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Old 04-12-2019, 10:53 AM
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JEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find better
[B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Here I share with you my collection of erotic stories which I find interesting. It can also be found in other Erotic sites.
The contents is 100℅ NOT from me, but just added some local Flavours & Erotic Images to enhance the story.[B]

Matthew watched as the hands of the big clock inched round to 11 am, narrowing like the blades on a set of shears. Uncomfortable in the charcoal suit and matching sombre tie, he bowed his head to stare at a pair of patent leather shoes in which it was almost possible to make out his handsome yet sad features. Sartorially, if not mentally, prepared for what lay ahead, a single stray tear began a leisurely trail down the young man's cheek. At the tender age of 20, losing a father was a heartbreaking wrench, particularly when the father in question happened to be the only family Matthew had ever known.

Close by in the cramped front room, his grandma rustled the curtains nosily as old folks do. Until 2 days ago, when his whole world imploded, Matthew hadn't even known she and his grandpa were still alive. Clad in black also, her shape and frizzled white hair made her look like a pint of Guinness. "The car's here," she announced, then more brusquely: "Come on Arthur, get your jacket...Okay, Matthew?"

The words directed the young man's way were sympathetic and measured as they had been for the past 48 hours. It was as if he was some precious piece of china that could so easily break. Matthew nodded silently and stood, smoothing himself down, his spiky brown hair ruffled compassionately by his grandfather, also colour co-ordinated in black. It was tough on them too, Matthew realised. Losing a son was not quite right in the great scheme of things or that parents should outlive their offspring, even if it was his selfish father. Fortunately for them the hurt was dissipated by Matthew's father having voluntarily distanced himself, fleeing to Manila some two decades back with their grandson in tow, and no word since – until now.

Silence prevailed throughout the journey as the hearse sauntered its way to the grey cemetery. The subsequent service went on around Matthew without his really noticing, the words hollow and worthless, his grief unquenchable. Distant relatives, made more distant by his father's stubborn refusal to leave Manila, offered condolences prompting Matthew to issue forced smiles. Then finally the coffin was lowered into the ground, taking with it his father.

Still in a daze, he was led away by his grandparents to be driven somewhere remote and leafy for the wake. Referred to as 'Hannah's house', in his state of mind Matthew didn't realise the significance at first. Head pounding, it was only after a couple of stiff brandies, foisted upon him by some anonymous uncle, that the surroundings began to take shape. Tangible features on those around him slowly formed, as if a thick fog had suddenly evaporated. And there before him stood an attractive blonde older woman, forced smiles on both sides. "We didn't get to talk at the cemetery. I'm so sorry, Matthew."

He thanked her politely as he had all the others, not knowing who she was or how she knew his father. "Matthew, I'm Hannah Menses...I'm your mother."

The young man's eyes bulged like a goldfish's and he broke out in a cold sweat. Wow was he supposed to respond to a woman his father's stubbornness had forbade him from ever contacting, let alone meeting? All he knew was that she was an evil woman with a fixation for American literature, who had fucked every guy she met and who had broken his father's heart.

Standing face to face, she seemed anything but evil and nothing like he'd imagined. She was on a par with Sharon Stone or Kim Basinger at 40. And oh those breasts... Matthew wasn't sure of the protocol, whether they should hug, kiss, shake hands, or what? Evidently Hannah felt likewise, the result an embarrassed-looking standoff. 

Thankfully, the situation was salvaged by the arrival at her side of a petite and pretty young girl roughly the same age as Matthew. With smooth brunette hair, deep hazel eyes and a personable manner, she was as equally breathtaking as his mother. Hannah spoke, addressing her long-lost son. "This is Meg...she's, um, she's your sister...half sister."

Meg smiled demurely.

Matthew knew he had a sister, or several sisters to be exact. Even his secretive father hadn't been able to suppress that information. Yet Matthew had been given an ultimatum: warned to give up hope of ever meeting them. If he did, he could forget about his father forever. Even after attaining adulthood, when he could make his own decisions in life, his father's influence had been all-encompassing.

"Come on bro," offered Meg with a radiant smile, slotting her fingers into his, "I'll introduce you to the others."

Matthew took a deep breath, looking at his mother for approval. It didn't seem right to leave her so quickly. But she smiled warmly and indicated to go with Meg. There'd be time enough to catch up later, she affirmed: 3 more days before the flight 'home' to Manila. Her parting touch on his shoulder was tender and loving.

In the short space of time it took to wander from lounge to living room, Matthew had learned that Meg was the eldest of his four sisters. Actually they were all half sisters, each with a different father. His mother, it seemed, had been something of a slut – Meg's words not his – in her youth. That tied in with what his father had alluded to.

Yet despite his outward air of confidence, Matthew baulked at the words, especially coming from the mouth of a sweet young girl, even if she did happen to be two years his senior. For the truth was Matthew had led a sheltered life, his sole sexual experience at the hands of Mae-Lin, his father's Filipino maid. Pushing 50, Mae-Lin was not the stuff of a teen boy's fantasy, but sex was sex to a lonesome individual who had reached adulthood still a virgin.

Meg introduced Jo who was the second eldest of the girls, and a year Matthew's senior. With short spiky boyish hair and eschewing make-up, she was not unattractive though in the company of three beauties she did not shine.

"This is Beth," announced Meg, moving along the line.

A dusky skinned girl in the last year of teenage, Beth pursed her lips in greeting, her half-caste toning attesting to his mother's penchant for black guys that Matthew's bigoted father had taken to the grave. It was the catalyst that forced his father to flee England for the Philippines with Matthew in tow 20 years ago. Yet if his father had seen the fruits of the relationship, surely he'd have proffered a different opinion, for Beth was by far the most stunning of the four, her mocha tinted skin as smooth as rayon.

The last of the quartet was yet another little beauty with golden hair in ringlets and a pair of piercing ocean-blue eyes behind rectangular spectacles. "You must be Amy," pre-empted Matthew, displaying a limited yet serviceable knowledge of the work of Louisa May Alcott.

Amy smiled in greeting.

"Amy's the baby," enlightened Meg.

"Am not," Amy retorted, screwing up her pretty features. "I'm 18 in two days time," she said proudly.

"You're still the baby of the family," Beth retorted, an impish twinkle in her deep brown eyes as she tried to impress the new family member.

Amy pouted and folded her arms.

Given that none of the girls knew Matthew's father, the grief that was overbearing elsewhere in the house was in short supply. And that suited Matthew just fine. Having had to endure two days of his grandparents' hurt on top of his own, he craved an escape. The funeral done and dusted and the dead laid to rest it was time to look forward in a more positive vein.

