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Old 11-05-2020, 09:21 PM
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Did I took a wrong turn?

My story is a long one, so I'll cut straight to point:

I just turned 21 a few days back, heading to Tekong in a month. Currently a fresh Poly-graduate.

Ever since I was 10, I have a high sex drive. I started off watching mild upskirt videos on YouTube, before playing flash sex games, and then to watching real online pornography, all as a child. I learnt to masturbate from the porn I watched, and would do so frequently for the next 10 years. Recently, I've cut down because I've already lost the same excitement I used to have.

As a teenager, I became more conscious of things. Seeing people coming together as a couple, the romance they'd have and post all over their social media, it got me wanting the same. But, I could never catch a break with girls. I only ever had one formal relationship with a friend whilst in Poly, but that didn't managed to last more than...a week. It's pathetic. Girls either were all friend-zoning me, rejecting me, or used me for whatever I was good for while I let them. My heart has ached many times, and I just became this bitter and resentful self, who also had most friends distanced themselves away from me.

When I was 16, as a curious teen, I paid for sex for the first time at an illegal Heartland Brothel. After school and believe it or not, I went with my school uniform on...but I was invited in anyways. Didn't go through in the end as I was too timid then. It's a funny story, and I was only curious then!

But at 20, having all this resentment and urge to just wanna have something with a women...I found myself back to these Heartland Brothels, with every intention to screw. Thus, at 20, I lost my virginity...and would find myself going back for more.

Heartland Brothels are risky, so I moved to learning how Geylang works from this forum and started chionging there. I frequent Viet & Thai houses, and even constantly visit this same girl at a Thai house after we seemed to have a special connection.

But of course, CB fell and Geylang closed...devastated further, I started turning to local and Dome-1 FLs. It got to a point where, I found myself constantly wanting intimacy and was very willing to get it. But recently, an experience haunts me. I booked a local FL for car sex. Only after getting into my car, I saw she was pregnant and she verified that true. But nothing stopped me. I still paid, and pumped her just as hard as I pumped any other working-girls. After that, I was disgusted knowing I did it to a pregnant women.

From trying to chase girls, to someone who just seemed so willing to pay for I wonder, did I made a wrong turn somewhere?

I know I'm young, only 21. But, after all the shitty past experiences chasing girls, I just didn't feel like I wanna try anymore. Was I wrong for using that to justify my excuse to buy sex?
Old 11-05-2020, 11:37 PM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

So which category u belong to?
1) Gangster, smoker background before
2) Very good with hands
3) Pes E
4) Filthy rich

If u belong to neither of the above, then good luck to u. No need to talk further.
Old 12-05-2020, 01:06 AM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Doing a pregnant fl is not normal, you should seek help.
Not wanting to try for a rs is fine, at least maintain some dignity when it comes to bonking an fl else is just going to be a slippery slope of self pity and losing your sanity.
Old 12-05-2020, 11:22 AM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Maybe before you get into any relationship, look at girl(s) and ask yourself whether do you really want to love and protect them, and to give them the best. Not straight-up imagining how the sex will be. A relationship is not just about intimacy.

I used to think and behave like you, just pay and piak pay and piak. Until I realized with the money I'm paying, I might as well take it and treat a girl I genuinely like, whether is it food or giving presents. She reciprocated and we were in a relationship for years before breaking
Old 12-05-2020, 11:32 AM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Don’t chase girls. Chase self improvement and things will fall into place.
Old 13-05-2020, 01:28 PM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

paid sex is like drugs.

because it is easily accessible, it is addictive.

good thing that u are going into the army. the training and regimentation, coupled with camaraderie with your friends might just help u distract a bit.

u need a proper gf.
Old 13-05-2020, 04:17 PM
countryman countryman is offline
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Now u should be planning for your career n getting a good degree 1st.. U shouldn't be indulging in all these sexual activities @such a young age n worst still with WLs. You'll have to abstain from watching porn to curb your desire.
With a good career n good income, you'll get to meet nice proper beautiful gals. Don't go into this path of paying for sex especially now where u have not even completed your army.

Last edited by countryman; 13-05-2020 at 06:02 PM.
Old 14-05-2020, 12:09 PM
pearlnjewel pearlnjewel is offline
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

hi Lionel threadstarter,

Wow at 21 you have a car? You are probably rich?

