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FL Dome 1 - The Land of Smiles comes to You Freelancers are not subject to the mandatory health checks that are required of registered sex workers that operate in designated red light areas. They operate illegally outside of the system put in place to curb the spread of STDs. Proceed at your own risk.

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Old 15-05-2007, 08:57 AM
camelot camelot is offline
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Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by ken_lin96
hi bro. im interested in her. can make arrangement for me?
tks bro

You must be from AV. Between 2.38am and 4.48am today you made 50 posts asking for contact arrangements. No previous posting history. Get more professional lah to justify the pay increase you will be getting...this MO will not work!

All 50 posts were immediately deleted after he was exposed. How is this possible unless some SBF moderator did it? Or is AV's IT department so skilful that it can hack into SBF?
Old 15-05-2007, 09:05 AM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Fantastic piece of detective work bro camelot!

The joker's even so desp. that in one or more of his posts he declares he is willing to pay above market rate for intro to the fl. Jeeez!
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Old 15-05-2007, 09:13 AM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

AV is trying all ways to hack into SBF. boss has to take care of the server.
Old 15-05-2007, 10:25 AM
laodi123456789 laodi123456789 is offline
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Come on, no need to make up conspiracy theories here. Boss Sam probably deleted ken lin for violating some SBF policy. It doesn't matter if the guy is an OKT or not. Many OKT already post here yet AV/Sam didn't delete them
Old 15-05-2007, 11:01 PM
tobi69 tobi69 is offline
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by ken_lin96
hi bro. im interested in her. can make arrangement for me?
tks bro

You must be from AV. Between 2.38am and 4.48am today you made 50 posts asking for contact arrangements. No previous posting history. Get more professional lah to justify the pay increase you will be getting...this MO will not work! Quote


Wahhh....if this MR Ken is so desperate can always go geylang mah...
UpList..:PM me if u up my points..

Bros that i have not up...pls be patience....tks
Old 15-05-2007, 11:02 PM
tobi69 tobi69 is offline
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Sorie Double post.......
UpList..:PM me if u up my points..

Bros that i have not up...pls be patience....tks
Old 15-05-2007, 11:30 PM
camelot camelot is offline
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by laodi123456789 View Post
Come on, no need to make up conspiracy theories here. Boss Sam probably deleted ken lin for violating some SBF policy. It doesn't matter if the guy is an OKT or not. Many OKT already post here yet AV/Sam didn't delete them
Dun think he is an OKT or a number collector. Most likely a newbie AV fishing for tel no for entrapment ops or for blacklisting by ICA for SVP. AV can get registrant's details from telco.

Re your comment " Many OKT already post here yet AV/Sam didn't delete them " a bit puzzling. Do you mean AV can moderate posts in SBF? Scary huh...
Old 15-05-2007, 11:36 PM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Probably just another number collector. maybe he sells the numbers
Old 15-05-2007, 11:49 PM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Mate don't think too much into things. Not everything has a conspiracy behind them.

Its not easy to get contacts here especially for newbies. Its actually quite common for some newbie to hit several different threads and hope that one will nap him some contacts. Its not unseen or unheard of.

Moreover your theory is rather to put it nicely has a few holes. Why would AVs wanna go through so much trouble? It don't take much efforts to join any OKT groups (your sbf nick and number is all that is needed).

You can be sure that this forum is monitored. You can also be sure that occationally there will be raids on your favourate spot. And it take resource to organise a full raid, and no AV is going waste resourse to just catch you whoring.

AND all web forums are possible to hacked, ever heard of "page injecting"? But its a lot more troublesome to hack even a moderately secured webhost.

Peace, and do take it easy aye? Not everyone is out there to catch us.

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Old 15-05-2007, 11:59 PM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by Ethanas View Post
Mate don't think too much into things. Not everything has a conspiracy behind them.

Its not easy to get contacts here especially for newbies. Its actually quite common for some newbie to hit several different threads and hope that one will nap him some contacts. Its not unseen or unheard of.

Moreover your theory is rather to put it nicely has a few holes. Why would AVs wanna go through so much trouble? It don't take much efforts to join any OKT groups (your sbf nick and number is all that is needed).

You can be sure that this forum is monitored. You can also be sure that occationally there will be raids on your favourate spot. And it take resource to organise a full raid, and no AV is going waste resourse to just catch you whoring.

AND all web forums are possible to hacked, ever heard of "page injecting"? But its a lot more troublesome to hack even a moderately secured webhost.

Peace, and do take it easy aye? Not everyone is out there to catch us.


I have to concur with bro Ethanas here! Well said bro!
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Old 16-05-2007, 12:14 AM
camelot camelot is offline
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by Ethanas View Post
Mate don't think too much into things. Not everything has a conspiracy behind them.

Moreover your theory is rather to put it nicely has a few holes. Why would AVs wanna go through so much trouble? It don't take much efforts to join any OKT groups (your sbf nick and number is all that is needed).

You can be sure that this forum is monitored. You can also be sure that occationally there will be raids on your favourate spot. And it take resource to organise a full raid, and no AV is going waste resourse to just catch you whoring.

Peace, and do take it easy aye? Not everyone is out there to catch us.

Tks for the enlightenment...agree that if AV are after OKT they can just bait them by posing as potential customer. In fact this was done recently! What I find strange is the effort to wipe out all the 50 posts. This doesn't seem the work of a newbie samster.

Of course if you are aware that there is a new chappie i/c of Police Intel at CID, you would not think it impossible that it is the work of AV. Agree too that it is not to curb whoring or to catch samsters > probably a focused rifle shot type exercise at bagging some visiting and resident FLs . As you say it takes too much resources to mount raids. And there are inevitably leakages of same beforehand so success is limited.
Old 16-05-2007, 12:26 AM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?


Regarding the wiping of the posts of that particular samster, you have to ask boss. He might be deleted for spamming. His post might be removed by moderators cleaning up the forum. Lots and lots of possibility.

Its possible to hack a website, but as you know SBF is hosted not in singapore. I do believe a warrant is needed to do anything more invasive. I expect Singapore to be quite lawful in that regards.

Its also possible to trace hackers these days and most ID device that most webhost has do detect illegal intrusions. I doubt that Singapore police force is that free or that stupid to do something like that. If they are really doing that then I seriously doubt its a wise use of our taxpayer money.

Like I say in my previous post, don't think too much into things mate.

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Old 17-05-2007, 03:21 PM
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Thumbs down Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Ken no brain lin96, i doubt anyone will pass u any more contacts. U've basically let the whole world know the OKT's contact number. U are what i call a 'shit for brains' kind of idiot!
Old 17-05-2007, 05:01 PM
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by enek View Post
Ken no brain lin96, i doubt anyone will pass u any more contacts. U've basically let the whole world know the OKT's contact number. U are what i call a 'shit for brains' kind of idiot!
This is why no one wants to pass him any more contacts
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Old 17-05-2007, 06:02 PM
tobi69 tobi69 is offline
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Re: Who is, and what happened to ken_lin96?

Originally Posted by ken_lin96 View Post
hello there.... i not wat trouble makers here

Hi not sure if this is ur FR or complain letter..but i think u should not have post the phone num......
UpList..:PM me if u up my points..

Bros that i have not up...pls be patience....tks
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