Matthew would have loved to get to know them better but, at that moment, he was whisked away to the garden by grandpa to be introduced to other distant relatives. He smiled dutifully, soaking up the sympathy like a sponge until finally he was set free. Torn between spending some time with his newfound sisters or heading off away from the house for some peace and quiet, he elected for solitude.

The garden small and compact, it was what it gave way to captured Matthew's attention. Standing at the perimeter, he could actually hear water trickling the other side. Hopping up and over the brick wall, immediately he began to descend alarmingly down a dusty slope, feet unable to gain a grip and pulling up only at the last moment before his new shoes dipped in the meandering stream.

On the other side of the watery expanse a thicket of trees rustled. The city dweller could barely believe his eyes. This was tranquil and fresh, in stark comparison to the humdrum and stifling urban existence he'd become acclimatised to in Manila. Only now did it register on Matthew that two decades of his life had been wasted and never brought back. Despite everything, he couldn't help but feel resentful of his father.

Locating a log that had been laid across the stream as a makeshift bridge, Matthew hopped across. Heading towards the wood, twigs beneath his feet made a wondrous sound as they snapped, whilst covert crickets chirped a cacophony. So exhilarating to be away from the claustrophobic and choking funeral party, his only regret was being lumbered with a suit and tie. Loosening at the neck, he worked the tie free and popped open the top button of the shirt that had seriously constricted the flow of oxygen.

Matthew felt free at last, in so many ways.
Old 04-12-2019, 10:59 AM
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JEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find betterJEMMA is a living Saint! - you won't find better
Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

He could happily have stripped off all the clothes of conformity and gambolled around in just his boxer shorts. Yet Matthew had been raised a conservative fellow, unaccustomed to nudity. Mae-Lin was the first and only woman he'd witnessed naked. That merely intensified the longing for a girl his own age to strip naked, to let him touch her firm breasts and do all the things that horny twenty-year olds dream of. A sagging middle-aged woman hardly bore comparison.

It was just as well he didn't allow the newfound lack of inhibition to run riot, for at that moment a gentle yet urgent whirring sound filled the air. Stepping off the path at the last moment, he felt a whoosh as a muscled and tanned guy, clad in lycra and sporting a baseball hat, flashed by on a mountain bike.

10 seconds later, a second bike passed. This time the rider was female. Struggling to keep up with her male cycle buddy, the girl's cute backside was raised as she stood down hard on the pedals in flip-flops, puffing and panting as the forest floor stifled her progress like it was made of treacle.

Stopping up ahead to wipe a forearm across a moistened brow, she turned briefly to glance at Matthew, offering a half-smile through the pain. Her breasts that heaved at a cream coloured tank top looked like they craved to be squeezed. Before there was time to return the compliment, however, she was gone, her arse bobbling seductively.

The peace restored, Matthew's only companions in the forest during a mile-long stroll were the birds that hid furtively in the trees, the squirrels that slid smoothly through the undergrowth like creepers and the watchful crickets keeping time like a metronome. Reaching a clearing, Matthew contemplated getting back to the house. Yet he was drawn by a sixth sense down an almost hidden path that would take him even farther away from his destination. Glancing down, he noted its dusty surface scored by two thin tyre tracks.

Following the trail for another mile, once more the distant sound of water rippling was audible. It was then that the tyre trail ended, two bikes hastily discarded on their sides a few feet away. His eyebrows elevated at the discovery of a discarded white Adidas trainer, then another a few feet on. Next was a balled-up black sock, then another. Continuing in some Hansel and Gretel-style trail, the breadcrumbs substituted for items of clothing, Matthew encountered a pair of flip-flops, then a lime green lycra top, shorts and a baseball cap. More intriguingly, he discovered a ruffled-up tank top, accompanied by a throbbing feeling between his legs.

It became even more intense upon spying what could only be described as the Holy Grail: a skimpy bra and thong set in matching lilac. Reaching down, Matthew caught hold of the thong, bringing the crotch to his nose and breathing in deeply. It reeked of intoxicating pussy juice. A more subtle aroma than the stench that seemed to be ingrained in his fingers for days after playing with Mae-Lin, Matthew felt his entire body quake with desire. This was young female in her sexual prime.

Slowing, he tiptoed towards another clump of trees, through which the stream down below swelled into a wide bowl like a private swimming pool. Able to creep closer, tree by tree, he heard voices, breath held tight. Visible from the waist up, the couple frolicked in the stream. Mesmerised, Matthew couldn't take his eyes off the girl's breasts, big and bouncy with droplets of water clinging to the expanse of flesh. A sight to behold – only the second naked woman he'd ever set eyes upon – Matthew had to shift position to attain comfort, the throbbing in his groin an unwelcome distraction.

But things would get better, much better. Without warning the boyfriend ducked down, disappearing beneath the black marble surface. The scene before Matthew lapsed into freeze-frame as suddenly the girl squealed, her legs taken from beneath her. Riding momentarily on the guy's strong shoulders, a squeal rang out as she was bucked clear, flashing the briefest snatch of pubic hair before she hit the water. Yet despite its ephemeral nature, the image of that pretty pussy was imprinted on Matthew's brain like a lingering filament.

Surfacing, the girl shot a look that was stern yet playful. The pair grappled, sinking below the surface before emerging in a heated embrace. Their lips smacked purposefully before tongues made exploratory manoeuvres within. Matthew found himself rooted to the spot, a hand brushing across his crotch, guiltily appraising the semi-hardness. He was sorely tempted to masturbate, such was the effect the couple were having on him.

Just as well he didn't follow his urge, for at that moment Matthew discovered he and the couple were no longer alone in their reverie. "They sent me to find you," clarified Meg, causing her younger brother's face to turn a spectral white and perspire profusely as his eyes darted from Meg to the lovers like a spectator at a tennis match. "Did you, um, want to be alone?"

More terrified of discovery by the couple than of discovery by Beth of his guilty secret, Matthew pursed his lips and placed an upright finger to them, craving quiet. Easing up close to see what held his attention so raptly, Meg gasped hoarsely. "Matthew!"

"Shush," he said, arms flapping.

They exchanged furtive glances before Meg moved in front to gain a more favourable pitch. In doing so, his eldest sister's arse brushed the partial erection, thankfully enclosed behind suit trousers and boxers yet nonetheless causing Matthew to staunch a groan. A cheeky glance up and aside as the shaft slotted cosily in the groove, Meg relaxed into her long lost brother's big strong chest. Chin dipping to rest upon her crown, Matthew towered over the girl, fixing his gaze once more on the courting couple, hands hanging redundantly by his sides.

