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Old 23-10-2020, 01:24 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictitious. Any resemblance/ similarities to any living or dead person, organization, location, entities are purely coincidental.

Note: This story consist of betrayal, exposure and girlfriend sharing. If you are not comfortable with such a genre, please do not proceed.



The day was warm and windy as I stood on the cliff top and set up my gear for the tandem paragliding session.

My name was Scott and at 27, I was a paragliding instructor in Uluwatu, Bali. I was not local and was here on a work pass.

I was unable to find a job ever since I was retrenched and even though my parents had objected vehemently, I still made my way here. I did not wanted to be caught in the endless rat race for the rest of my life and wanted to free myself from all that.

I had been working here for about a year and enjoyed my stress-free environment very much.

It had been raining heavily over the past few days and since the shop I was working in, offered only paragliding services, it would not open its shutters whenever it rained. The sun finally came out today and the shop was opened for business.

Normally, there would be the ground safety crew and other staffs but since the shop was not expecting any customers today, beside the customer service person, I was the only other one being called back to the office.

As such, the client and I were the only 2 individuals up here on the cliff alone.

I did not know her from before and had only met her this morning. Judging from her accent, I knew that she was from my home country. She looked to be young and my guess was that she was roughly about 5 years younger than me.

As I prepared the glider, the wind picked up slightly and based on my experiences, we could still go out but it could be risky.

Me: Ms Jamie, the weather seemed to be getting a little windy. We can still do it but the risk is higher..... so do you still want to do it?

Jamie: Of course..... the weather forecast said that today is the only day that it will be clear .... it's going to start raining again tomorrow and the following day as well...... I'll be flying back home on Friday..... so, I don't want to make it a wasted trip.....

Me: ermm.... are you sure?

Jamie: yes..... let's do it....

Me: ok then.... if you said so.....

I made sure that the ram-air-airfoil was perfect before checking my variometer, radio and GPS again to confirm that they were working. Thereafter, I started to set up our harness.

As she had never done paragliding before, we were doing it on 1 glider, with her in front of me.

By now, the wind had died down a little and I quickly secured the both of us to the glider. I checked the wind direction again and we went off the cliff.

Even though I had seen the view more than a hundred time, it never failed to amaze me.

Uluwatu was an area surrounded by the ocean. Once the glider was in the air, the eye-soaring view of the waves splashing, the browns and greens on the side of the cliff and blue of the ocean below, performed an exquisite contrast of colours.

As we continued to soar in the sky high above, she started to exclaim excitedly.

Jamie: wow..... it's beautiful......

Me: yes... it is.... you can look up there. The camera will take your pictures automatically ......

Jamie: great! I'm glad that we proceeded with this.......

As usual, the route was to glide along the coast and then make a turn back to shore before landing. Everything appeared to be normal as we continued our journey.

Jamie: why are we going further out?

Me: See the rock there?

Jamie: yes.....

Me: We'll head there before making a detour back.....

Jamie: oh ok...... I'm glad it's not that far...... The sea look choppy today.... I won't want to swim in that......

The sky was still bright and sunny in front of us. I took a glance down and was shocked when I saw the waves below. There were white foams everywhere. I quickly turned my head towards the shore and there were no one along the beach. Looking back up into the sky behind us, I saw the dark clouds forming.

It could only mean one thing. I had not seen the clouds when we took off from the cliff earlier and apparently a storm was approaching fast. The wind must be very strong to have made the clouds appeared so suddenly and also caused such a disturbance to the surface of the water. We just had not felt it yet.

Immediately, I pulled on one of the risers and tried to maneuver the glider into a turn.

I knew that there was no time to be lost.

Jamie: why are we turning back now? I thought you said that the rock would be the spot?

Before I could reply, the gust hit us. It startled her and she screamed.

Just in a mere a few seconds, it had blown us a few hundred meters further out into the ocean, from the spot where I was supposed to make the turn.

The wind stopped as suddenly as it appeared and the glider stopped wobbling around as I regained control.

Me: calm down..... calm down.....

Jamie: are we going to die?

Me: just don't panic...... I'll try to get us back.....

I started to turn us back again. Behind us, rained had started to fall heavily on the shore and I could only pray that there would not be any lightning or we would have been sitting ducks.

