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Old 08-11-2020, 02:33 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Disclaimer: This story is entirely fictitious. Any resemblance/ similarities to any living or dead person, organization, location, entities are purely coincidental.

Note: This story consist of betrayal, rape, exposure and girlfriend sharing. If you are not comfortable with such a genre, please do not proceed.

This is a continuation from Fate or Destiny - Part 1. Reason of the new thread is simply because both can be read as if they are separate story or can be combined.

Also note that this is 4 years later, from the first story.



Some passersby looked at me curiously, wondering why a grown man was crying outside an office building. I was not too bothered with their glazes as there were other things on my mind.

My ex-girlfriend, who was just in her mid-twenties now, had married another man a few years back and I understood the circumstances that caused her to do so. Since then, although I still loved her dearly, I thought that her heart was no longer with me and had accepted her decision.

However, just 5 mins earlier, I was not sure if she had even did it on purpose, but I reckoned that she still had feelings for me. Moreover, I suspected that my own child was now 3 years old but was acknowledging her husband as his father unknowingly.

Due to the above related incident almost 4 years ago, I had received a payment of a million dollars. Fortunately, my dad had invested wisely and astutely for me and grown it to a few million dollars. Together with my parents, we set up a company locally before heading to China to set up a wholly foreign-owned enterprise (WFOE) over there, leaving everything here behind.

The initial 6 months, setting up the WFOE in a new country, was tough. I met with lots of bumps along the way since I was still green and inexperience. I almost wanted to give up but my dad was there to support and guided me to success.

Although dad was never a businessman, he had many years of experiences dealing with situations while he was working for others in a SME. On top of that, he had also built some good contacts over there who helped us a greatly in our business.

Over the next 3.5 years, I grew the business but eventually sold off the companies to an offer that I could not reject.

Since then, I had returned home while my parents took the opportunity to fulfill their life long dream of touring the world for the next 6 months.

I wiped my tears and made my way home.

As my whole family was out of the country for the past few years, our flat was rented out to some tenants and the lease would only expire in another 6 months time. Now I was back, I decided to rent a condo on my own in the Eastern side of Singapore rather than chasing them out from my parent's place.

Sitting in my living room, I had already made up my mind to confirm if Jamie still had feelings for me or if the child was my kid before taking any actions. Unfortunately, it was not going to be as easy as it sounded.

The last time I met her 4 years ago, there was a body guard with her. Although I was not sure if she was still under surveillance, I did not want to take the chance and inadvertently alert her parent-in-laws even before I took any actions.

Her in-laws, William Sim and Beth Tay, were rich and powerful people and I would not want to directly cross-swords with them. So, from now onwards, every move I made, it would be just like playing chess and I had to plan meticulously. Any wrong moves might potentially blow up to become a huge mess and get her into trouble.

During the time while I was in China, one of the most important thing that I learnt was to have reliable and trustworthy contacts who were able to complete the jobs that I had needed, in stealth mode. The other thing that I learned was to keep every assignment separate so that it would minimize the repercussions just in case I was betrayed.

I picked up my phone and called Jason.

He was a guy I saved 2.5 years ago when I came back for some business meetings. I was having my lunch at a coffee shop when a gang fight happened suddenly.

Jason and some of his guys were sitting at the next table when another group rushed in from nowhere at started attacking them. In the melee, Jason was stabbed and somehow, his guys managed to fend off the attackers and went chasing after them.

By then, most of the patrons in the coffeeshop had already disappeared from the gang fight but Jason was bleeding profusely from his wounds. Without consideration for my own safety, I immediately went over to help him, using whatever knowledge I had learned from the army to stop the bleeding. Before he was taken away in a ambulance, he asked me for my number.

If I had not helped him then, he would have bled to death and he was grateful about that. Since then, even though I was in China, we kept in touch and built up a friendship from there. Each time I came back for business, we would meet up for coffee.

When I saved him back then, I did not know that he was already an underworld leader, a triad boss, and I had never thought that I would ever need his help. He already knew that I had sold the business and returned home.