He could feel his heartbeat thumping into Meg's shoulder as the couple up ahead petted furiously. Growing tired of the water, the guy lifted the girl into his arms and climbed from the stream, dripping wet. Meg pushed back as if scared they might be discovered, yet Matthew remained rooted, the sudden movement rubbing his foreskin as it fitted ever more snugly into the accommodating groove.

The lovers moved to within twenty paces, blissfully ignorant of their audience. Unashamedly exposed to the elements, they seemed unfazed by a slight chill in the air, illustrated on the girl's erectile nipples. Matthew could hardly take his eyes off them, except to gaze down longingly at the gorgeous and smoothly shaven pussy in matching pink. At the same time, Meg's eyes were fixed firmly to a thick cock that swung impressively between the guy's legs.

As Matthew's hands hung idly, Meg moved hers behind to rub his buttocks. Forgetting they were brother and sister, instinctively Matthew began to move his groin in time. Both could, however, be forgiven the dalliance for there'd barely been time for it to sink in properly that were brother and sister. Not that they were – in the conventional sense at least. Parted for two decades, there was no emotional bond between the pair, just a sprinkling of shared DNA. That and the fact they were two exceedingly horny twenty-somethings seemed to excuse their actions.

And it wasn't just Matthew. Meg purred as she moved her arse all over his stiffening cock, and that seemed to make things okay. She was as complicit as he.

Up in the clearing the guy had succeeded in working his cock up into a savage looking beast, sprouting proud in all its circumcised glory. The girl moved in stealthily on all fours like a prowling tigress, tongue running seductively around the inner circumference of her lips. Leaning back upon his elbows, chest inflated, the guy reached out for his girlfriend's hair, ensnaring a set of fingers in the brunette tangles and wrestling her face close to that outstanding appendage. Dipping her head, the girl smiled as her tongue tip touched his balls lightly before licking all the way up the rampant shaft. At the crest she licked the eye lovingly before enveloping the engorged head with a succulent mouth.

Matthew felt Meg's body tense against his and her breath begin to quicken, a guilt-ridden glance his way before settling back down on his cock and rolling it between her arse cheeks like a hotdog in a bun. If Matthew closed his eyes, he could envisage the act minus the layers of clothing that prevented the hard cock splitting the petals of her soft moist pussy. Meg felt it too, clamping her thighs tight to rub her aroused cunt lips together.

Hands still hanging idly by his sides, Matthew felt the overwhelming urge to feel her tits. Yet he hesitated, wracked by doubt. As if to prompt some action, Meg arched her back and pushed out her delightfully pert chest like a rooster. A pair of thick nipples strained at the front of the light blouse and threatened to pop the buttons. The outline of a lacy half cup bra beneath the blouse sent Matthew crazy with desire and, shaking like an arthritic, his hands elevated. It was as if suddenly he'd been possessed and nothing could stop it from happening. As Meg held her breath in heightened anticipation Matthew's palms covered the soft orbs, fingers reflexing.

The effect on Meg was startling, eliciting an audible breathy squeal that very nearly gave them away. Yet the couple were so engrossed in their own lustful games that it went unchecked. Adjusting, Matthew ran his thumbs around each teat, tracing small circles. Scared of what she might unleash, Meg's front teeth embedded firmly in the bottom lip, eyes screwed tight as the feeling between her thighs liquefied.

Up ahead, the guy had arrived at the throes of ecstasy, the girl anxious to join him. Running a hand down her spine and backside, she plunged two fingers deep into her gaping cunt as she continued to deepthroat her boyfriend with vigour. Sucking and licking, she frigged her pussy wildly, inducing an intense orgasm and a light spray from her cunt that hung momentarily in the air like a sprinkle of perfume. Simultaneously the guy began to exhale, his face contorting like he'd stood on a wasp.

The girl felt the first telltale jerk, tossing back her head and finishing him off with a blurring fist. Cum ejected like foam from a fire hose, looping in the air and peppering the girl's face and tits. She kept labouring away until every last drop had been drained and the once impressive cock melted in her hand.
Old 04-12-2019, 09:28 PM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Good start TS, please continue
Old 05-12-2019, 06:17 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Interesting story TS, will be great if you will continue sharing it.
* If you want something.. GO GET IT. The eternal pursuit of HAPPINESS.. *
Old 05-12-2019, 10:57 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Are you ready for a 6P affair........

Suddenly Matthew felt Meg's body spasm and go limp, a little gasp escaping her lips. No time to dwell, suddenly a rogue cloud passed overhead to darken the scene. It was the cue for the pair of sibling voyeurs to hotfoot it away before risking an embarrassing discovery. "Um, sorry..." Matthew began as they traipsed off down the path. "That was wrong."

Meg pushed up on tiptoes to give her younger brother a peck on the cheek before running off ahead with an impish giggle. Lapsing into a childhood his overbearing father had denied, Matthew tore off in pursuit. Gathering up her shoes in hand and lifting the skirt above the thigh, Meg facilitated the sprinted escape, using her knowledge of the forest to thwart her pursuer.

However, his superior speed and stamina ensured that Matthew caught her just before the log. A symbolic crossing, it was the bridge that would take them out of the fantasy world of the forest and back to the mundane reality. Taking Meg in his arms and swinging her around, Matthew craved to prolong the moment just a little longer. The prospect of returning home eventually to his grandparents' terrace in the suburbs and then returning to city life in Manila was heart-wrenching.

As he wrestled with Meg, their limbs tangled and they tumbled to the floor whooping. Little thought for the neat and respectful clothes they wore, grass stains and mud scrapes were unavoidable. Going in for the kill, Matthew straddled his sister and tickled mercilessly at the belly, inducing an uncontrollable fit of laughter. Fortunately – or unfortunately – any further high jinks was curtailed by the arrival of blonde cutie Amy, 'the baby', shooting a curious glance across the stream. "You found him?"

"Yeah I found him," replied Meg, easing Matthew aside and rising to her feet with a smile.

Putting on her shoes once more and taking to the log with arms outstretched in a cruciate pose, Meg hurried to join her sister on the other side. Heel catching a dead slice of bark, a squeal rang out as the eldest sister tottered one way then the other, hands groping thin air before falling sideways and plunging in the waist high water with an undignified splash.

