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Old 25-08-2018, 07:29 PM
outonbail outonbail is offline
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If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

why people choose FL instead?
Old 26-08-2018, 06:48 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

Originally Posted by outonbail View Post
why people choose FL instead?
As the argument goes, FLs tends to be younger and prettier therefore more ex .... comments vary with individual.

But service wise .... problematic and sometime not worth the risk .... again comments vary with individual.
Old 26-08-2018, 07:36 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

Originally Posted by outonbail View Post
why people choose FL instead?
are you talking about yourself?
you did a survey on the majority?

there are ppl who like window shopping and others who like online shopping

going to a legal house is very different than meeting a FL at the hotel (or other locations)

its just a matter of preference...
Old 26-08-2018, 09:43 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

hmm I wouldn't take the risk for FLs, although they can be prettier
but service-wise... can be pretty annoying when they can't do this can't do that
Rather window shop at GL and "what you see is what you get"
Old 27-08-2018, 02:00 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

some of my friends find risky sex more exciting
Old 27-08-2018, 08:29 PM
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Angry Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

My last straw on FL was this gal have body odor and her service attitude is real bad , When finish the deed she even don't allow me to shower and rush me out cos the next customer is waiting nearby the whole session end less than 30mins
Old 27-08-2018, 08:53 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

For me, the last time I tried online FL was three years ago. Although it was cheaper than legal WL, I found that I was seriously shortchanged every time in terms of services and looks. It was then that I decided to quit FL and go for legal WLs for the usually better service.

However, my favourite period of cheonging was when I started back in 2006 during the PRC streetwalker days. Average price was $60 then with additional $10 for hotel charge for one hour. I can scout around and see the girls before I try them. Most of the girls then gave good service and knew how to treat customers well to keep them as regulars. I also remembered helping a few of them to advertise in this very forum by creating threads in the FL section. Just can't understand why the FLs nowadays don't have basic customer service like their predecessors, yet they are still in business till now.
Old 27-08-2018, 09:35 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

i dont believe much about cleanliness...
even with the check ups, we all know that many WL and many bros does raw...
how many WL has been sent back or get warning due to breaking rules?

i have also met FL who are very hygienic

once you decide to come out and play... no guarantee safe...

if you have find many WL, you are bond to encounter the best and the worst ones.
same goes to FL...

and if you havent, that means you didnt find enuff yet

in the end its just luck

to me, its still preference. i switch between different playgrounds all the time
Old 28-08-2018, 02:28 AM
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Originally Posted by dbhh View Post
For me, the last time I tried online FL was three years ago. Although it was cheaper than legal WL, I found that I was seriously shortchanged every time in terms of services and looks. It was then that I decided to quit FL and go for legal WLs for the usually better service.

However, my favourite period of cheonging was when I started back in 2006 during the PRC streetwalker days. Average price was $60 then with additional $10 for hotel charge for one hour. I can scout around and see the girls before I try them. Most of the girls then gave good service and knew how to treat customers well to keep them as regulars. I also remembered helping a few of them to advertise in this very forum by creating threads in the FL section. Just can't understand why the FLs nowadays don't have basic customer service like their predecessors, yet they are still in business till now.
Hit-and-run or fly-by-night businesses do not need good customer service or good products.
They just need to con you once and disappear.
Olden days these girls can stay longer and more frequent hence they position for recurring business. Some might even be looking for sugar daddy or be mistress.
My two cents.
Old 28-08-2018, 11:31 AM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

I go FL only for the cuisine that I can't get at GL. e.g. If I wanted Indonesian, SG Chinese/Malay, or Ang Moh.
Old 28-08-2018, 02:47 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

Online FL
Some FL is cheaper at sgd120
FL you get a different environment...
You get to view photo but real person can be +-

you get to date FL but not GL WL(at least not officially)

after session, supper... with drink and some chemistry...the experience is more GFE...

and like one bro mentioned... what you cunt get in GL
But watch out though if if have at least identification paper....
Old 28-08-2018, 03:05 PM
pervertsia pervertsia is offline
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

For me i prefer FL, even though i do go GL at times. This are my take on FL (thai) and GL.

Pros of FL :
The session is not rush.
More than 1 shot, so it doesnt matter sometimes if you cant perform up to standard
You can take your time to bonk and also talk to the fl after the session.
She is only her for a short time
I feel more easier to kc them and can exchange line and meet up after the go back. (I am friends with some FL)

Cons of FL :
Most pic too much Photoshop liao
Stats posted by OKT may not be true
Some FL are preimum price but not premium quality
No routine check up

Pros of GL :
Just walk out if your desire girl is unavailable, alot of houses within walkable distance
If you built up rapport with this girl, most of the time the service will still be awesome, if not better (still thinking of ice 2030g8)
Girls got routine check up so its safer

Cons of GL :
Too rush, always cannot complete within given timeframe and need to add session.
If you already built up rapport with this girl and try another girl from the same house, that built up rapport gone to waste
Always can see alot of bro waiting together. Abit malu and pai seh.
If ang pai be prepared for a fking long waiting time even though you make a trip there liao
Always got last time ppl add another session. Sometimes have to rush back so i waited for nothing.