Feel sorry for you to be in confusion. I am sure many bros here have or had experienced what you went through before.

If the pregnant FL is ok to go ahead, don't feel guilt since you already done it. Just don't do it again if you are guility.

Since you enjoy it go ahead and enjoy with sex workers. You can't force the addiction to stop.

You can try going to psychologist, they prescribe medicine to curb your sexual desire, result depends on individuals.

You need a motivation to do something you like that you forget about sex and also social support like friends who go out together do things. Suggest you enjoy your army time and try to help out your platoon mates, volunteer and make friends, the most you do anything wrong kena from sergeant but you won't die. Don't worry. If you get any awards in Army, post it on facebook not to show off but to make known to the girls of your presence and how hardworking you are in things you do. You see those commando/officer graduate they like to post and show off right, then they get girlfriend etc.

Find out the reason why you do not have a girlfriend, some guys just look very young and not very dependable so that does not attract girls at all. The way you do things also make you look attractive or not. Don't be wishy washy. Young girls can be evil and bad, but don't think of them all as taking advantage of you when you help them. Is it because you are good at something? Get yourself to become so good that people have to depend on you, when the girls need your help, you ought to get paid for things you are good at, food, drinks, a meal, money. Take the chance to find out more about these girls interest, see if there is anything you all can do together other than sex. If you always help the girls a lot but never receive any token of appreciation, likely they are not someone you should hang out with. Don't be taken advantage of if your help can make you money.

I will suggest you start thinking about a job that you think you will enjoy doing after army, or sign on army, airforce or navy. Be good at what you do, or during BMT try to get selected for Air force pilot trainee. Pilot another one, always get pretty girlfriend. ^^

pm me if you like to talk.

Last edited by pearlnjewel; 14-05-2020 at 12:43 PM.
Old 14-05-2020, 10:26 PM
TTYYLL118 TTYYLL118 is offline
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Bro, it is no use if you keep chasing girls. Truth to say, you can get sex for free or paid but which will guarantee to increase your confidence?

Having paid show your lack of confidence in the future. Having too much paid sex will have a high risk of catching STDs. Try to get pussy from dating. Be honest with the girls after dating and bonking whether you view them as fubu or going to court them up as gf.

Dont force yourself to get into relationships with them if you are nervous coz they bring up this conversation or subconsciously treat you as bf.

Just be confidence, honest and dont burn the bridge with the girls coz one may not know what benefits they could bring in the future.

Speaking from experience as a 24 yr old.
Old 17-05-2020, 11:35 PM
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Originally Posted by countryman View Post
Now u should be planning for your career n getting a good degree 1st.. U shouldn't be indulging in all these sexual activities @such a young age n worst still with WLs. You'll have to abstain from watching porn to curb your desire.
With a good career n good income, you'll get to meet nice proper beautiful gals. Don't go into this path of paying for sex especially now where u have not even completed your army.
Very good luck to TS. Now tech advancing so fast, got drones in industrial estate. Suddenly need to learn new tech, no time to talk about your stupid life.

And countryman, I give u A plus plus for talking about life. Correct in many ways, totally thrash to the core right now. Mai talk like CheongingEdge, mother fker about his success story, can make grand speech at LHL national day rally.

I see several ns men who are great, deferment also bow down to almighty gong jiao wei major, so many different patterns, "i suffer together with u, i eat more salt than u". With directive mindef got way to do it, just that u guys dun want to accept it and go many stubborn ways

Later on, is money. So many bullshit stories.

Decades later....???? Let the youngsters take over. I do my security guard, dun care whatever tech......
Old 20-05-2020, 02:51 PM
edkoh2000 edkoh2000 is offline
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Army if it is still the same hell I went through will definitely help you.

Many will tell you that you have to stop. I will tell you to do until you are sian. It is hard to stop but it is easier when u get bored.

There was a period of 10 years from my 20s to 30s, I cheong like crazy but finally I got bored.

From what I read, you seems rich. If so there is no need for you to chase girls. Build yourself as one brother advise. If you are rich and well educated and not ugly, girls will run to you.

I also made a mistake of chasing girls instead of gold. You are young so you have chance to change. Build gold (money and knowledge and perceptions) and girls will follow. You can even pick and chose.

True love is hard to find. Same for everyone. Some never do. Some get bored after a long time together.

Companionship is easier. Again back to whether you have gold to support it .