At the water's edge Amy was in stitches, doubled up with pained howls of laughter. Matthew too found it physically impossible to suppress a laugh. From the stream, Meg issued a look that was half pure evil, half bemusement. Hands on hips she pouted and appealed to her brother: "Help me out."

Matthew moved to the stream's edge, stretching to hold out a helpful hand. Yank! The next minute his body was moving forward of its own accord, feet unable to grip on the bank and landing hip high in cool water. Surfacing he blew a fountain of water from his lips. In retaliation for her wickedness, Matthew slashed the water with an arced arm, sending a sheet of water over Meg. As she squealed, his eyes were drawn to the hard nipples that had sprouted and pressed against the wet blouse. Meg grinned before launching a tidal wave of her own, things become messy. Up above them, Amy jumped up and down in sheer glee, her blonde ringlets animated.

So as not to be left out, the youngest sister bolted down the bank and launched herself into their midst, shrieking delightfully as she bombed the surface. The trio made sure to duck and splash each other thoroughly until every stitch of clothing was soaked through. Hauling himself out, Matthew lifted his sisters to the bank in a gentlemanly manner and they walked back bedraggled to the house. "Matthew is so much fun," observed Amy innocently, pressing to his side for warmth.

"Mmm yes he is," responded Meg, her thoughts of a somewhat less innocent nature.

Their mother was waiting for the errant trio. "What on earth...?"

"We had a little accident," offered Meg, eyelashes fluttering innocently.

"We fell in the stream," added Amy.

"Hmm, I can see that...all three of you...?"

Matthew caught sight of gran and grandpa in the background. Looking ready to depart, his heart sank. "You can't go home wet like that, Matthew," the old man scolded.

Matthew offered flustered apologies.

"Maybe Matthew can stay with us tonight?" suggested Amy hopefully, adopting a doe-eyed pose.

Matthew's ears pricked up.

"Hmm, I'm not sure about that," mused Hannah. "The first time we meet him and he brings you two back looking like that."

"It was an accident," Meg appealed. "And it wasn't Matthew's fault."

"Oh go on mummy, say Matthew can stay," pleaded Amy. "Please mummy, for my birthday."

Hannah rubbed her nose, giving her long lost son the once over and allowing a smile to restore her pretty features. "So, Matthew would you like to stay a short while?" she enquired, before addressing the girls collectively. "It'll mean you girls having to share."

"That's okay," chipped in Jo, the tomboy, who'd tagged onto the conversation, with lovely little dark-skinned Beth at her shoulder.

The other sisters looked at Jo in surprise as if there were totally out-of-character. Evidently Matthew's charm had melted her stubborn heart. "Say you'll stay with us, Matthew," entreated Amy.

He smiled. "Yes, I'd be honoured too."

Amy clapped her hands together like a seal, which was appropriate given her dripping state.

"Right you three, bathroom," commanded Hannah, playing the matriarch.

Matthew felt his cheeks flush.

"It's okay," said Amy with an aside. "We have three bathrooms. Meg will show you."

As a delighted Amy skipped to the downstairs bathroom, the older girl guided Matthew upstairs to his. She hesitated teasingly at the door before pirouetting and heading off down the landing.

Overjoyed to be rid of the clinging clothes, Matthew stripped and hung them to dry on the hot rail. The steaming bath filled to a third of its capacity, he climbed in among the welcoming suds. Oh that felt so good. It hadn't been the easiest of days, salvaged only by meeting the girls and discovering the joys of the forest.

A 10-minute soak having elapsed, a knock at the door caused him to look up in alarm. "Fresh towels," clarified his mother from outside. "It's okay, I won't peek."

She wandered in, keeping her promise, eyes elsewhere. Just as well, for the lather had receded to a light fringe, exposing Matthew completely. Hannah hung the towels on the hot rail then turned unexpectedly to face her son. Despite the promise of earlier, she did look, eyes lingering longer than was befitting of a young man's mother.

Matthew gulped as she smiled warmly and came to sit on the edge of the bath, overshadowing her long lost son. "You know Matthew, you're the age I first met your father," she mused as her son shuffled uncomfortably in the water. "He was a handsome devil back then. You remind me of him a lot."

The reminder of his father triggered the emotion to rise once more in the bereaved youngster and he found himself suddenly and unexpectedly weeping. "It's okay honey, really it is," she comforted, leaning in to take him into her arms in a display of maternal instinct.

Locked together, her soft hands stroked his back up and down as their cheeks touched. Given the proximity of the pair, a layer of bathwater unavoidably coated the front of Hannah's diaphanous blouse, turning it virtually transparent. Without a bra, the fulsome breasts that compared favourably to Meg's, stuck wetly to the front. As Matthew eased away from her grip he couldn't help but stare, bringing a flush to both their faces. Reaching out, she ruffled his damp hair, lips pursed. "I think we're going to enjoy having you here, Matthew," she mouthed.

And I think I'm going to enjoy it here too, he thought. A surprise rush of blood to the cock caused it to jerk and elevate, the head erupting through the surface. Quick to hide his embarrassment, Matthew flipped over onto his front. "Mmm, just like Jo," Hannah observed. "She likes having her back scrubbed by her mummy too."

Matthew was in no position to argue.

Taking hold of the bar of soap, Hannah dipped her hands in the bath and worked up a thick ball of lather. Leaning over as she perched on the edge of the bath, she massaged the soap into Matthew's strong shoulders repeatedly. Her touch was exquisite and Matthew's eyelids drooped contentedly. He was unable to relax completely, however, on account of the throbbing hard cock beneath him. "Look how wet you've made me..." Hannah observed, unbuttoning the blouse and shaking it clear to unveil a pair of gorgeous orbs that Matthew could just see out of the corner of his eye.

Despite being the unfavourable side of 40, the sag was minimal. And they were natural too, illustrated in the delightful heave and plunge as she jinked. The areolae were big and puffy, housing two enormous and highly sensitive nipples. Hannah placed a hand beneath each, appraising each asset, before lifting the right one to her lips and sucking the swollen nipple long and hard. Matthew could barely believe what he was witnessing. Lowering her skirt and stepping out of the panties, she cocked a leg up and stepped in to the bath, resting over the backs of Matthew's legs, knees supporting her weight in a masseur-type pose.

Matthew rested chin on hands against the back-bath, cock uncomfortable beneath him as his mother's flesh touched his. Soaping up once more, Hannah spread the lather thickly over her expansive tits, causing them to protrude yet further. Tilting forward she began to rub her son's back seductively with the delicious orbs. When Matthew realised what was happening he very nearly came in the bath, his cock stiffening yet further until it was painful. Hannah kept at it for what seemed an eternity, moaning as her sensitive nipples made tracks up and down her son's strong back.