Well all this is my 2 cents. Maybe my cons may be your pros. Whatever you choice just have fun can liao.
Old 28-08-2018, 06:22 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

I have my fair share of Geylang girls and FL for the past 13 years or so. Personally, I prefer FL over geylang. I simply dislike walking shop to shop finding a suitable girl. I did have a few good memories in geylang.

My concern is more towards privacy (usually contact OKT wechat or line and NEVER my mobile numbers) and I prefer apartment more homely feeling. FL service is a gamble, I encountered very bad ones but also extremely awesome ones.

I traveled alot in ASEAN and usually I will keep their contacts and if they are available I will meet up with those FLs. Usually GFE even higher, more towards friends than just business. Just quote 3 examples in the past

(1) Thai Lady A from FL stable - Met her a few times and on one occasion I asked her to stay with me for 4 days. Went to shopping, club, drinking and etc... Fucked the brain out of her, probably like 8-10 times in 4 days? End of the trip, she didn't expect me to pay her as we are more like friends but I still paid her $4,000 baht for her time and if I add up everything probably another $6,000 baht for the rest of the stuff? She no longer working as a FL, working in a travel agency. Occasionally we still contact.

(2) Thai Lady B from FL stable - Knew her for many years, still contact up to today. Only bonked her twice as she more towards a deadfish and doesnt like BBBJ but she is pretty, chatty, model figure, working as a model then and owes a restaurant in her hometown now. Very outgoing and sweet personality, we could chit chat for hours... I proposed her for 4 days trip to pattaya next year, she agrees with it...see how

(3) Indo mixed malay-chinese Lady C from local pub - One of the best memories I had, sweet syt looks and slim figure back then. Probably bonked her at least 30 times, initial was protected sex but later all raw hardcore sex.. Willing to do anything I asked her to do excluding AJ as she is very small size. Married many years back, now with a 7 years old daughter. Hubby comes to Singapore 1-2 every year for work and some times will bring her along. 2 years back, met her a MBS for a drink while her husband at a work meeting... End up in her hotel room for a hardcore sex....

All 3 no longer in the FL line... I just feel compared to geylang and FL the feeling is different on how I met them. One in the fishtank and the other in a room more like friend. I never contacted any girls working geylang even after they left nor did I took their numbers.

For me, even geylang is cheaper I still prefer FL. Another thing is all 3 can come in Singapore no issues, not sure about geylang I not first 2 years cannot come back.

I haven't meet geylang with the same quality as this 3 in looks and body. I mean if they got standard, they dont even need to work in Geylang.

I still have a few FLs I still contact on and off, usually those i bonk more than twice. Chemistry is there.... just personal preference la not the money issue.

Last edited by Marlborolights; 28-08-2018 at 06:50 PM.
Old 28-08-2018, 06:49 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

Originally Posted by Marlborolights View Post

I haven't meet geylang with the same quality as this 3 in looks and body. I mean if they got standard, they dont even need to work in Geylang.
Some of your points are legitimate but I don't agree with you on this. Its quite unfair to say that because it implies Geylang is the bottom of the barrel which is totally not true.

Like FL (and life in general) there are the good and the bad. It would greatly depend on where you go, personally I feel cat 150 have a better standard of girls, unfortunately that cat is mostly locked to PRC. This is not to say cat40/50 are trash tier because most thai WL are in that cat and there are plenty of good thai angpais.
Old 28-08-2018, 07:58 PM
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Re: If Geylang is cheaper than FL & is legal

bro dbhh

up you 14 points.

Originally Posted by dbhh View Post
For me, the last time I tried online FL was three years ago. Although it was cheaper than legal WL, I found that I was seriously shortchanged every time in terms of services and looks. It was then that I decided to quit FL and go for legal WLs for the usually better service.

However, my favourite period of cheonging was when I started back in 2006 during the PRC streetwalker days. Average price was $60 then with additional $10 for hotel charge for one hour. I can scout around and see the girls before I try them. Most of the girls then gave good service and knew how to treat customers well to keep them as regulars. I also remembered helping a few of them to advertise in this very forum by creating threads in the FL section. Just can't understand why the FLs nowadays don't have basic customer service like their predecessors, yet they are still in business till now.
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