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Old 05-03-2007, 01:06 PM
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Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Dear forummers,

I just got news from my Hong Konger friend who told me he was almost arrested in Chang Ping.

The situation is getting terrible there each day since the Chinese New Year. There has been dailty checks at saunas, even at 5 stars hotels.

The streets are filled with undercover Kong An at night and they will arrest you if they suspect you are with a prositute or calling a prostitue.

Feedback or confirmation from other forummers would be greatly appreciated.

Please be careful!
Old 05-03-2007, 01:25 PM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Errr, I think your friend Kiasi lah. Check the CP thread, where got such things. Next time no need to start new thread for false alarm leh.
GD is Paradise
Guangzhou, Dongguan, ZhuHai, ChangPing, Qiaotao, DanShui, Huizhou
Old 06-03-2007, 12:36 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert


From the Hkey ....they are the most paranoid kind around....may be kenna poisoned by their media.....

We were in CP fm last Thursday till even now...there are still quite a number of bros...partying in CP.... We didnt see any problem at all.....

Last Friday, i got a grp of 5 Hkey personal friends of mine who joined us at the KTV in Jiayi..we ll having hell of a great time. morning when they went back to HK, two of them sms ed me and "sincerely" told me not to drink too much at the they feel that the drinks there is "not" genuine even the beers, one of them said. I believe their we hv known each other for more than ten years and on very good terms. i know they are doing it out from their heart....

But how they hell they can claimed its NOT genuine when i know they r not season drinker ? and that night they ll drinking whisky mixed wif green tea.....
They also didnt touched the bottle.... Paranoid is the only thing i can think of.... Many of us hv drank excessively that night...but no hang over at all the next day..... The oly answer i can think of is their "paranoid" attitude...

In CP, the 40/20 couples are all over every streets corners, shops, hotels, cafe , restaurants etc.....Can the gong an arrest them ALL ??? The whole town ll cum to a haunt if they do. 90% of the businesses ll closed down who can afford that ?

Haha...seeing is believing.....

Cheers, relax and have fun.....

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Old 06-03-2007, 12:42 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert


Thanks for the reassurances!!!!

In any case, it does pay to be careful right?

retired but sometimes active!
Old 06-03-2007, 02:25 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by chonburiboy View Post
The situation is getting terrible there each day since the Chinese New Year. There has been dailty checks at saunas, even at 5 stars hotels.

The streets are filled with undercover Kong An at night and they will arrest you if they suspect you are with a prositute or calling a prostitue.
Raid since CNY? I was not awared of such raid leh...cos I was there since 15 Feb till 25 Feb where partying in grp of 5 or 6 bros and even went to play fireworks and firecracker during that period. Maybe I was lucky enough, I did not encountered any raid in ktv or foot massage that I patronised. Besides that, not just me, bro Tirak99 and bro RAW100 were also with me too. Cheers...
Old 06-03-2007, 02:42 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

No leh, it is very easy to spot or "suspect" if you are calling or with a chicken. If you see one fat or bald old man with a very young girl with heavy make up, at least 99% he is with a chicken.

The Kong An in China don't talk law one, they really can arrest you with no reason. esp. foreigners. Foreigners like Taiwan kia and Singapore lang pay alot of get out of their jails.

Lim peh last Dec in ShenZhen heng heng saw a parade of botaks covering their faces on the street and there are some girls too. The kong an are reading out their names.

Lim peh think this time is pretty serious after the Taiwan kia spoiled the market at the Hui-XX Hotel.

Last week went to CP, the hair salons and the chicken farms all very quiet. They probably heard the wind that something big is coming..

Originally Posted by Sinoview View Post
In CP, the 40/20 couples are all over every streets corners, shops, hotels, cafe , restaurants etc.....Can the gong an arrest them ALL ??? .....
Old 06-03-2007, 11:32 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

I am all for low profile cheonging, but there is a fine line between paranoia and being careful...

And you also cannot generalise that all couples who are bald and with a woman with thick makeup are a chicken and customer...

JUst always remember that you are in a foreign country and respect the people around you, especially the locals
PRC always make us think we are special, the moment we believe them is when we are the one getting fcked
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Old 06-03-2007, 02:06 PM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by KLKOOL View Post
I am all for low profile cheonging, but there is a fine line between paranoia and being careful...