Hands finding his hips, Hannah lifted till his torso was upright. Her tits that were pressed into his back felt like soft warm pillows. Breath racing, her lips traced a line from earlobe to shoulder blade, kissing every part of the manly neck in between. Adjusting his strong buttocks, Matthew felt the taut flesh rub the damp scrub of his mother's pussy.

Supporting him with one hand, the other caressed Matthew's wide manly chest, covered in damp matted hair. Hannah combed her fingers through the forest whilst nuzzling his neck. Lovingly she teased Matthew's nipples with the ball of her thumb, bringing a shudder of pleasure in the inexperienced young man.

Yet it was about to get a whole lot better as, without warning, the hand that had been by his waist moved stealthily across and inside his leg, grazing the cock and weighing the balls in her palm. Matthew groaned as she shifted to take hold of his cock, cradling it like a mother and baby. "Mmm, my darling boy," she enthused, moving the foreskin tenderly up and down to unveil the purple mushroom head beneath.

Matthew glanced down momentarily to see his mother's fist wrapped tightly around his cock and stroking back and forth in a gentle rhythm. Tossing his head back, he let out an impassioned sigh. At the same time Hannah rubbed her pussy into his arse. "Oh baby boy," she whimpered, upping the speed of her ministrations to the bloated member.

Matthew's cock jerked in her fist, blurring as she readily attained optimum speed. This carried on for what seemed like an eternity, Matthew's head swimming. When she did have to let go through wrist numbness, the lovely cock sprang back to thump his belly hard, such was its rigidity. Swapping hands, Hannah wrapped her fingers firmly around the beautifully proportioned appendage, jerking purposefully. "Cum for me, baby boy," she pleaded, their lips brushing as Matthew tilted his head to the side.

They kissed long and deep, lost in one another as Hannah's hand slipped and slid. "cum for me," she reiterated, both rewarded with an orgasm that smashed through Matthew's like a train wreck, a porcine squeal escaping her son's pursed lips.

Matthew fired at the sloped surface of the back-bath, depositing a healthy glob. Her strokes unerring, Hannah induced a second spurt that measured up to any of the previous men in her life's initial efforts. She glowed with the pride of a mother and a lover. Ensuring to drain every last drop of seed, she dunked his numb cock in the soothing water. Pushing up onto the soles of her feet, she kissed the damp crown and slipped out of the bath. "Now if you're a good boy, mummy will come to tuck you in at bedtime," she promised before departing.

She kept her promise too, leaning over her son in the semi-darkness of Jo's room, her heaving breasts almost spilling out of the silken nightgown. Reaching up with a smile, Matthew gave them a good hard squeeze. They compressed like sponge balls, the nipples bloating to his touch. "Oh baby," Hannah breathed as her tits were pawed, squeezed and fondled, lowering further to deliver a goodnight kiss.

Matthew parted his lips, allowing his mother's velveteen tongue to slip inside. They kissed with a passion that stole their breaths. Drawing back for air, Hannah smiled. "Welcome to the family, Matthew."

The tent halfway down the bed did not go unnoticed, eliciting a little grin from the wanton woman. But, as much as he tried to force them open, Matthew's eyelids were wavering and Hannah too knew that her energy was ebbing. It had been a draining day and for now fatigue had drawn a veil over it. But they realised a new one was just an energy boosting night's sleep away.

As she headed back to her bedroom, through the briefly opened door, Matthew heard excited chattering from the girls' bedrooms. His arrival had transformed not only his mother, but all four of her nubile daughters, each in various flushes of womanhood. Matthew sighed contentedly as sleep enveloped his body. Morning couldn't come quick enough.
Old 05-12-2019, 04:34 PM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Gorgeous picture and nice story. Please share more and thanks.
Old 05-12-2019, 07:50 PM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Steamy story bro, looking forward to more updates
Old 05-12-2019, 08:21 PM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Another nice share by bro JEMMA!!
Old 06-12-2019, 12:01 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Matthew awoke to the smell of pomander, a fragrant reminder of where he was: in his sister Jo's bed in the house she shared with her mother and 3 other sexy sisters. A contented smile formed on his handsome features, overjoyed to be back in the bosom of his family. He didn't have a lot to thank his late father for but, dating his mother two decades earlier, had been one of the old man's better decisions.

Climbing from the small bed, it dawned upon Matthew that the suit and shirt worn for the previous day's funeral were all he had, the decision to stay made somewhat on the spur of the moment. A visit to the shops essential, he didn't suppose on being short of volunteers among the girls to help test the platinum card's outrageous credit limit. His father may have been an ill-tempered and self-absorbed authoritarian, but he'd always taken good care of Matthew financially.

The deep sleep that had been necessary to wash away thoughts of the previous day meant mid morning had arrived by the time Matthew was dressed. The house unusually quiet, the youngest girl Amy was at school, the eldest Meg and their mother in full-time employment. That left just the two middle sisters for company, sweet coffee skinned Beth, enjoying a gap-year before heading off to university and boyish Jo, who was looking for a job though not too hard, it seemed.

Unaccustomed to having a man around the house, neither girl was dressed yet, a barefoot Beth resplendent in a white t-shirt that just about covered a pair of pink panties, Jo in green pyjamas and huge fluffy slippers. Not that either minded unduly appearing before Matthew in this manner. He was their brother after all, and a very charming and handsome brother at that.

Matthew accepted Beth's offer of tea and toast, following her through to the kitchen, eyes expanding as the petite half-caste of 19 stretched up into a high cupboard. In doing so, the t-shirt rode up past her hips and the panties nestled in the crack of her arse. No doubt about it, she was desirable as hell.

Not that the others were without appeal. Meg the eldest was pretty and assured and Amy the blonde little cutie of the family. Of the quartet, only Jo wasn't to Matthew's particular tastes, a little too close for comfort. Then there was his mother, memories of what she'd done to him in the bath leaving Matthew craving more. He hardly knew which way to turn. What a dilemma for a horny young man!

But for now fate had cast its hand and dictated hanging out with Jo and Beth. Having disclosed his shopping plan, favourable responses were received from both girls who were only too willing to help their brother spend his inheritance early. Quickly they dashed off to change, Beth emerging in a smooth and silky yellow sundress, Jo in more conservative faded denims and a black vest top.

