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The Legal Geylang (prostitute) Scene Had a great time with a government approved broad in Geylang? Tell us all about it! No FREELANCE crap here please. Legal commercial sex only. Threads about illegal Geylang whores carry a reputation point penalty.

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Old 13-07-2007, 04:36 PM
saint_sex saint_sex is offline
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China girls coming to Geylang

Hey bros, I was in Geylang last night & my regular girl told me that AV is interviewing china girls for service in Singapore. She was serious & quite upset with the competition that the china girls will bring. Personally, I think it's great. Anyone else heard the same story ?

Sorry, but I have to start a new thread because this doesn't fall under any of the exisiting threads.
Old 13-07-2007, 04:45 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

You should have post in this thread

There is no need to start a new thread talking about legal PRC working in legal house..
Pls dont up my points anymore
because I dont have time to log in SBF and repay you all.
Old 13-07-2007, 06:33 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Originally Posted by saint_sex View Post
Hey bros, I was in Geylang last night & my regular girl told me that AV is interviewing china girls for service in Singapore. She was serious & quite upset with the competition that the china girls will bring. Personally, I think it's great. Anyone else heard the same story ?

Its only a matter of time..... AV is losing the battle against these PRCs.
Heard the AV Ah Tao always kenna left right centre from the top guys over this PRC problem.
Old 14-07-2007, 12:34 AM
new_cummer new_cummer is offline
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Dun think the Prc problem can be solved by legalising the prc....cos how many prc can the AV take in...there are just too many and new ones keep coming in...those who dun get approval will still continue to fl...and it will probably be worst cos when prc hear the news of legalising them....more will flock here
Old 14-07-2007, 12:40 AM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Originally Posted by new_cummer View Post
Dun think the Prc problem can be solved by legalising the prc....cos how many prc can the AV take in...there are just too many and new ones keep coming in...those who dun get approval will still continue to fl...and it will probably be worst cos when prc hear the news of legalising them....more will flock here
totally agree. there is legalised cat40s and yet so much thai fls in back lanes. legalising them don't solve any problems
Old 14-07-2007, 12:58 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

i think it will solve the FL problem, at least for awhile lah....if it happens, people like us will rather pay $80 and visit the legal ones, right? So if demand drop, supply will slowly die off also. Even if dont, those illegal one will have to drop price or improve quality and/or service to win business, so it still to our advantage.......we should give more positive feed back to those AV that are reading this thread, encourage them to give out license lah (ASAP somemore), what have we got to lose? The more nationality the better. if can, AV give special invitation to invite Jap, Korean, Russian WL, even Jap AV actress to GL, "limited edition and limited period only", sure make one, all q up outside the house overnight to get a slot like mac donald selling hello kitty.....hahahah........otherwise, people like us will spend our hard earn S$ to cheong in Jap, Korea (got chance got $$ u sure will, right?) just to try original kimchi and Sushi, must as well keep this sum of $$ in Singapore, cheong ka spend more, OKT make more, buy more 4d, change new car, buy big house then singapore pool, car salesman, property agent all make and spend more $$........then singapore econ become even better isnt it? Decision maker, dont think liao, act fast, next year gov servant all bonus 10 month, sure!!!! kekekeke...

Increase both qty and quality of the WL, create competition for them, then more value for $$ to us.....Very honestly, i personally dont mind even paying slightly more (the best no need lah) if i can be assured of better quality and svc (and no need to wait so long if got many choice).....u guys will understand when come to my age lah....old liao, got heart no strength.........cham ah
Old 14-07-2007, 01:06 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

I have read somewhere on the AV procedures on allowing Thais and Malaysians to work in Singapore.

If using the same procedures, it will be difficult to allow the PRCs to come here. There are matters like VISA which Thais & M'sians don't need. Reason is the visa which is applied in their home country? How to put sex workers?

Also, when Thais & M'sians come to SG, they are interviewed by AV. They would be sent back by AV if AV just doesn't like them based on appearance. Wouldn't it be too costly for the PRCs?

My 2 cents worth.
Old 14-07-2007, 01:15 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post
I have read somewhere on the AV procedures on allowing Thais and Malaysians to work in Singapore.

If using the same procedures, it will be difficult to allow the PRCs to come here. There are matters like VISA which Thais & M'sians don't need. Reason is the visa which is applied in their home country? How to put sex workers?

Also, when Thais & M'sians come to SG, they are interviewed by AV. They would be sent back by AV if AV just doesn't like them based on appearance. Wouldn't it be too costly for the PRCs?

My 2 cents worth.
bro, leave that to AV lah, they will think of ways one......encourage them, we need china BMW, china Ben, china Yumi, china Wawa, china Mum Mum in GL......agreed not?
Old 16-07-2007, 01:46 PM
saint_sex saint_sex is offline
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Glad to get confirmation from the bros that AV is really trying to get the china girls to work in Singapore legally. So much better for everyone.

Since AV obviously reads all these posts, I hope they are getting the message that the faster they approve the girls, the faster they can get them off the streets.

I don't want to rush them by putting too much on their plate at the moment, but eventually, I hope they will also allow european, korean & other girls to work in Singapore legally. After all, these girls are already operating here (as everybody knows), so it is just a matter of "legalising" their status.
Old 17-07-2007, 08:28 AM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Originally Posted by Midnightiger View Post
Also, when Thais & M'sians come to SG, they are interviewed by AV. They would be sent back by AV if AV just doesn't like them based on appearance. Wouldn't it be too costly for the PRCs?

My 2 cents worth.
yes bro, i agree with you on this 1 of the important factor. i add 1 cent more to your saying.
Old 17-07-2007, 05:12 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Originally Posted by darzee View Post
bro, leave that to AV lah, they will think of ways one......encourage them, we need china BMW, china Ben, china Yumi, china Wawa, china Mum Mum in GL......agreed not?
Agreed bro, more variety. Just don't raise the price, Ha Ha Ha!
Old 20-07-2007, 11:54 AM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

I reckon it's good to create more competition for this trade. Afterall the FLs have affected business of legal house for years already. Guess they had enough and time to return a blow.

With competition, there will benefits for consumers. It could bring down the price of FLs, or it could increase the prices of legal houses. And on health matters, from what I know, legal houses have their WLs to go for checks and I believe we will feel safer to be served by legal houses WLs.

If AV is using this method to clam down on the numbers of PRC coming over, I doubt it will solve the problem. Demand and supply.

Well, I reckon alot of factors can be pros and cons.

Just my 2 cents.
Old 20-07-2007, 06:06 PM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

Originally Posted by starlike View Post
If the PRC are made legal, it will be good news for us, because the Thai WLs will have to up their service to compete with them. Then, the PRC see the Thai WLs so hardworking, they also must 'add oil' haha. So in the end, they all work harder, then we enjoy even more.

i always believed in, no competition there would be no room for improvement.
can imagine in the donkey years back.our subscription for HP is at least 40 bucks.But after M1 come into picture.ST started to reduce it to 28 or watever so. Cheers to the competitive they going to bring
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Old 21-07-2007, 01:32 AM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

best thing if this legalised prc thing is true will be that the fl prcs cannot charge 100+10 room anymore, they also have to bring it down to 80+10 room at best
Old 21-07-2007, 02:19 AM
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Re: China girls coming to Geylang

And i'm comtemplating to wat the CAT150 WLs will do
I personally hope they lower the damage
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