Jason (Hokkien): Hey bro! what's up? Want to catch up for coffee?.....

Me (H): sure bro and I also need 5 burner phones..... are you able to get them for me?

Jason (H): why so many? Are you in trouble?

Me (H): I'll tell you when we meet.... when can I get them?

Jason (H): 1 hour.... I'll meet you at the Jalan Kayu prata place.....

An hour later, I was at the location. He arrived shortly with 2 of his guys.

Jason was 38 and when he was wearing a T-shirt, he looked like any normal guy as his tattoos were only on his torso.

His henchmen took another table and he sat beside me before asking what had happened. I only told him that it was a personal matter and left Jamie completely out from our conversation.

Jason (Hokkien): chey.... ok... if you need help let me know ok?

Me (H): yes.... sure..... so the phones are ready?

Jason (H): yah.... here....

He passed me a bag.

Me (H): how much is it?

Jason (H): no need lah..... this one small money and we don't talk about money between brothers..... I owed my life to you.....

Me (H): wah.... that's long history..... can don't talk about it any more? I just did what I could.....

Jason (H): haha..... ok... ok..... just let me know what other help you need..... you can count on me.....

Me (H): ermmm..... yes, there's one other thing..... I'll need your guys to help me deliver something to someone....

Jason (H): now?

He was about to turn and call one of his guys.

Me (H): no.... not now bro..... I'll let you know again.....

Jason (H): hmm..... but it's not illegal drugs or something like that right? You know I don't touch such things..... hahaha

Me (H): Of course not!

Jason (H): I'm only joking! I know you wouldn't touch those..... let me know once you need him.....

Me (H): sure, thanks....

Last edited by pussluver; 16-11-2020 at 12:06 PM.
Old 08-11-2020, 02:34 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

After another hour, we left and I went home again.

Using one of the burned phone, I called up another contact, Qai.

Qai was Chinese and was located in the border town of Mong Cai, Vietnam, and Dongxingzhen, China, so that he could travel between the countries easily. Whenever he had an assignment, he would go into Vietnam to do it.

Qai did not belong to any company or organization. He was a IT security cum hacker that was introduced to me. Over the past few years, I had engaged his services a few times to get information of competitors that were not readily available and he had never failed me. Since then, I had built up a good rapport with him and someone I could also trust.

Me (Mandarin): "the sun is bright today"....

He hung up the phone.

That was my passcode when I needed something from him and he would call me back from a burned number that he used. He was extremely careful about his activities as he might be arrested if he was caught.

After 30 seconds, my phone rang, displaying an unknown a Vietnam number.

Qai (M): hey brother..... how are you?

Me (M): I'm good.....

Qai (M): so what can I do for you?

Me (M): I need details about a woman...... I need to know everything about her, her child, her parents and also her friends.....

Qai (M): sure..... send me her details.....

Me (M): I don't have her details..... only her name, pictures and her husband name....

I gave him the information about Cory's family.

Qai (M): ok.... that will be enough for me...... I'll call you again on Wednesday.....

Me (M): how much are the charges?

Qai (M): haha.... there's no charges...... whatever you had given me when you sold your company is enough to cover another 50 times you come to me.....

Me (M): ok then..... thanks....

I picked up a 2nd burned phone and called up a 3rd person, Wang.

He was a fiftyish guy and used to be in the military in his country. From what I knew, he used to be a high ranking official and had since retired. After that, he had set up various businesses across the country and he was introduced to us by Coleen, who was our main supplier.

Before we even went over, dad had approached him. Wang had agreed to help us by linking us with some of his contacts and we paid him a substantial amount for it. Since then, I had worked with him many times and found that he was a trustworthy person. When we sold our business, we had given him an enormous red packet to thank him for his helped along the way.

Me (Mandarin): Hello Wang "zhong" (chairman), how are you?

Wang (M): Hello, Scott! Long time no speak.... Is there something I could do for you?

Me (M): yes.... do you know any private investigator in my country?

Wang (M): I know some people in this business over there....