The nearest town a good ten miles away, Jo's little orange 2CV was invaluable, the trio cramming in cosily. Matthew was ushered into the passenger seat with Beth behind, leaning over to hang on to the back of the seat and her brother's every word. They chatted merrily the whole way, asking Matthew all sorts of questions about his life in Manila. Matthew responded honestly, happy that they seemed to enjoy his company, his reservations ill-founded.

Thirsty from the journey, Matthew suggested a stop-off at a bar before the shopping began in earnest. A little place on the outskirts of the town centre was perfect, with seats and table outside on the pavement. Matthew conveyed the three vodkas over and supped contentedly, revelling in the alfresco atmosphere and the feeling of liberty. His dad had a lot to answer to and he could truly empathise with hostage victims.

Finishing up the drinks, they stood as one, the two girls planting themselves either side of their brother. Arms linked intimately, they made him feel the proudest man in the world. He dared not contemplate how much worse his life would have become had his father lived to 60. Instead, he was glad what had happened had led him here, the looks from envious passers-by inducing a rosy glow of contentment.

As they moved from shop to shop, none really suitable or taking Matthew's fancy, Beth grew more familiar, slipping her tiny brown hand into Matthew's. He accepted it warmly, administering a squeeze that caused both their hearts to quicken. Jo was less tactile but Matthew couldn't have everything his own way. Dissatisfied with the scant fare on offer in the main arcade, Jo herded them off the beaten track to the side roads where megastores were supplanted by small private concerns with a more personal touch.

At last they found somewhere suitable: numerous pairs of designer jeans hung in the window alongside colourful shirts and jackets, with fashionable shoes littering the display floor. A unisex establishment, the girls scanned the neighbouring window for items they might wear to Amy's birthday party – or at least dream about wearing, for the prices were prohibitive. The trio wandered inside to be met by a loud blast of in-your-ear rock music and an overenthusiastic in-your face male assistant who looked barely out of school.

A curvaceous gothic-looking girl in her mid twenties and ruminating on a slab of gum made up the shop's staff, two sufficient for the midweek lull. Generously pierced and tattooed, she was clad throughout in black to match her raven shoulder-length hair. A clunky cross hung over a generous pair of breasts that seemed intent on bursting through her blouse. Matthew had to commend Jo for her choice though he suspected a girl like that might eat him alive.

Eschewing assistance, he availed himself of two pairs of reliable Levis, one black, one blue, a pair of tailored knee-length khaki shorts, a grey hooded sweatshirt emblazoned with a Nike swoosh, a turquoise Yves St Laurent shirt that looked suitable for the party and a white polo shirt. Arms loaded, he headed to the changing room as the two girls glanced over rails of clothes and debated mix-and-match options.

Not one to dither, Matthew's credo was: if it looks good and it fits buy it. It had served him well in life. Indeed, every item did fit and, supplementing the purchases with a pair of black deck shoes and white trainers, a 3-pack of boxer shorts and a five-pack of socks, he had everything he needed for the next few days. All achieved in under fifteen minutes, he rested the items on the shiny black counter, handing the platinum card to the young male assistant whose eyes bulged.

"Done already?" enquired Beth, gliding over to his side, a hand smoothing his back.

None too enamoured by the lecherous look the sales assistant gave his pretty little brown sister, Matthew issued a sneer. Well, who wouldn't be possessive around this delicate little thing? "Why don't you pick whatever you want Beth honey?" Matthew suggested, before raising his voice above the music: "You too, Jo."

"Matthew, you can't!" they protested in unison.

Matthew issued a smile of assurance, adding: "But quick, before I change my mind."

Beth undertook a swift circuit of the shop, picking out a few possible combinations to try on, Jo seemingly less easily pleased. Beth beat a trail to the changing rooms and back, insisting on catwalking the designs and canvassing the opinion of her siblings. Though she looked utterly gorgeous in everything she paraded, Matthew was especially taken by the red hotpants and halter top combination, issuing a satisfied sigh. "Mmm, a scarlet woman," he mused.

"You like?" Beth enquired, her smile radiant, pleased that he was pleased.

"Oh I do."

"Jo?" enquired Beth of her sister.

"Sorry...what?" Jo replied, seemingly distracted. "Yes, yes, it's lovely," she answered dismissively.

Beth decided to act upon her brother's instinct and buy them – or have them bought fr her to be more exact. Returning to the changing room, she restored the yellow sundress and came back to place the skimpy red articles on the counter. "Are you sure, Matthew?" she asked with a pout.

"Yes I'm sure."

He handed over the platinum card once more, Beth ebullient. His work done, the assistant announced to his gothic colleague that he was heading off to lunch. With that the girl grinned and moved over to shadow Jo who looked undecided. "Can I help at all?"

"Oh God yes," Jo responded, removing a black skirt from the rack. "Do you have this in a smaller size?"

The girl pursed her black lips thoughtfully. "I'll need to take a look in the stockroom. You might want to come to help me...and bring that one with you."

Turning to Matthew and Beth the shopgirl asked rhetorically: "Can you keep an eye on the store for a few moments? If anyone comes in, shout."

With that she led Jo away, leaving Matthew standing idly, Beth to lean on the counter. Matthew couldn't help but notice the golden sundress inch up her dark thighs, revealing the lower curves of an arse that was smooth and peachy. The batch of security screens behind the counter that focused on the various extremities of the shop didn't go unnoticed either. Those extremities included the darkened stockroom into which Jo and the assistant stepped.

Matthew's eyes were drawn away from Beth's butt momentarily, bulging with surprise. Without warning the shopgirl extended her arms and pushed Jo forcefully against the wall. With that she screwed her face tightly into Jo's as they locked in a tight and passionate embrace. Matthew was dumbfounded though Beth a little more blasé. "Jo never has been one for the boys," she observed with a giggle, reaching back to scratch her arse, in doing exposing half a russet bum cheek.

Matthew's eyes flicked between the gorgeous exposed buttock and the spy screen, upon which Jo's face wrinkled in pleasure as the other girl glided sensuously down her body.

Passing over their sister's small but compact breasts, the shop assistant had but one target in mind. Lowering to her knees she tugged down Jo's jeans and thong in one easy action. Jo's snatch exposed momentarily, soon it was obscured as the girl buried her face.

At the shop counter, Matthew continued to observe as Beth toyed with the hem of the sundress, exposing her backside then covering it like some little tease. He was a normally reticent young man where girls were concerned but this was too blatant a come-on to ignore.

