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Old 28-08-2007, 10:50 PM
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Being Love or Loved.

There is a old saying.....! That being love by someone is more fortunate than loving someone. Will the people who love you give you a better life?
How come loving someone is always hurting?

Personally, I encounter a incident that a man love his wife more than she love him.
She think that is better to find a man who love her more than she love him.
The fact is that she find such a man. But this man has a couple of habits (Heavy Drinking, Smoke & traffic "grass"), which she thinks that he will change after their marriage. (This man is tall & quite good-looking, which can charm women)
They get marriage and after that a child was born, the naive woman still think that after being a husband and father.
With the responsibility, the man will mend his way. But the reality of life proved her wrong; he did not only ever change he get worst. Drinking become more and more heavy, to the extend that he will broke up the house after getting drank.

After the birth of the child and being a father, instead of focusing his love and attention to his child. He continuous to drink and once he even give his child a scare when he broke down in front of his child after getting drank.
And he self confess to her wife that he love his wife more than his own child.

Being his wife, must always take care of him in wee hours cos he will be drank, vomit and throw out in the house. Cos he will be drinking into the wee hours before going home.

Until today, he still stress that he love his wife more than his child and he love his wife more than he love himself.

So the question is, I really wonder being love is more fortunate or suffering?
I personally find that, loving someone is quite suffering but being love is also suffering?
The true is in life, no matter loving someone or being love by someone is depending who is the other party.

Bros & sis, please share your point of view or any experience.
Old 28-08-2007, 11:45 PM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

To love or be loved, let rationality rule. We are singaporeans.

He claims to love his wife. Its a joke. Can someone who loves another continues to do things that pleases not the other? Is this love? Its ridiculous bordering on utter stupidity. It's not love he feels for his wife. It is only dependence on her, a crutch for him to hang on, a robotic companion to look after him, take care of him. His true love is beer and 'traffic'.

Wake up to reality bro. True love is giving up of yourself to another, not causing pain and suffering to another. Do not besmirch love with excuses.

Singapore style of true love is probably more pragmatic - giving up of oneself but within one's capability, need for survival, within humanely possible limits. That creep's so called love is nothing more than lip service. As i had written, his love is not for his wife but for addictive pursuit of indulgence than benefits no one, not even himself, creating the path to ultimate destruction not only to himself, but to others as well.

Love is not a fantasy, it is a reality that you will know and see for yourself when you are ready to lay down your own life for another - mentally, physically and emotionally. Sigh...

PS: I aint no expert on love. Still much to learn about it, not sure if i will be able to master it in my lifetime. Just that, like anyone else, i sufferred, learn and muddle thru life attempting to understand what love truly is and what i had written is only the sum of my own experience to share with others my perspective on love and its corresponding issues.

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Old 29-08-2007, 02:06 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Prefer Being Sexed or Sexed
Another another simple man.
Old 29-08-2007, 09:41 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Cocky View Post
There is a old saying.....! That being love by someone is more fortunate than loving someone. Will the people who love you give you a better life?
How come loving someone is always hurting?
in the way of God, its more blessed to love than to be loved.

in the way of mortals, who can prove he or she love someone more than the other way round beside just using the mouth?

that man you spoke about is a loser, one who drinks like that cant achieve anything. people who keep saying "i love you this blah blah" and "i love you that blah blah"... will be the first fuckers to run away when something bad is to happen to the spouse or mate.
Old 29-08-2007, 11:01 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Castrol View Post
that man you spoke about is a loser, one who drinks like that cant achieve anything. people who keep saying "i love you this blah blah" and "i love you that blah blah"... will be the first fuckers to run away when something bad is to happen to the spouse or mate.
Action always speaks louder than words, no point always saying "i love you...yada yada yada" but at the same time doing stuff that hurts his wife. If that fellow really loves his wife than proof it by curing his drinking habits. Since it wasn't mentioned that he hits his wife after getting drunk or steals his wife's money to go and drink, i guess this fellow still has hope...
Old 29-08-2007, 11:27 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

To a certain extend, loving someone cant be measure. Agreed that when really love someone, ppls will be willing to make changes for the other. From my 2 cents, I belive that loving someone is not by saying "I love you... blar blar" but from the action and correction done in the mist of our life to accomdate to the other.
Old 29-08-2007, 11:43 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Cocky View Post
But this man has a couple of habits (Heavy Drinking, Smoke & traffic "grass"), ...

