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Old 04-09-2007, 04:43 PM
sgtonylim sgtonylim is offline
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Not cheaper in Thailand???

Hi bros,

I will be travelling to BKK for the first time next week. After done my research, seems like cost for those escort is not cheaper compare to the ones in SG.

Of course i'm not referring to those "social escort" but more of those 2 hr session kind of escort. It seems like they are charging from 6000 baht onwards which is $300++

We only pay around $170++ for those high quality gals if we call okt bros for a session.

So does it mean going to BKK does not mean cheaper bonk??
Old 05-09-2007, 07:07 AM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

6000thb? u should be refering to models ar?

anyway check the Massage Parlours in Bkk thread instead, i think tat gives u more answers...
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Old 05-09-2007, 07:27 AM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

No point going for escort services. They are trying to chop the farangs...
Old 05-09-2007, 11:08 AM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

You are paying for exclusivity. Cannot comapre escorts with mp girls. Escorts usually speak good english even foreign langauges. They can carry themselves well even go for deportment classes.
Old 05-09-2007, 01:13 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

You are going to the cow farm where one can choose and roam but you prefer to sit back and wait to be serve, so what do you expect then? You want it cheaper then go for FLs then with LT or ST to choose from but alas, you will still need to hunt. So, willing to move your ass?
Old 05-09-2007, 01:47 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Originally Posted by sgtonylim View Post
...travelling to BKK for the first time next week. After done my research, seems like cost for those escort is not cheaper compare to the ones in SG. ..not referring to those "social escort" but more of those 2 hr session kind of escort. It seems like they are charging from 6000baht onwards which is $300++
As you are a virgin to bkk.. Don't fall for those silly escort webbies, over priced and targetted to tourists (farangs, japs etc).

Even the yellow pages get you bt3-4k, but you go blind (maybe can reject by paying up cab fare). Not worth even the convenience of home delivery. And don't get misled, definitely no exclusivity or deportment class trained. You better off checking the goods elsewhere.
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Old 05-09-2007, 01:49 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

double post
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Old 05-09-2007, 03:30 PM
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Talking Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Red Tirak 1099,

If you want to go to Bangkok, exclusviely for communicating in English and other foreign language, man, you need help! My advice, take 500mg of Choline Inositol twice a day and within 2 - 3 months you'll have enough neurons and synapses to see the lights in the tunnel of love!
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Old 05-09-2007, 03:33 PM
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Talking Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???


Good advice, no wonder, you have over 400 points! I don't care, what Nok from Nana Plaza said about you, you are a very smart guy!
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Old 05-09-2007, 03:47 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Originally Posted by norice View Post
..what Nok from Nana Plaza said about you
Undeserved. You are our most scrubbed hero courtesy of arb nam joints.

Just trying to lend a hand to a newbie on his virgin trip to bkk. Nok from Nana? Sorry, I missed that. Did some nana bird (nok) bad mouth me hehehe? Or you referring to Yokosi of agg fame whose favourite haunts are soi cowboy and nana?

Btw, fell off my chair on your prescription for learned ways hehehe
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Old 05-09-2007, 03:57 PM
Red_Tirak1099 Red_Tirak1099 is offline
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Originally Posted by yinyang View Post
As you are a virgin to bkk.. Don't fall for those silly escort webbies, over priced and targetted to tourists (farangs, japs etc).

Even the yellow pages get you bt3-4k, but you go blind (maybe can reject by paying up cab fare). Not worth even the convenience of home delivery. And don't get misled, definitely no exclusivity or deportment class trained. You better off checking the goods elsewhere.
There ARE escort services that cater to the rich & famous. Business bigwigs, diplomats & even foreign soccer players. These are not your 'usual' mp ladies. They have many nationalities on offer & most of them are moonlighting. They hold down proper day jobs ranging from air hostesses to those in media professions & university students. Their appeal is that you can bring them out as companions for social functions. These escorts can hold an intelligent conversation in good english with 'ready made' answer to prevent embarrassment. As theirs in a niche market....prices are bound to be expensive.
The ones that you mention might be those fly by nite operators who cash in on the escorts label of exclusivity. Choose a good reputable agency but prepare to fork out more than just baht $6K.
Old 05-09-2007, 04:02 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Originally Posted by norice View Post
Red Tirak 1099,

If you want to go to Bangkok, exclusviely for communicating in English and other foreign language, man, you need help! My advice, take 500mg of Choline Inositol twice a day and within 2 - 3 months you'll have enough neurons and synapses to see the lights in the tunnel of love!
The topic was on escort services & I was just offering my take on that. Sometimes I have to meet my overseas principals & trust me, escorts with foreign tongues are a blessing if not I have to spend the whole friggin evening doubling as a translator.
Old 05-09-2007, 04:10 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Originally Posted by Red_Tirak1099 View Post
.$$$$$ic was on escort services... overseas principals & trust me, escorts with foreign tongues are a blessing if not I have to spend the whole friggin evening doubling as a translator.
There ARE escort services that cater to the rich & famous. Business bigwigs, diplomats & even foreign soccer players. These are not your 'usual' mp ladies
Think TS was not referring to hi-so types.. but hit and run types la. Re-visit his post below (unless I got him wrong)
Originally Posted by sgtonlylim
Of course i'm not referring to those "social escort" but more of those 2 hr session kind of escort. It seems like they are charging from 6000 baht onwards which is $300++ We only pay around $170++ for those high quality gals if we call okt bros for a session.
So does it mean going to BKK does not mean cheaper bonk??
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Last edited by yinyang; 05-09-2007 at 04:21 PM.
Old 05-09-2007, 04:15 PM
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Talking Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Red tirak,

I agree with you, immensely, I rather party with a girl that can communicate in English! During my last trip to Bangkok, I selected a very attractive model from Catherine Massage but she couldn't speak English! I wasted 3,400B and it was one of the worst service I ever received in Bangkok, not only she couldn't speak English, she was genuine starfish!!!!!
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Old 05-09-2007, 10:27 PM
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Re: Not cheaper in Thailand???

Originally Posted by norice View Post
she was genuine starfish!!!!!
haha and u ordered for her what? a glass of planktons?
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