Yet, much as he wanted to, the thought of getting his cock out in the middle of a shop, even if it were off the beaten track, was prohibitive. Instead, reasoning that if someone happened to enter there'd be time enough to untangle Matthew fell to his knees, shuffling up close to Beth, prising apart those shapely tanned legs.

The young and inexperienced Matthew might not know much about sex, yet one area in which he did excel was in the art of cunnilingus. During their illicit liaisons in Manila, middle-aged Filipino maid Mae-Lin had shown her eager employer's son exactly how to pleasure a woman with his mouth.

Dragging the panties to Beth's knees, Matthew began by nuzzling the soft golden-brown flesh at the top of each thigh, causing the downy hairs to stand on end. Before he'd even touched her pussy Matthew had Beth highly aroused, her cunt lips glistening and a feint aroma of female sex clinging to the air near his nose. Teeth bared, he nibbled the skin in a firm yet considerate manner, causing Beth's body to quiver uncontrollably and a gasp to fall from her lips.

Unable to see the screen but the voyeur in him anxious nonetheless to learn what was going on in the stockroom, Matthew implored: "Tell me what's happening with Jo."

Her cheek pressed flat to the counter as her brother's breath vibrated her sensitive labia, in a husky voice Beth replied: "She's having her pussy eaten out."

"Oh boy," Matthew enthused, licking his lips and moving in. "Like this?"

"Yesssssss," enthused Beth as his roving tongue forced her pussy lips apart. "Oh God yesssssss," she reiterated, fists clenched on the counter as Matthew went to work with his expert tongue, exposing the soft pink centre beneath the brown surface.

Slurp, slurp, slurp went his tongue. "Oh, oh, oh," went Beth.

"What's happening now?" he entreated between licks.

"Only kissing," Beth reported through gritted teeth and sharp intakes of breath before realising the full implication. "Oh God Matthew, Jo must be tasting her own cunt on that girl's lips."

"Mmmmmm. Is she enjoying it?"


"Oh Christ she's loving it. You should see her face."

With that Matthew stood up, his lips drenched with Beth's delicious cunt honey. Pulling his younger sister to him, he mimicked the act on screen, his tongue darting in Beth's warm oral cavity, forcing her to taste herself on him. She moaned back into his mouth, her pert tits pressed tight to his chest.

Easing back and hesitating for a brief moment, Matthew watched the screen as Jo took a firm grip of the shopgirl's black blouse and tore it open, sending buttons popping in all directions. The girl's breasts, upon which hung the crucifix, were absolutely humungous, barely contained within a black bra that was strained to breaking point. Jo tugged at the oversized garment – it had to be an FF cup minimum – letting it rest on the girl's hips, freeing a pair of massive tits that jiggled like balloons filled with water. Wasting no time, Jo bore down to feast upon them, sending the gothic slut into rhapsody.

An anxious glance to the shop door, the coast seemingly clear, Matthew returned to Beth's rear, allowing a second to admire the delightful sight of her brown bubble butt before smacking his lips. His tongue flicked vigorously at his sister's clit as the middle finger located the cunt opening, digging its way in. Plunging back and forth masterfully, he quickly brought Beth quickly to the verge of orgasm, squealing, screeching and crying with sheer joy. Fists banging the counter top as Matthew worked her cunt into a treacled frenzy, she breathed: "Oh God Matthew, yessssss. Now they're rolling on the floor, eating out each other's...cunnnnnnnts."

The words prompted Matthew's finger to pump furiously as he dabbed at the swollen clit with an eager tongue tip. "Cum for me Beth baby," he mouthed.

"Oh God yes Matthew, yesssssss. They've finished up. QUICK!"

Pulling his face away, Matthew stuffed two fingers into the tight moistness that was somewhat of a stretch, as delightfully tight as Beth's young twat was. Fingering repeatedly, he tipped his little sister over the edge, her body erupting in spasmodic jerks. Matthew felt and witnessed the spray eject as his dirty little sister came furiously, writhing on the counter like an eel.

Little time to savour the orgasm, Beth readjusted the sundress and pulled up her panties as Matthew licked his fingers clean. "Give me some of that," Beth commanded, taking the sticky digits between her lips and sucking them dry.

At that moment the lesbian couple emerged from the stockroom, flustered and as ruddy-faced as Matthew and Beth. Yet, despite the fervent games in the half-dark, they'd still managed to find the right skirt, plus a pretty maroon top to go with it. The shopgirl, it seemed, had used all her wiles to get the sale. And at the same time she'd gained a very satisfied customer. After Matthew's card had borne the expense once more, the trio left as quickly as they came, though not before Jo had exchanged numbers. "Now that was a fun shopping trip," mused Matthew.

"Mmm, wasn't it," growled Jo.

Beth breathlessly agreed. "We should come more often."

Peckish from their exertions, back in the main thoroughfare, croissants and coffee were taken at M&S, after which the trio headed out of town in Jo's little car, discussing their buys. Halfway home, Beth's mobile phone rang and she unfolded it. Listening, she issued a couple of 'okays' before the call ended. "That was Alice," she announced. "She's at a loose end this afternoon and could do with some company. Could you drop me off?"

Jo agreed and Matthew could barely contain his disappointment. He'd so been looking forward to getting Beth home and finishing off what they'd started in the shop. Now all he had for company was the lesbian.

Jo made the slight detour and arriving at Beth's best friend's house, Matthew dutifully alighted to lift the front seat forward so that Beth could exit. Seeing her long brown gazelle-like legs as she climbed out merely served to heighten his sense of longing. Beth rewarded him with a little peck on the cheek and the promise of 'later', her eyes twinkling. Heading off she waved excitedly as Jo reversed back into the road.

Matthew was silent the rest of the journey, reflecting on what might have been. "Well you've no need to scowl like you've drawn the booby prize in the raffle," Jo stated, a glance aside.

Matthew forced a smile. "Sorry."

"You saw, didn't the stockroom?"

He nodded.


"I can't deny it turned me on."

"Did you wish it were you instead of the shopgirl?" Jo asked with an impish expression.

Matthew blew, struggling to find the words. He wasn't sure what she was getting at but this bore all the hallmarks of some elaborate tease.

"I guess not then," mused Jo, "seeing as what YOU did with Beth."

Matthew raised his eyebrows I surprise and Jo giggled. "She mentioned it while you were ordering the croissants. You should know that close sisters like us have no secrets from one another."

So it seemed. Matthew's face went a deep shade of crimson.

"Apparently you have a very talented tongue," she added with an impudent grin.

That caused Matthew's face to turn a deeper shade, bordering on purple. But what followed took his breath away completely as a slender hand moved across to rest at the top of his thigh, close to the groin. "Matthew, you know who my father was, don't you?" 