And you also cannot generalise that all couples who are bald and with a woman with thick makeup are a chicken and customer...

JUst always remember that you are in a foreign country and respect the people around you, especially the locals
Well said bro, totally agree. Respect is important, it get things done a lot easier and a lot of unnecessary hassle avoided.
Old 06-03-2007, 04:16 PM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by Sinoview View Post

From the Hkey ....they are the most paranoid kind around....may be kenna poisoned by their media.....

We were in CP fm last Thursday till even now...there are still quite a number of bros...partying in CP.... We didnt see any problem at all.....

Last Friday, i got a grp of 5 Hkey personal friends of mine who joined us at the KTV in Jiayi..we ll having hell of a great time. morning when they went back to HK, two of them sms ed me and "sincerely" told me not to drink too much at the they feel that the drinks there is "not" genuine even the beers, one of them said. I believe their we hv known each other for more than ten years and on very good terms. i know they are doing it out from their heart....

But how they hell they can claimed its NOT genuine when i know they r not season drinker ? and that night they ll drinking whisky mixed wif green tea.....
They also didnt touched the bottle.... Paranoid is the only thing i can think of.... Many of us hv drank excessively that night...but no hang over at all the next day..... The oly answer i can think of is their "paranoid" attitude...

In CP, the 40/20 couples are all over every streets corners, shops, hotels, cafe , restaurants etc.....Can the gong an arrest them ALL ??? The whole town ll cum to a haunt if they do. 90% of the businesses ll closed down who can afford that ?

Haha...seeing is believing.....

Cheers, relax and have fun.....
HI Bro,

Well said.........................................Cheer s
Old 06-03-2007, 04:38 PM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by KLKOOL View Post
I am all for low profile cheonging, but there is a fine line between paranoia and being careful...

And you also cannot generalise that all couples who are bald and with a woman with thick makeup are a chicken and customer...

JUst always remember that you are in a foreign country and respect the people around you, especially the locals
Wise Words.... I always believe in not beening too ya-ya esp in a foreign land. U are after all a guest and also an ambassor for ur own country. Treat others w RESPECT and u will get back in kind.
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 06-03-2007, 05:12 PM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime View Post
Wise Words.... I always believe in not beening too ya-ya esp in a foreign land. U are after all a guest and also an ambassor for ur own country. Treat others w RESPECT and u will get back in kind.
hail the wise men n their Wise words ......kowtao
Every day is a enjoy every minute of it....
Old 07-03-2007, 01:41 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by Optimus_Prime View Post
Wise Words.... I always believe in not beening too ya-ya esp in a foreign land. U are after all a guest and also an ambassor for ur own country. Treat others w RESPECT and u will get back in kind.

Is that why you always like to bow to the PRC ... I think you will like china... and the PRC will definitely like u... they save money no need to look for gigolo liao... hahahahaha
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Old 07-03-2007, 04:49 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Whether I generalise or not is not important because I am not the one doing the arresting.

To the Kong An, Singapore lang like you and I are fat sheep to them. You can debate your "wise words" to them not to generalise you when you are in their jail. Also, you wouldn't be considered paranoid if you are arrested and cut botak then pay a few thousand S$ to get out of the Chinese jail.

Originally Posted by KLKOOL View Post
I am all for low profile cheonging, but there is a fine line between paranoia and being careful...

And you also cannot generalise that all couples who are bald and with a woman with thick makeup are a chicken and customer...

JUst always remember that you are in a foreign country and respect the people around you, especially the locals
Old 07-03-2007, 09:08 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by GD_Paradise View Post
Is that why you always like to BLOW the PRC ... I think you will like china... and the PRC will definitely like u... they save money no need to look for gigolo liao... hahahahaha
Let me correct the statement u write a bit... U missed a "L"
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
Old 07-03-2007, 09:09 AM
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Re: Warning: Chang Ping Kong An RAID alert

Originally Posted by AHGONG View Post
hail the wise men n their Wise words ......kowtao
All hail the ULITMATE AH BENG !!!!!!
I don't know why we hang on to something we know we are better off letting go.

lt's like we are scared to lose what we really don't have.

I once thought I rather have something than nothing at all, but the truth is..... To have something halfway is so fucking harder than having nothing at all.
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