Weather in the tropics was always unpredictable, especially in the monsoon season and I had my fair share of such experiences. However, storms of such nature were seldom seen and I could only blame it on global warming.

Even before the glider started to turn, the next gust of wind hit us.

She started screaming again.
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Old 23-10-2020, 01:25 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

This time, it was as if the wind came back with a vengeance. It was stronger than previously and even after 30 seconds, it did not stopped.

I fought hard to control the glider from folding over and realized that we were in great peril if the wind did not stop soon. Behind us, the shoreline got further and further away from us.

She had stopped screaming and was crying instead.

I had to ignore her for now and concentrate on the glider so as to increase our chances of survival.

The wind changed direction suddenly and started to blow us parallel to the shore. From my estimation, we were now about 7km away from the shore.

There was another problem. Rain had been falling non-stop and coupled with the down-draft, the glider was gradually being push downwards. Our altitude was starting to fall steadily.

Suddenly an object came into view on the open ocean.

Through the rain, I blinked my eyes again and saw that it was a ship. I vaguely remembered reading the news that a supply transport vessel had stranded on the rocks in these waters a few days back but the crew had already been evacuated.

I quickly calculated our chances. There was virtually no way for me to propel us back to shore in this weather and the wind would take us further out into the ocean.

Half the ship was submerged in the water as it had hit the rocks with its bow. With the horrendous weather over the past few days, it should have already sank but now but it was still there and appeared to be holding strong. Furthermore, there was possibility that we might find some life jackets onboard and once the stormy weather cleared, we could try to swim back to shore.

Despite the dangers of landing on an unstable ship, it was still better than if we were to fall into the ocean now. With the raging waves below and without any life jackets, our chances of survival would be close to nil.

I made my decision and aimed for the ship.

Jamie had stopped crying now and seemed to figure out what my intention was as she prepared for landing.

As we got nearer to the ship, I realized that the deck was at a slopping angle. On top of that, there were no large open spaces as there were containers that were still on its deck. There was only 1 way to get us onto the ship.

Above the howling wind, I shouted to her.


I was not sure if she could hear me but I saw her tucking in her legs.

We got nearer and nearer to the ship and once we were just above the deck, I piloted the canopy directly into one of the lowest overhanging spar on the tallest mast. The plan was to snag the glider into those pylons so that we could stop in time and hopefully would be just a few feet off the ground.

The plan worked, almost.

There was something that I forgot. The wind was still forcefully pushing us from behind and once the mast caught the ropes and canopy, the glider stopped moving forward but our forward momentum continued. Both of us were slammed against the large metal pillar.

Jamie: Ooouchhhh......

Me: uwwwoofff.........

I was not sure how long the glider would remain snagged and even though we were about 7 feet off the deck, I knew we had to get off now.


I shouted to her above the wailing wind and immediately released her carabiner. As she dropped from the glider, her windbreaker appeared to be snagged by a cleat that was jutting out from the mast. Fortunately, she landed properly and instantly started to make her way towards the tower on the slippery slope.

I released myself once she was safely away from my drop zone. Similarly, the same cleat also snagged my windbreaker and tore it badly as I dropped onto the deck.

It was not too soon as a sudden gust of wind caught the entire glider and pulled it off its restraints. As the bright green foil of the glider flew off off to its next unknown destination, I headed after her.
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Old 23-10-2020, 01:26 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

The deck was tilted an angle and with the rain coming down in buckets, it was slippery. Moreover, the wind continued to blow incessantly. Fortunately, the vessel was rather large and even with the waves hitting its hull, it remained relatively stable.

When I arrived at the main structure, she already was hiding behind a protruding frame to protect herself from the wind. With the wind in my back, I had to exert all my strength in order to open the door.

Once it was wide enough, she quickly went in and I followed. The door slammed shut behind me.

With us finally in a sheltered area, I removed my helmet, harness and windbreaker before taking out my phone. The screen was decorated with cracks and it had no response when I tried to turn it on. Apparently the damage was caused by the impact when I crashed into the mast earlier.

The body of walkie-talkie and its antenna were in 2 separate pieces. There was only static noises coming out from it when I switched it on.

Me: Jamie, can you try to call the police?

Jamie: My phone is broken.....

Me: I see..... I'll go up and try the bridge..... there should be a radio in there.... Stay here and wait for me.....

I turned towards the other door when she finally spoke.