Matthew didn't, prompting Jo to clarify: "David Analplumber was my dad."

"UNCLE David?"

Matthew was taken aback by the revelation. David was his father's elder brother. Another tragically struck down early in life, Matthew had never met his uncle thanks to his father's stubbornness that cut off his whole family. "So, let me get this straight," Matthew deliberated. "Mum met the older brother, David, first, gave birth to you and then moved on to the younger brother, my dad, and had me."

"The slut!" they cried in unison.

"And of course you know what that means?" Jo speculated.

Matthew pursed his lips, not fully realising the implication.

"Of the 5 of us, you and I are the most biologically close."

"Yes I guess we are," Matthew concurred, those additional strands of shared DNA accounting for their shared looks and all too similar traits.

It made sense now though his brain was a jumble of disjointed ideas. And why was Jo's hand stroking his cock through the crotch of his trousers? It was a cock that had started to respond to the unexpected though not unwelcome attention. "I don't know...with guys...but in your case I'm prepared to make an exception."

Jo single-handedly swung the 2CV into the driveway, following which the pair sprinted inside, not relenting until they were the other side of Jo's bedroom door amid the pomander-sprinkled air. Falling on the bed the pair stripped naked to begin an hour of the most sensual foreplay imaginable. They rubbed every single inch of one another's bodies on a sensual voyage of discovery, then replaced the fingers with lips and tongues and did it all over again. In heightened state of arousal by the time to fuck each other arrived, Matthew's cock stood bolt upright like a tree, whilst Jo's pussy was as soaked as a wet bath flannel.
Old 06-12-2019, 05:13 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Sure hope TS will update more soon, this story is nice.
Old 07-12-2019, 06:31 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

keep on sharing this story TS, it's really nice.
Old 07-12-2019, 07:27 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

A very long story. It's so nice. Please continue
Old 07-12-2019, 09:44 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Not her first time with a guy, experience was nonetheless at a minimum which suited Matthew just fine, his own expertise lacking too. Jo disclosed that the men she had slept with had been the result of drunken 'wham-bam-thank-you-mam' one night stands that had merely served to push her closer to other girls. With Matthew though, somehow she knew it was going to be different, the bond between them as strong as kevlar.

And it was different. And he was different. Turning aside in profile he towered over the girl, careful to spread his weight evenly as he shifted, no more than the merest contact between their bellies and lips as he jockeyed for position. He stoked her spiky hair lovingly and she stroked his back, gazing up with wondrous hazel eyes. "Take me Matthew," she begged.

Firing himself up, Matthew took a brief moment to reflect. At the start of the reunion with his long lost sisters, he couldn't for one second have envisaged this incredible outcome. Even more incredibly, Jo would have been the last one he'd expected to be making love with first. It just went to show that appearances could be deceptive. Up close, pressing her body she was the most beautiful creature on earth. As he angled the throbbing and bulbous cock head between her thighs, nothing seemed more right.

She spread her knees wide, allowing Matthew to slot in the bloated head. Jo groaned as it stretched a pussy accustomed to fingers and tongues, vibrators and dildos, fitting snugly inside. A hand crept round to cup one Matthew's left buttock and hold him there though he was going nowhere fast.

Both savoured every precious moment as he eased forward, filling the tight cunt with shaft, inch by inch by inch. Locking her fingers behind his head, Jo drew him close into a long and lingering kiss. Her head swam, thinking the big thick shaft might never end. Finally, with a groan of lust and relief, their navels touched and the brushing of the respective thatches of pubic hair confirmed he was at last fully inside her dilated cunt.

As Matthew arched his spine and eased his cock away, Jo felt her deepest pussy walls constrict, clamping tight like a Venus Fly-trap at the entrance as his cock appeared out in the open. Matthew could see and feel that the shaft was coated in a thick film of cunt honey, a teardrop of his sister's juice hanging from the very tip.

Stealing a breath he drove the rock hard cock back in forcefully, eliciting a gasp of desire from his willing partner as her body moved with his like a well oiled machine. It was like they were designer built for sex together. "Fuck me, baby brother," she moaned, staring deep into his eyes.

Little encouragement needed, Matthew ploughed in deep, taking Jo's breath away. Back and forth his buttocks moved purposefully to guide the blunt tip into her cervix. Jo wailed as a male lover brought her close to orgasm for the first time ever, her hands lowering to carve nail tracks down his shoulders and back.

They copulated wildly for five minutes, mouths sucking the air out of one another's lungs, bodies pressing. In and out went his stiff cock, her pussy walls gripping tight. Such was the ferocity that Matthew found he could hold back no longer, grunting as he detonated inside her, drowning her pussy in spunk and flooding her womb. Jo came too like never before, no dildo, vibrator, carrot or corncob able to replicate the delicious sensation of having ten cc's of man-seed pumped furiously inside at two hundred miles per second.

An hour of dreamy sleep later, they awoke in one another's arms. Jo could feel the erection pressing at the belly. "Is there ever a time you're not randy?" she said with a filthy smile.

In present company Matthew didn't imagine there was.

"Okay, a question," Jo mused playfully, turning over on her side to face him. "If you could have a threesome with us and any other person in the house, who'd it be?"

"Oh that's such a horrible thing to ask," Matthew complained bitterly, though the idea was anything but. "They're all so nice in their own ways."

But Beth, it had to be Beth. He could imagine her delicate brown skin between them in the bed. But Meg too was not without appeal, cool and confident with a killer body and a wicked sense of adventure. Then there was Amy, cute as a button and virginal – and soon to be eighteen. And last but certainly not least their mother – now that was something else entirely. Oh God, their mother – how what was that? As they debated the candidates, Jo had to fight off her brother's persistent advances. Yet the topic of conversation was merely making him hornier and hornier.

At that moment the downstairs front door opened and Matthew sprung up in surprise and terror. However, Jo had hold of his cock and he found himself going nowhere. "Maybe we'll just have to wait and see who fate brings us," cooed Jo with a filthy grin.

"You're not serious?"

"Never more serious bro. Mmm, God, give me that hard cock now."


Footsteps on the stairs caused Matthew's heart to pound. "Hello, is anyone home?"

To be continued...
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Old 07-12-2019, 09:54 AM
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

TS, please continue.
Old 07-12-2019, 02:52 PM
niushanwang niushanwang is offline
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Re: [B][I]A very short Story[/B][/I]~ HOT Horny Babes ~

Pls continue nice story.
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