Me (M): I need someone with the capabilities of digging up dirt from the rich and powerful....

Wang (M): ah..... ok.... I know such a person..... but he's not cheap.....

Me (M): Is he trustworthy?

Wang (M): Of course..... He's my 2nd in command in the military..... I trust him and I'll give my personal guarantee to you....

Me (M): good.... thank you....

After 30mins, I received a text from Wang with the person number. I used the same phone that I called Wang with and made the call.

Chen (M): Hello.... who is this?

Me (M): Wang recommended me....

I was surprised when he spoke to me in English and there was no trace of his accent.

Chen: ok.... he told me that you needed someone to dig up some dirt.....

me: yes.... you speak good English.....

Chen: yes.... I've been here for a long time and took up speech classes..... so what is it?

Me: I need detailed information about a person..... someone who have rich and powerful backing....... Do you dare to do it?

Chen: Not an issue..... who is it?

I gave him Cory's name and background.

Me: Unfortunately, I don't have his photo.....

Chen: I've seen his parents on the newspapers but I don't think I saw him before.... but it's not a problem.....

Me: good. Name me your price.....

He quoted me an amount of 20k.

Me: ok.... I'll get someone to send the money to you tomorrow.....

Chen: you know that you don't have to pay me the full sum first, right?

I already knew the rules of his trade and that he just needed to collect half the amount first.

Me: Yes.... Let me know if there're any out of pocket expenses.....

Chen: My quote always includes everything. So it's nett..... After I received your down payment, I dig up everything about him..... give me 1 month.....

Me: deal.....

We hung up and I called Jason with my own phone.
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Old 08-11-2020, 02:35 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2


I went to the bank and withdrew the money before handing the money to Jason.

After I left, I used the same number to call up Chen again, telling him the location for one of Jason's trusted henchmen to pass him the deposit.

I went to a cafe and waited.

At 2pm, Chen called me on the same number to let me know that he had received the money and will be commencing on the case.

All I had to do now was to wait.


I received a call from Qai and he gave me all the information that he had collected about Jamie through the phone. He did not send me any texts or email but told me verbally. I jotted down everything on a piece of paper and after we hung up, I memorized all the contents before burning the paper into ashes and flushed it down the toilet.

Just as I suspected, she did not have any social media accounts currently and her previous mobile number had since been terminated. However, he managed to find out some tagged photos from others accounts.

Currently, she appeared not to be working and seemed to be much involved with a charity organization. He told me that in all those photographs, her husband and child were not present. However, they were in a few of the tagged photos by some of their friends.

As for her child, Qai could not find any records of him being in any pre-school centers and Qai suggested that he might be home-schooling.

Qai also gave me the name and address of the nursing home that her parents were in and the monthly costs.

Now that I had more details, I looked for a generic PI firm before I called Avery from my own phone.

Avery was the 2nd girlfriend I had and got to know her when I was in Army. We met at a club and her looks were not exceptional but once she dolled-up and coupled with large B cups breasts and a tight body, she was stunning, resulting in me losing my virginity to her that night.

However, we broke up not long after because I found out that she was taking drugs. Since then, I had never seen her again until the same trip when I saved Jason.

It was the following day and I had just ended my meetings and was walking in Chinatown when I saw her.

She was begging passersby to give her some money. Although she looked totally different from the last time I saw her, I recognized her immediately. She was no longer immaculate with her appearance. Now, she was looking haggard and dirty, as if it had been some time since she bathe.

I walked straight to her and our eyes met. Instantly, she recognized me and tried to run away but I held her arm.

Me: Avery.... wait....

Avery: let me go Scott.... or I'll shout.....

Me: I want to help you....

She turned around and stared at me angrily.

Avery: You can help me by giving me some money....

Me: I'm not going to do so.....

Avery: then let me go!

Me: Don't you think you should quit while you can?

Suddenly she broke down and sat on the floor.

Avery: It's... *sob*.... not that I never tried..... *sob*

Passersby were looking at us but I ignored them.

Avery: I lost my job.... *sob*..... and now it's even worst......