Jamie: Wait..... do you have a spare T-shirt?

Me: Why?

Jamie: My clothes were torn when I fell from the glider.....

Ever since I watched her dropped safely onto the deck, I had not been paying attention to her as my main priority was to try to find a way to get us off the ship quickly. It was only now that I realized that during the entire period that we stepped into this enclosed area, she had not been facing me with her frontal plane.

Her back was facing me even as she spoke.

Earlier, my windbreaker had also been snagged and it was badly ripped and that was why I had since removed it. However, my tshirt was untouched and still fully intact. This must be the case for her as well.

Me: Just remove your windbreaker then....... it's not that chilly here.....

Jamie: it's not only my windbreaker..... my tshirt is also torn.....

Me: erm.... I don't have anything else except the one that I am wearing..... errmm .... why not you stay here first? there's no one around. I'll go to the bridge and try to see if I could find any clothing for you.... it's safer here..... if the boat is to sink, you can easily get on deck and escape.....

She nodded her head and I quickly set off in search of the staircase that would lead me up to the bridge.

In the next room, there were 3 doors here which led to separate areas but I was not interested in them currently. Beside the smallest compartment, was a space where the stairs were. I quickly made my way up to the bridge.

The door was left opened and I went in. I tried the radio but it was not working. Either it was already damaged or had no power. I found nothing else that was useful and went down again.

The open doorway in front of me was where Jamie was and I opened the behind me first. It was a corridor that must lead to the accommodation area. Unfortunately, a large part of it was already submerged and I could not even see the door of the first cabin as it was underwater.

I opened the one on my right, which was beside the staircase. It was a toilet. Like every other ship, the toilet was small. The sink was right next to the door and the toilet bowl was in the middle. The shower area was right inside. Glad to find a toilet, I quickly went in to relieve myself but found that it could not be locked.

The door directly opposite to the toilet was the galley or kitchen on a ship. When I explored the area, there were enough food and drinks to last us for some time. Apart from that, there was nothing else of use to us and I returned to share the information with her.

Her harness laid on the floor beside mine and she was squatting on the floor, going through my backpack as I entered. Once she saw me, she quickly turned her back to face me.

Me: what are you looking for? .....

Jamie: Did you find any clothes?

Me: no.... there's nothing here..... only a toilet, a kitchen and the bridge. The cabins are all submerged.....

She did not reply me and looked to be in distress.

Me: Are you ok?

Jamie: Can you give me the shirt that you are wearing?

Me: errmmm....

Jamie: I don't have anything to wear..... and my clothes are torn....

It was strange for her to make such a request.

Me: but.....

Jamie: please.....

However, I could sense that she was pleading for it.

Me: ermm... ok.... if you don't mind..... there's a bit of.... errmmm.... smell.....

Jamie: it's ok.....

I removed my T-shirt and handed it to her.

Jamie: Where's the toilet?

Me: It's there on the left....

Jamie: ok.... thanks.....

Still without facing me, she took my shirt and went off quickly.

I started to fiddle with the walkie, hoping by some miracle that it would work again.

Suddenly, I heard a blood curling scream.
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Old 23-10-2020, 09:49 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Good start TS
Camping for more
Old 23-10-2020, 12:40 PM
yamatomo yamatomo is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Camping for next episode
Old 23-10-2020, 07:51 PM
keftw keftw is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

nice. next episode when?
Old 23-10-2020, 09:00 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Another wonderful story from bro pusslover. Camping here..
Old 24-10-2020, 01:30 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Afraid that she could have injured herself, immediately I ran to the toilet and yanked open the door.

She was sitting on the toilet bowl but was staring at something in horror. However, my attention was not on her expressions. Neither was I distracted by the sound of her pee that was echoing out loudly in the tiny enclosed space.

Her windbreaker and shirt was piled up in the basin and my shirt was placed right at the very top. Her denim shorts laid on the floor around her ankles and her lacy undies laid within it. Her thighs were closed together and everything below that was well hidden and protected.

Basically, she was completely naked and my eyes ran over her body quickly.

Her porcelain skin was so flawless that it appeared to radiate a soft glow from within them even though there was limited lighting in the toilet.

Since the time when she came into the shop, I had not paid too much attention to her. She had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because of her simplicity. In fact, there was nothing about her that was calling out for attention.