Hugh heftner was still looking in his 80s. He had gold.
Old 20-05-2020, 03:20 PM
pearlnjewel pearlnjewel is offline
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Originally Posted by edkoh2000 View Post
Army if it is still the same hell I went through will definitely help you.

Many will tell you that you have to stop. I will tell you to do until you are sian. It is hard to stop but it is easier when u get bored.

There was a period of 10 years from my 20s to 30s, I cheong like crazy but finally I got bored.

From what I read, you seems rich. If so there is no need for you to chase girls. Build yourself as one brother advise. If you are rich and well educated and not ugly, girls will run to you.

I also made a mistake of chasing girls instead of gold. You are young so you have chance to change. Build gold (money and knowledge and perceptions) and girls will follow. You can even pick and chose.

True love is hard to find. Same for everyone. Some never do. Some get bored after a long time together.

Companionship is easier. Again back to whether you have gold to support it .

Hugh heftner was still looking in his 80s. He had gold.

True, chiong until you get bored. Which is not very lasting. The sex is just too good with these ladies. Like shopping, never ending supply. Only until have commitment then will try to stop. Because family are more important than temporary pleasure.
Old 28-05-2020, 02:03 PM
peeboy75 peeboy75 is offline
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Dont see anything wrong with your journey. Many of us go through that:
Starts off with watching intimate scenes at movies-gets aroused-intently looks for sexy ads and pics on magazines- finds out about porn- watches porn- learns masturbation- masturbates to porn- fantasizes about doing it- plucks courage to do it- gets guilty- feels more urge- does it again- finally gets over it as now want to find love- finds it and marries- have a nice family but bored stiff after some time- goes for flings again..
This cycle goes like this for most of me
Old 28-05-2020, 09:03 PM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Originally Posted by peeboy75 View Post
Dont see anything wrong with your journey. Many of us go through that:
Starts off with watching intimate scenes at movies-gets aroused-intently looks for sexy ads and pics on magazines- finds out about porn- watches porn- learns masturbation- masturbates to porn- fantasizes about doing it- plucks courage to do it- gets guilty- feels more urge- does it again- finally gets over it as now want to find love- finds it and marries- have a nice family but bored stiff after some time- goes for flings again..
This cycle goes like this for most of me
Finding true love that last is actually very lucky. Many do not. Some found only to realize it is not, some found only to throw it away and some found and both got bored.
Old 28-05-2020, 09:12 PM
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Re: Did I took a wrong turn?

Originally Posted by pearlnjewel View Post
hi Lionel threadstarter,

Wow at 21 you have a car? You are probably rich?

Feel sorry for you to be in confusion. I am sure many bros here have or had experienced what you went through before.

If the pregnant FL is ok to go ahead, don't feel guilt since you already done it. Just don't do it again if you are guility.

Since you enjoy it go ahead and enjoy with sex workers. You can't force the addiction to stop.

You can try going to psychologist, they prescribe medicine to curb your sexual desire, result depends on individuals.

You need a motivation to do something you like that you forget about sex and also social support like friends who go out together do things. Suggest you enjoy your army time and try to help out your platoon mates, volunteer and make friends, the most you do anything wrong kena from sergeant but you won't die. Don't worry. If you get any awards in Army, post it on facebook not to show off but to make known to the girls of your presence and how hardworking you are in things you do. You see those commando/officer graduate they like to post and show off right, then they get girlfriend etc.

Find out the reason why you do not have a girlfriend, some guys just look very young and not very dependable so that does not attract girls at all. The way you do things also make you look attractive or not. Don't be wishy washy. Young girls can be evil and bad, but don't think of them all as taking advantage of you when you help them. Is it because you are good at something? Get yourself to become so good that people have to depend on you, when the girls need your help, you ought to get paid for things you are good at, food, drinks, a meal, money. Take the chance to find out more about these girls interest, see if there is anything you all can do together other than sex. If you always help the girls a lot but never receive any token of appreciation, likely they are not someone you should hang out with. Don't be taken advantage of if your help can make you money.

I will suggest you start thinking about a job that you think you will enjoy doing after army, or sign on army, airforce or navy. Be good at what you do, or during BMT try to get selected for Air force pilot trainee. Pilot another one, always get pretty girlfriend. ^^

pm me if you like to talk.
Used car in my is pretty cheap. Less than RM 20k can get Liao.
7 pointers and above TQ!
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