupied and sitting at the other table were 2 cmi fat girls. And so I parked at the first lot when turning right into the small road. I think bros who have been there before will know what I mean. We purposely choose a table outside which faces them directly and we both sat down facing them. And so we ordered the food and scanned the ladies. 3 of them look like Mongolians and was not as pretty when I took a closer look. I could only guess cos I couldn't hear what language they were using because I was outside. The other one has the Japanese MILF kind of look. She has very nice-looking big eyes and her hair is brown, and permed with big curls. She got this classy look that I look for in women. But from the way she dress(purple tube top, black cardigan, black knee length skirt with a LV bag), I think she is local and she is the prettiest with the best body among them. Slim with B Cup boobs and ample butt flesh. Those Mongolian lookalikes were tall and quite big sized. So after checking her out, I decided to try to establish eye contact with her, but not with the 'tiko' look. Instead I put on the expressionless look cos normally women are turned off if you appear 'tiko'. She noticed me looking at her just a few secs before the food was served. Finally, our first eye contact lasted quite long, about 5 secs. I kept myself from being the first one to look away. After about 5 secs, she turned her attention to her friend as the friend was talking to her. My sitting position is such that the guy's back was directly facing me, and she was sitting to the right of him. She was facing me diagonally, but facing me more to her left side of her body. After our first eye contact, I just couldn't resist looking at her because I found her to be very attractive and also to try see whether there is any response or not. So started eating while looking at her occasionally and talked to my friend. His taste is quite different from mine. He doesn't like MILFs and prefers cute type of SYTs. "Eh this black one good leh. Lau chio my type leh." "Where got swee? Some more the table so many people... Got guy also... How you want to sian?" Actually I shouldn't call them lau chio cos I'm only younger than them by a few years. I'm already 29 this year. Anyway, his last question got me thinking... Since I started eating till I finished, she had caught me looking at her with eye contact about 7 or 8 times and it became the time became increasingly longer to break eye contact. This was not including a few times when I turned away pretending to look at other things when she caught me looking. I could tell from her eyes that her interest is growing and that I had caught her attention. Finally she gave me a positive signal. A half-forced but definitely interested smile. One thing I like and noticed about women in their 30s is that most of them know how to show their interest to a guy who is interested or not interested in them and the right signals to give a guy to encourage him. I guess its due to their experience. "Ho say liao lah" I thought. Time to put my plan into action. I began waiting for the right moment to execute Plan A. It took less than a min for her eye to turn back to mine. A sec after our eyes met, I stood up, pushed back the chair and walked inside the restaurant to the toilet. I had made sure that eye contact was maintained from the time I stood up, until I started to walk so that she would know that I was going somewhere. She would know that I was going to the toilet because there was a large mirror on the wall which reflected the path to the toilet. And she was facing the mirror from her seat. There are 2 toilets there. 1 male and 1 female toilet. There was someone in the ladies and the gents' door was open with no one inside. I went inside the gents and peed. Just when I started peeing, I heard the door opening and 2 sets of footsteps. 1 going in and 1 going out. Shit! I must be fast but my bladder is very full cos I had not peed in a few hrs. It took about a whole min for me to finish. It was about 20 secs after she went in did I hear again the sound of door opening and footsteps walking away. Fcuk I didn't even hear the sound of running water from the tap next door which means she didn't even wash her hands. Aiyoh I missed the chance liao. I was still peeing halfway through when this was happening. Bo bian LL went out and sat down. My friend then said, "Eh just now you go toilet got bump into her or not? After you went awhile, she also go. Can tell she confirm interested leh. How? You got talk to her? Get number already?" I told him, "Knn she go in about 20 secs come out already. I was halfway through peeing. You expect me to open the door and ask her wait meh? Later see got any chance or not lor. If no chance, later when she leaves, I will follow her to wherever she goes, then approach her lor." So I turned my head away from my friend and continue to look at her. This time it was me who was turning to meet her eyes. I didn't expect that cos I was still sore that I missed a chance and was quite taken aback. Guessed she must have noticed it and gave me an embarrassed giggle. Then I noticed one her female friends smoking inside the restaurant and I asked the waitress why she can smoke inside. The waitress said that the guy with them is the boss of the restaurant. From what I noticed, I think that one of the other women with them seems to be more close with the boss as they share more physical contact. I think maybe his wife or FB lor. There were no physical contact between my target and the boss, so I think it probably won't affect me. During the time after the toilet incident until when she is about to leave, we still maintained eye contact and occasionally, smiles were exchanged. Her interest is definitely growing. When she started getting up from to leave, Tired and pek chek liao To be continued.... |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
Good Luck. Waiting for the next instalment
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Re: Damn! I missed a target today
waiting for more
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
camping liao...
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
Another great story coming up........setting camp here liao .
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Re: Damn! I missed a target today
hope campsite not too crowded.
mr bean...many 'differ' dishes there to bio wan, esp wkend early nite usually after my dota session in d past, beside mr bean, will sit there TCSS wif my bros and bio dem ![]()
Chelsea, the blues ----------------------------------------------------- hope is the worst of all evil |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
yo bro Rexell, great story man.. keep it comin yo..