She did not have a single touch of make-up on her face and her hair was just neatly tied into a pony tail with a plain a black hair elastic band. On top of that, with her baggy Tshirt and straight forward denim shorts, it did not provide any indication about her figure.

However, now that I was looking at her topless body, I could see how luscious her figure was.

Her slim waist and flat tummy were previously hidden but the pleasant surprise was her voluptuous breasts. They were between the size of either a C or D cups and did not have any visible veins on them but the most alluring part of her boobs were her nipples. Even though I had a few girlfriends before but the colour of Jamie's nipples were something that I could only imagine in my dreams. Their pinkish shade even spread down to her beautiful areolas that were no larger than a 50 cents coin.

Instantly, I felt a rush of blood into my loins as my manhood started to react to her nakedness.


She started screaming again and broke my trance. I looked at what she was pointing at. It was just a cockroach that was sitting on the wall at the far end of the cubicle.

Me: What do you want me to do?


Me: ok.... ok.... stop screaming.....

I started to make my way inside. The cubicle was narrow and since she was still sitting on the toilet bowl, I had to straddle my leg over hers in order to get to the shower area.

Just when my leg was in mid-air, she pushed me sideways towards the cockroach. In doing so, I lost my balance and quickly reached out to the wall behind her to support myself, inevitably causing me to launch my crouch towards her face.

She must have seen the tent in my berms as she screamed louder and gave an even harder shove. It caused my direction to change and I fell sideways into the shower area. At the same time, she reached down, pulled her shorts up and dashed out of the toilet.

Once she was gone, I disposed of the insect and went to the basin to collect her clothes, checking them out at the same time. I had been wondering why she insisted on having my T-shirt and was shocked when I realized how badly damaged her clothes were. Both the windbreaker and T-shirt were totally ripped apart at the front. Even her bra was in 2 separate pieces. My hands were shivering as I held the garments as I thought about how close she was to being badly injured when she was snagged earlier.

After I calmed myself down, I brought all the items back out.

She was standing in the furthest corner with her back facing me.

I dropped her clothes on the floor and went over to hand her my T-shirt.

Me: Wear this first.....

I could see that she was still shaking.

Jamie: Have.... have you..... got rid of it?.....

Me: yes..... wear the shirt first..... I'll grab us something to eat.....

I turned away from her and heard her mumbled softly.

Jamie: Thanks.....
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Old 24-10-2020, 01:31 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

I took a can of baked beans and another can of chicken before going out.

She had worn my T-shirt and was looking around the dim walls apprehensively, checking for any signs of other cockroaches.

Me: let's go up and eat at the bridge..... it's brighter there....

I led the way and she followed behind.

Even though, it was still raining but with some weak sunlight coming in, it was much brighter here.

I set the food on the table beside the walls. She seemed happier at the brighter surroundings and calmed down.

Jamie: thanks.....

Me: no.... I need to apologise first.....

Jamie: what is it?

Me: I didn't realized how dangerous it was when I released you from the glider earlier..... I almost got you badly injure......

Jamie: but if you didn't do it, the wind would have taken me away..... so thanks for that as well.....

Me: anyway, why are you so terrified of cockroaches?

Jamie: One of my primary school friend dropped one into my blouse back then..... and it crawled all over me before the teacher managed to get it out.... it's disgusting.....

I laughed and she scowled.

Jamie: it's not funny!..... imagine the feeling of those disgusting prickly legs going all over you!

Me: sorry..... I have gotten rid of it for you already.....

There was a brief moment of awkward silence between us as perhaps she remembered that I had seen her topless earlier.

Finally, she spoke.

Jamie: so we are stuck here...... but until when? Your company will look for us right?

Me: yes..... but only when the storm passes..... If the weather continue like this, there's no one at the shop.....

She looked out the window.

Jamie: I don't think the rain will go away soon..... I saw the weather report that it will continue to rain for another the next 2 days at least..... are we safe?

Me: currently we should be...... however, if the storm gets bigger, then we could be in trouble..... I'm not sure if the ship will hold.....

She did not reply me and scooped up a spoonful of baked beans into her mouth while I looked at the rain that was still spattering on the windows. Both of us were lost in our own thoughts for a couple of minutes before she spoke again.

Jamie: Scott..... why are you here?

Me: har?..... Did you hurt your head? Don't you remember?