Drinking become more and more heavy ...

He continuous to drink ...

... he will be drank, vomit and throw out in the house. Cos he will be drinking into the wee hours before going home....
dis is nt a luv prob ... it is a serius alcoholic prob ...

tel him 2 go 2 alcoholic anonymous ...

mayb ... he shld oso visit ze cold turkey mountain ...

Old 30-08-2007, 04:12 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

bro, you are right.
If you love someone and that someone does not love you. Or does not love you as much as you love her. You will not be happy.
Likewise, if someone love you and you don't love that person. You will also not be happy.
Trust me, I've been in both situations.
Old 30-08-2007, 04:30 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Castrol View Post
people who keep saying "i love you this blah blah" and "i love you that blah blah"... will be the first to run away when something bad happen to the spouse or mate.
Luckily i say "I Love You" (thou rarely) during sex....
Only applies for that moment nia!
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岳父道: 说说看你怎样做?

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Old 30-08-2007, 09:19 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Clit_LickeR View Post
Luckily i say "I Love You" (thou rarely) during sex....
Only applies for that moment nia!
its a good thing bro, we men never lie during sex.
Old 30-08-2007, 11:08 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

love is a four letters word. but it can be hurting or happy. it can even lead to death sometimes. jus sharing a story of wat happen recently.....

he's addicted to drugs all bcos of stress. excuses i think. he told me he'll quit the nonsense stuffs. i give him chances n chances and wait for him to quit. he try but cannot quit.i know it's hard to quit like tat, but he told me he LOVE me so he'll try to quit. i found tat he's a good guy to me but got drug addicition n gangster's case, very bad -tempered guy n once even punched me bcos i wanna leave him. he told me he LOVES me so he punched me when i said to leave him. he threaten me... everything. anything. in the end i still give him chance. i dun really LOVE him at tat time, but i still stay with him. at least he warned, threaten to beat n scold me when i said i wanna take drugs with him. out of LOVE or he feel tat drugs r too expensive to waste??? i felt tat i LOVE him at tat time when he show concern..... he said he'll quit drugs n ask me to marry him. i told him nonsense n smile at him.
tat night, he went out..... all bcos of drugs..... he got caught by CNB.
he kanna lock in. court date, he didn't turn up, why????? bcos he's in hospital..... i feel sad cos i can't see him at all after tat nite. i missed him, maybe i LOVE him. he passed away 2days later. all bcos of drugs, his body can't take it. i feel so miserable n sad.

jus wanna said sometimes giving LOVE n receiving LOVE all is needed. LOVE is two way traffic, all people, living n non-living things need love, love is all around. i wish to be LOVED n pampered by someone n i wish to LOVE someone n give him care, concern and attention. not when u lost 'him' or 'it' then u treasure. cos it'll be too late. but always saying is easy but real thing is always hard to do.. so give it a try. dun regret in future.
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Old 30-08-2007, 11:21 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

cos it'll be too late. but always saying is easy but real thing is always hard to do.. so give it a try. dun regret in future.[/QUOTE]

Hei woman, I feel that in life whether love or being love. the other party should not take it for granted. I think as time being together for too long, is not love that bond each other together is the word HARBIT. Cos after being together for some time, ppls tend to be comfortable in their comfort zone. And with the addidtinal drugs or drinking, things changes and emotion changes and feeling changes.

I think you do some how or rather misses him cos being together but did he really love you?
A man should never lay a hand on woman, worst if the woman is the one you loved.
Old 30-08-2007, 11:41 AM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Cocky View Post
.....Until today, he still stress that he love his wife more than his child and he love his wife more than he love himself.