Just a nice & friendly guy here... |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
Another new camper just joined
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
going Mr bean for coffee
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Re: Damn! I missed a target today
Great story. Keep posting, hope the ending is good.
A Big Thank You To All Who Up Me. Glad You Benefitted From My Contribution. Kindly Leave Your Nick Behind, You Will Never Be Forgotten. I Believe In Sharing. ![]() |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
Thks for the encouragement. Pls ignore the last 3 lines. I will continue from here. Hope you guys like it. Then I noticed that one of her female friends is smoking inside the restaurant and I asked the waitress why can she smoke inside. The waitress told us that the guy with them is the boss of the restaurant. From what I noticed, I think that one of the other women with them seems to be more close with the boss as they share more physical contact. I think maybe his wife or FB lor. There were no physical contact between my target and the boss, so I think it probably won't affect me. I was really interested in her too, and so I told myself that I would and had to approach her tonight. Even if she rejected me, I wouldn't feel so bad because, at least I had tried. The tension loosened up a bit after I came back from the toilet. I could tell by the way she smiled and the frequency of exchanging smiles and eye contact also increased. She began to look over more often and she would hold her gaze longer. Her smile also became more natural and relaxed. I think I can best describe her smile as those with a bit of embarrassment, but yet interested with a little naughty hint. There were 2 times when I tried to give her a signal that her friends are in the way for me to approach her by looking at her friend for a sec and then back at her and then repeated it again during the time when we had eye contact. I think she understood what I was trying to say but she didn't do anything and just hold her gaze and broaden into an even more naughtier and embarassed smile. I told myself I had to come up with another plan and so Plan B was conceived. Meanwhile, I was taking care to ensure that eye contact is maintained with her whenever possible and exchanging smiles in order to maintain her interest. I always hate to have to come up with a Plan B cos Plan B to me is a means of desperate or a last resort kind of plan(haha guess I watched too much movie). Anyway, Plan B is just like what I had said earlier. The plan was to follow her until she alights from the boss's car when she leaves and I will approach her and tell her "Hi, my name is XXX. Sorry for following you all the way to your house(if she goes home). But its just that... (pause) I have not done many things that I should have done and I don't want this to be another thing that I regret not doing. I mean no harm towards you and I think that there is... (pause) chemistry between us. Erm... Would you like to have dinner with me tomorrow?/Can I see you again?" Actually, I think this approach is not very effective as it is too direct and might seem aggressive but I can only come up with this idea if I have to follow her home. Bo bian lah As I said, Plan B is a kind of desperate measure. It would be easier if I met her during the toilet trip as there are many topics I could use to strike a conversation casually e.g "How's the food? What dish did you order? Are you local? You have a very nice smile." However, there was also a possibility that I might be discovered while following them as I had to stop when someone gets out of the car. And the first person to alight might not be her. All I could do about this was not to stop too close to the car. Another possibility is that she might be living in a condo or apartment where there are guards around and I will not be able to reach the place where she alights. This is a high possibility as she has a kind of "rich" look around her. I guess there wasn't much choice for me and so I decided to take things as they come. It was funny that all this while(about an hr), neither of her friends had noticed our eye flirtations. Finally, I think her friends must have noticed her smiling at the window because she didn't seem to smile as 'tactically" as before. This was because when the guy was talking to her and she was replying, her eyes were on me and smiling at me. My guess is that they knew what was going on but they acted as if nothing happened and didn't look at who she was smiling at. Finally, I saw them getting up to leave. My friend said "Eh they are going off already. I thought you wanted to follow her?" "Wait. I want to see which way they are heading." So I continued looking at them. All five of them headed for the door nearer to the main road instead of the carpark. They stopped just before opening the door standing there to talk to the staff for a while. While standing there, she smiled at me a few times. Now the more she smile, the more I gan jeong. Fuck I didn't expect them to take a cab since the waitress told me the guy was the boss. So I assumed that he owned a car. It is quite the norm for bosses to have a car right? I got worried because my car is still parked in the small road and it is a 1-way road. I wouldn't make it in time if I took the only route, which is to make a big turn from Strand Hotel to the old museum and then back to Parklane. If I reversed my car out through the small road which I came in, then I would have to park it along the main road and it would be too obvious which might scare them later on when I follow them. Furthermore, there was a taxi parked just before the turn into the small road making the reverse even more obvious and at the same time, dangerous. Last thing I want is an accident and so I brushed the thought away. They started to walk out the door. She let them walk first and she was the last to leave. Before walking through the door, she paused below the door gave me a last smile and this smile was the one that showed the most interest and was also the most natural I had seem from her. She was out the door moment she broke eye contact. I told my friend to leave now and we got in the car and I drove to the empty diagonal lots in front as I was able to see which cab they got into from there. Although it wasn't very clear since it was quite far, I could see 5 of them standing there and a MPV cab arrived, followed by a black cab