Jamie: hais..... no..... I mean..... Why did you come here to work as an instructor?

Me: Oh......

I told her my reasons.

Me: What about you?

She shook her head.

Jamie: I had just graduated and came here for a vacation.....

Me: I see..... where's your friends? I'm sure they would raise the alarm by tonight.....

Jamie: I came here alone.....

She did not seemed like she wanted to elaborate and I changed the topic.

Me: erm.... sorry about our situation.....

Jamie: it's not your fault.... you warned me about the risk and I was the one who wanted to proceed..... thanks for saving us.... if you did not land here..... I think we'll be gone by now.....

Me: I think we should stop apologizing and thanking each other..... else, it will never end....

Finally she giggled and unwittingly, my gazed went to her unsupported boobs that was jiggling underneath my Tshirt. As her nipples brushed against the fabric, they started to get erected and I could see them rather clearly on the thin white T-shirt.

She caught my line of sight and turned away in embarrassment.

Me: ermmm..... sorry...... I don't mean to be rude......

She did not reply me and I felt ashamed of myself at that moment.

Me: erm.... enjoy the food.... ermmm.... I'll stay downstairs and you can stay here..... just call me if you need me.....

With that I went down.
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Old 24-10-2020, 01:31 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Originally Posted by Orange22 View Post
Another wonderful story from bro pusslover. Camping here..
Nice to see you here again bro
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Old 24-10-2020, 02:01 AM
James7Milner James7Milner is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Another nice story, must support
Old 24-10-2020, 09:42 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Thank you for sharing nice story
Old 25-10-2020, 02:30 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Since there was surplus of food, I got myself a new can of chicken and ate alone in the dimly lighted area where we first entered the deckhouse. I could still hear the wind howling through the tiny gaps.

As I was topless, I wore back the tattered windbreaker and sat there alone in silence, taking stock of our situation.

We had no communication to the outside world and the shore was at least 7km away. Without life jackets, swimming to land would be impossible.
Furthermore, she had said that the weather would continue for another 2 days and had came here alone. This meant that any rescue would only be possible after 2 days. In this howling wind, even if there were passing ships, there was no chance that they would come close to the wreck.

It was clear that we would be stuck here at least for the next 2 days. With the kitchen fully stocked, we had almost everything to survive but the ship could sink any time. I needed a backup plan in case of emergency.

Aside from the rooms that I had searched, there was nothing else within the deckhouse unless I chose to go underwater into the cabins. However, there were also the containers that were still sitting outside and might contain items that might be of use to us. Moreover, there could be life jackets in some of the metal boxes along the gunwale. I made up my mind that once the wind had lowered its ferocity, I would investigate them.

About 2 hours later, I headed to the kitchen to make some instant coffee. Unfortunately, there was no electricity or gas and I had to make my coffee with the normal temperature water.

Just as I was drinking my coffee, I heard her scream again.


I knew what it was about and ran up the stairs.

Me: Where is it?

Jamie: THERE!!!!!

She pointed to the area under the helm and I saw it.

Moving quickly, before it knew that I was a threat and started to escape, I caught it. Without speaking to her, I went down, squashed it and threw it out into the sea through the tiny window in the toilet.

After that, I brought an additional cup of coffee with me and went back up. She was still trembling.

Me: I disposed of it..... here.... have some coffee.....

She took the cup and I was about to head for the stairs when she held my arm.

Jamie: no..... don't go......

Me: Don't worry..... Just call me and I'll be here.....

She shook her head vigorously.

Jamie: no..... please....

Me: ermmm.... ok.....

After she had drunk almost half the contents, she appeared to have calm down.

Me: I'll stay here for a while to accompany you..... I'll head back downstairs for the night....

Jamie: no.... stay here with me..... it seemed like there's alot of them around..... and I'm terrified of them.....

Me: but.....

Jamie: It's ok... I'm fine with that.....

Me: ermmm.... ok then.....

I walked over to the window and looked down at the containers that were on the deck. She came and stood beside me.

Jamie: what is it?

Me: I want to find out what's in those containers and those boxes there to see if there are anything that we can use......

Jamie: now? but it's raining .....

Me: I don't have a choice........ It's better than sitting here doing nothing right?

Jamie: hmmm......

Me: I'll head out when the wind slacken.....