So the question is, I really wonder being love is more fortunate or suffering?
I personally find that, loving someone is quite suffering but being love is also suffering?
The true is in life, no matter loving someone or being love by someone is depending who is the other party.

Bros & sis, please share your point of view or any experience.
Total nonsense. I know someone who tells every gal, including his ex-wives, how much he loves them and will do for them. Ultimately, he still fucks around, 2/3-timing them, hits them when he's angry, and dumps them if they cannot accept his way of life or when he has found a better love. So the question is: Does he really love them? I guess the answer is pretty obvious. Have you read those sad stories of how men got cheated by the sweet and tender words of WLs, FLs, KLs, and whatever Ls are there? Reverse the sex and you'll see this person in better light.

Originally Posted by WillamSexsphere View Post
To love or be loved, let rationality rule. We are singaporeans.

He claims to love his wife. Its a joke. Can someone who loves another continues to do things that pleases not the other? Is this love? Its ridiculous bordering on utter stupidity. It's not love he feels for his wife. It is only dependence on her, a crutch for him to hang on, a robotic companion to look after him, take care of him. His true love is beer and 'traffic'.

Wake up to reality bro. True love is giving up of yourself to another, not causing pain and suffering to another. Do not besmirch love with excuses.

Totally agree with you bro.

* Sorry I don't reciprocate points
Old 30-08-2007, 12:02 PM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Yo sister... i hope u r not the gal in this situation...
my heart goes to the lady.
I have nothing against addicts cos i m a sex-addixt myself. But when it comes to relationship, there must be something instore for a happy future la... it for all... a quest to be happy.

after several failed relationships, i have learnt to keep some feelings resevered... not to over commit myself... may be it is not the best thing to do... but at least it works for me... and i m happily in a relationship now but juz cant have enough sex lol...

I hope u will find your footing in relationship and someone that can give u happiness...

lastly, love is the most abused word by the whole world... most ppl r juz plaint selfish in a relationship... may be it was lust all along ... or excitment to be with that unique individual for that moment... only the party involves knows...

Good luck

Originally Posted by ToxicQueen View Post
love is a four letters word. but it can be hurting or happy. it can even lead to death sometimes. jus sharing a story of wat happen recently.....

he's addicted to drugs all bcos of stress. excuses i think. he told me he'll quit the nonsense stuffs. i give him chances n chances and wait for him to quit. he try but cannot quit.i know it's hard to quit like tat, but he told me he LOVE me so he'll try to quit. i found tat he's a good guy to me but got drug addicition n gangster's case, very bad -tempered guy n once even punched me bcos i wanna leave him. he told me he LOVES me so he punched me when i said to leave him. he threaten me... everything. anything. in the end i still give him chance. i dun really LOVE him at tat time, but i still stay with him. at least he warned, threaten to beat n scold me when i said i wanna take drugs with him. out of LOVE or he feel tat drugs r too expensive to waste??? i felt tat i LOVE him at tat time when he show concern..... he said he'll quit drugs n ask me to marry him. i told him nonsense n smile at him.
tat night, he went out..... all bcos of drugs..... he got caught by CNB.
he kanna lock in. court date, he didn't turn up, why????? bcos he's in hospital..... i feel sad cos i can't see him at all after tat nite. i missed him, maybe i LOVE him. he passed away 2days later. all bcos of drugs, his body can't take it. i feel so miserable n sad.

jus wanna said sometimes giving LOVE n receiving LOVE all is needed. LOVE is two way traffic, all people, living n non-living things need love, love is all around. i wish to be LOVED n pampered by someone n i wish to LOVE someone n give him care, concern and attention. not when u lost 'him' or 'it' then u treasure. cos it'll be too late. but always saying is easy but real thing is always hard to do.. so give it a try. dun regret in future.
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Old 30-08-2007, 12:06 PM
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Re: Being Love or Loved.

Originally Posted by Acidman View Post
bro, you are right.
If you love someone and that someone does not love you. Or does not love you as much as you love her. You will not be happy.
Likewise, if someone love you and you don't love that person. You will also not be happy.
Trust me, I've been in both situations.
it's so ironic love is blind never be kind
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