behind. From point of view, I could only see the bonnet of the black cab. The 3 Mongolian lookalikes boarded the MPV cab and it drove off, leaving the guy and the Jap MILF behind. And then they moved behind to where the black cab was and I didn't saw who got in the cab, but I had to assume that she boarded it since there were only 2 tables occupied and 1 table had already left earlier. So it must be her or the guy or both of them in the cab. I saw the black cab moving off and I stepped on the accelerator and saw that the traffic lights in front of me was red. I wanted to just drive through since there was no camera but I had to be sure that wasn't any incoming car on the right. So I beat the red light and turned left, stopped at the main road traffic light and started looking for the black cab. Those fuckin 2 secs wasted checking for cabs cause me to lose track of which cab she was in when I turned my head back again. I think God played a prank on me by giving me 3 black cabs to choose. One turning left from the main road at Parklane into Mt Sophia and two heading straight to Serangoon direction. I didn't saw the cab which the MILF was on change lanes when they are moving off and so I gave up the Mt Sophia choice. When the light became I floored the accelerator until I managed to catch up with both of the cabs. To my horror, God is playing another fuckin prank on me again. ![]() I must decide fast or else I won't be able to even see inside one of the cabs and so I chose to turn left. I caught up with the cab and looked inside and the passenger wasn't her. So I quickly made a U-turn at the junction to KK hospital, full throttled and continued turning into Serangoon. I sped at 120km/h till I reached MacPherson and only found 1 black cab on the way which my friend told me the passenger inside was an Ah Ma. ![]() Then my friend told me that maybe she never got in the cab and that she waited for her friends to leave before going back into the restaurant because he could tell that she was very interested. Since there was a still a possibility, I sped back to the restaurant as I was really interested and wasn't going to let go of any opportunity of finding her. I drove very slowly when I turned into the main road at Parklane hoping to catch any signs of her but to no avail. I even drove into the small road and scanned both the front and rear of the restaurant. I was then already feeling that I wasn't going to find her after all the effort. After that I went and made a drive up Mt Sophia to search for her. I already know it will be pointless since she couldn't possibly have stayed outside the house without any reason. |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
On my way home, I began to think... I really think it's wasted... I never expected her to smile at me because she looks like a woman who will turn away if she sees a guy smiling at her. My intention at the start was just to ogle at her, but towards the end, she smiled at me more than I smiled at her. And you can feel from the smile that she is genuinely interested and trying to give you stronger encouragement to approach her.
IMHO, its not everyday that we come across people who are interested in each other, or rather click with just eye contact by bioing each other the first time they meet. I have came across these kind of situations quite a number of times before in my life and you can actually feel the attraction level which can vary from strong to weak. I think the ladies call this "chemistry" right? I think its a waste because I think I can feel that her attraction for me is quite strong. I apologise if I sound quite self-centered or arrogant but I am just trying to share what I feel and I have no intention of bragging or showing off. I think sometimes, even if the person is interested in you, he/she might not show or know how to show their interest. In fact, I know quite a few guys who are so embarassed when a girl tries to establish eye contact with them that they just look anywhere except at the girl. I am rather confident that I can get the relationship to develop further if I am just given a chance to talk to her, be it a fling, an affair or even a serious relationship. But alas, God or whatever loves playing tricks on me and I felt like being cockteased by them. And so I returned home feeling anger, disappointment and frustration. And that's the reason why I started this thread. I purposely went to Mr Bean again just now for supper hoping to run into her again, but I didn't catch any glimpse of her and went back at around 3am. And so, I think I can consider this the end of the Mr Bean story unless I get to run into her again, which is a one in a million chance. ![]() ![]() Speaking of cockteasing, recently I was seriously cockteased by a girl at MOS about half a month ago. This girl is a tall girl with a height of about 1.75m minimum. B cup boobs, but her main asset is her ass, which is jacked up with a generous amount of tight ass-cheeks' meat. Also comes with a small waist and hip bone width that is just nice so you can grab her waist as a handle from behind. Anyway, this girl really made me damn pissed off. I will try to write if you bros here are interested in this story. Although it is not story with a happy ending, I still hope you bros enjoyed what I have written. Cheers |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
actually whats the moral of the story man?
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Re: Damn! I missed a target today
IMHO, you should abandon Plan B when she was going out the front door. You might as well follow them to the front door and act based on situation. Asked your friend to drive your car to the front door instead.
Think if the girl is interested in you, she will let the others get up the cab first and go for the second cab. That is the best time to approach her and say, "Hi" and probably can offer her a ride, as your friend is driving your car out from the car park. But anyway, in actual situation we always reacted differently. ![]() |
Re: Damn! I missed a target today
i didn't think about that when I started the thread. i started it cos i felt frustrated and so took it out on writing. and since i have already started the story, i might as well finish it.
hmm... now when i think about it, lol maybe the moral of the story is to hold your pee until you get the contact if you are caught in this kind of situation. |
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