She did not reply me. From the corner of my eyes, I could sense that she was studying me intensely.
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Old 25-10-2020, 02:31 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Jamie: have you ever had a girlfriend before?

Me: I had.... why do you ask?

Jamie: because you seemed very uneasy about it......

Ever since I came back to the bridge again, I had tried my best not to look at her, not only her breasts but her as a whole. So, I knew what she was talking about.

Me: I'm not uneasy.....

Jamie: you haven't even look at me once since you came up again..... is it because you are afraid that you can't control your eyes?

Since she was so direct about the question, I decided to speak the truth.

Me: ermmm.... Although I want look but it's rude to stare. I don't want to make you uncomfortable......

Jamie: Hng.....

She rolled her eyes in a scornful way.

Me: I mean.... I am a man and you are a woman who is not wearing a bra now.... and.... ermm..... and you have very beautiful breasts.... so it is natural for me to want to stare....

Even without looking at her, I could sense that she was blushing when I mentioned how beautiful her breasts was.

Jamie: ermm.... Don't you think you are too honest?

Me: Well, you asked me about it.... so I feel that I should be honest about my thoughts....... also, I don't want you to think that I am a pervert...

She did not reply me and there was a strange silence between us as if we had just broken a barrier between us.

I turned my attention back to the weather and suddenly realized that the wind had slowed down considerably. The rain was now a little more than a drizzle.

Immediately I ran towards the opened door and heard her shouting after me in surprise.

Jamie: what is it?! where are you going?!

Me: I'm going to the containers!.....

As I ran down the stairs, I could hear her footsteps behind me.

She caught up when I was at the door leading to the exterior.

Me: stay there..... it's safer.....

I pushed open the door. It was still windy but at least manageable.

The vessel was not one of those large container ships and had a length of only about 50 meters. Currently, there were not many containers onboard and they were not stacked on on top of each other.

From my earlier count, there about 16 containers, placed in rows of 4, directly beside each other. There was no way I was able to reach the 8 in the middle but apart from the 4 in front of me, I would also want to try my luck with the other 4 right at the opposite end of the entire block.

Although the deck was slippery but I ran up the slight slope to the left most container that was in front of me. There was a padlock on the door and I quickly moved to the next one. I managed to open it but there was only furniture inside.

The 3rd one was locked and I managed to open the last one in this row. There were a lot of sealed boxes in it but I was unable to open them with my bare hands.

I hurried back to the deckhouse.

Jamie: how is it?

Me: I need to get my penknife in my bag.....

Once I retrieve the pen-knife and went to the exit again, I noticed that the weather had changed once more. The wind was picking up speed and the rain was starting to get heavier.

However, there was a need to find out what the cargo contained and I did not want to give up now.

She must have noticed it as well.

Jamie: You settle the container.... I'll try the boxes on the side....

Me: no... it's dangerous....

Jamie: We're in this together.....

Before I could stop her, she dashed out of the shelter.

I did not go after her and returned to the container. Once I found out that the boxes contained all household items, I quickly opened as many boxes as I could.

I spent a good 15 mins in there and the howl of the wind was getting louder by the second when she appeared at the door of the container. She remained standing in the rain and the way her hair was being blown to the side behind her head, indicated that it was time for me to leave.

We had to shout in order for us to hear each other.

Jamie: HOW IS IT?



We collected all the items quickly and shut the container again so that rain would not get in and damage the remaining stuffs. I knew that once the weather permit, I would need to return to search for more items.
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Old 25-10-2020, 02:32 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 1

Back in the deckhouse, we brought everything up to the bridge and set the items down. I had found 2 torch lights, 2 lanterns, some batteries and a small butane stove. She had managed to find 2 life jackets.

Jamie: Great find!

She so was excited about the items we found that she immediately sat down on the floor to inspect them.

Jamie: We will have some lights tonight and I don't need to have cold food any more......

I sat down in front of her.

Me: yes.... and the life jackets are important as well..... but you shouldn't have gone out just like that! it's dangerous! and now you are all wet!

As I was saying that, I realized that the rain had turned the T-shirt almost transparent. With the wet fabric plastered against her breasts, her erected nipples were so obvious that she appeared to be topless.

I gulped but quickly caught myself and prised my eyes away from them. When I look up, she was looking down at the flashlight in her hands, trying to open its cover. However, she was blushing and I knew that she caught me again but this time, she did not turn away or even try to protect her modesty.

Me: ermm... sorry.... I don't mean it.....

Jamie: erm.... I know.... you are not a pervert......

She spoke sarcastically without looking directly at me and dropped some batteries into the flashlight. She then switched it on while continuing with what she wanted to say.

Jamie: I can't stop you from staring since I don't have any other clothes to wear.... anyway, I'll try not to be awkward about it since we are stuck here together until we are rescued..... and I don't have the heart to allow you to stay downstairs.... it's dark and cold there........ but please don't think otherwise..... I'm not those easy kind of women....

Me: Ermmm.... don't worry..... I know and I won't......

There was another round of silence between us as the both of us understood what she meant.

In the meantime, she proceed to fiddle with the stove and managed to start a fire.

Jamie: woohoo! let's go and get some food up and water? we can also make some hot drinks now..... it's getting late...... and we shouldn't cook when its dark, especially in an enclosed space.....

With that, I went to collect the food items while she went back to the area of the main entrance to collect all our stuffs that we initially left there.

When I returned back to the bridge, apparently she had used her own T-shirt to dry herself. She had already changed out of the wet T-shirt and was wearing her tattered windbreaker. She had tied the bottom ends together but was unable to do anything to the damaged top portion. Almost the entire middle portion of the front of her body could be seen except for her breasts.

During dinner, she must have thought that the garment was well secured in place but windbreaker's material was stiff. With one hand holding onto the can food while the other hand was using the fork, the garment formed a cavern that had an cavern so large that I could see her breasts rather clearly.

She seemed unaware of it and so I continued to take sneak peeks, feasting my eyes on them.

Unfortunately, in the dim light, I was unable to study her nipples clearly. Even so, my manhood was already straining painfully against my berms throughout the remaining of the dinner and there was nothing I could do to adjust it to a more comfortable position.

During the same span of time, I caught her stealing glances at my crotch area a few times but neither of us mentioned anything about it and we ate in silence.

After dinner, we just stood by the window and stared at the fast darkening sky. The wind had stopped and there was still a slight drizzle but it was too dark for me to head out now.

If we were not in such a situation, I would say that it was a peaceful evening. There was no Tv, no computer, no mobile devices or any other things to disturb us and somehow, it felt almost serene.

She broke the silence.

Jamie: My parents are business people, so we did not spend much time together.......

I did not probe her as I had only got to know her today and it would be rude to be asking too much.

However, she told me the name of the company and I knew it was a listed company. I was rather surprised that she was telling me these stuffs as I could kidnap her and request for ransom.

As if she could read my mind, she squinted her eyes and glance sideways at me.

Jamie: yah....yah.... kidnap me if you want.....

Me: no lah..... I won't...

Jamie: What you?

Me: oh.... my parents are just normal salary folks, nothing special..... so, I don't know what to tell you about them.....

Jamie: I see..... Have you tried to apply for a job back home?

Me: it's not easy to get a job now.....

Me: I did..... before I came over...... but seriously, with the influx of foreigners in our country now..... it's almost impossible to find a good job......

Jamie: so.... did you come here really because you like this place or was it because you could not find a job?

Me: It's both......

Jamie: hmmm..... I see..... but what if I could get you something?

Me: I wouldn't want to be pulling strings.....

Jamie: opppssss.....

We laughed for a moment.

Jamie: seriously, what's your profession?

Me: I was an electrical engineer.

Jamie: oh.... wow..... sounds interesting.... tell me more about it....

Initially she seemed enthusiastic but once I got into details, she started to yawn unwittingly.

Jamie: opps.... sorry..... I don't mean it....

Me: it's ok..... and we had a long day......

Darkness had fully crept in and I switched on a lantern.

Jamie: I'm tired..... is it rude to feel sleepy when you are telling me about your previous job?

Me: haha..... no... it's not.... have a good rest.... do you want me to go down?

Jamie: no.... it's fine.... like I said, I trust you......

Without further discussion, we laid down on the floor. She made sure that there was a meter gap between us before sleeping.

In the middle of the night, I was jolted awake when I felt something warm pressing against my body. She must have rolled over to my side unintentionally.

I was thinking that either she was too trusting or too innocent to know the dangers of being alone with a man at night but I had no intention of taking advantage of her.

Too tired to think about anything else, I drifted back to sleep.
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