Me: Let me help you to quit..... and then you can work for me..... let me help you.....

I offered my hand to her. After about 5mins, she grabbed it and stood up.

After that, everything was history. I brought her to China with me and made her stayed in a re-habitation centre for close to a year.

When she was finally freed from drugs, she worked for me.

One of the common practices in my industry was for clients to ask for special favors. By special favors, they were asking for sexual returns. Of course not from me but those clients were interested in girls who were not from their country. I did not have time to handle such matters and had lost a few deals because of that.

Although I did not require her to entertain any clients, I needed her to source for the overseas girls and she willingly accepted my job offer.

However, since the time she was with me in China, our relationship was only platonic and professional. We never have sex again.

Avery: Hi Scott...

Me: Hey, can I come over?

When I sold the company, I had rewarded her a substantial amount so that she need not work any more. Using part of the amount, she had bought a 1-bedder-condo with the money, which she had given me the address previously.

Avery: Sure....
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Old 08-11-2020, 06:51 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Great start to part 2.
Old 08-11-2020, 10:38 AM
slyhypo slyhypo is offline
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Very nice, very nice indeed.

Camping for more.
Old 08-11-2020, 10:56 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Supporting Here For More

Upz You Bro pussluver

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Old 08-11-2020, 12:24 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Nice part 2 baby, how long will this be then and will there be a part 3??
Old 08-11-2020, 01:42 PM
gaipauchi gaipauchi is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Nice connection to part 1
Waiting for more....
Old 08-11-2020, 01:59 PM
tanpop tanpop is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Nice continuation, camping for more!
Old 08-11-2020, 05:41 PM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Reporting here bro pussluver.. This time I am not late..
As I gets older, my waist gets wider.. Life of a 40 plus uncle..
Old 08-11-2020, 06:59 PM
RamosTheAnimal RamosTheAnimal is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Very well written, waiting for more updates.
Old 09-11-2020, 12:00 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

30 mins later, I was in her living room and told her about Jamie but this time, I left Cory out of the equation.

Avery: nabei (Hokkien vulgarity), for the past 2.5 years you didn't even tell me about it and I thought you had stopped liking women.....

Me: We were working then.... and I thought she had stopped loving me....

Avery: hmmm...... from what you told me and also based on the child's name, I think she still loves you....

Me: I think so too but I needed to confirm.....

Avery: ok.... I'll help you to get her back.....

Me: Are you sure? Her parents-in-laws are rich and powerful..... you might get into trouble with them.....

She rolled her eyes.

Avery: knn..... when I worked for you in China, the risks are even higher..... I might get arrested by the government and that would be even worse, right?

Me: hmmm... true but I employed you then....

Avery: You damn kuniang (sissy)..... what are friends for?.... If you didn't need my help, you wouldn't come over right?..... I already said I don't mind the risks...... so stop hemming and hawing and just tell me.....

I trusted her, if not, I would not have looked for her.

Earlier, I had already transferred one of Jamie's photo into the 3rd burned phone and provided her with all the details about Jamie. I passed her the device and told her what she needed to do.

She called up the PI agency on my behalf and made her way to their office.

I had seek her help mainly was because if the Sims found out that someone was investigating Jamie, they would not be able to link Avery to me. Avery was not even under my previous-company's payroll and everything that was paid to her were in cash, including the rental.

At 4pm, she called me and told me that they'll provide her with the information 2 weeks.

So far, I had made sure to investigate Jamie and Cory separately. So if any of the PIs were questioned, there would not be any relation to link them together.

During this waiting period, I sourced for another condo and found one near my place. I got Avery to rent it on my behalf and I gave her the full payment in cash.

2 weeks later, the PI firm called Avery and she went down to meet them.

Later that day, she called me, since I had told her not to meet me for the time being, and provided me with the information that she had received.

Just like what Qai had told me, Jamie was involved with a charity organization and for the most part of every weekday, she would be helping out with them.

In the afternoon of every Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, she would visit her parents. On Tuesdays and Thursdays afternoon, she would meet up with some friends for coffee or go shopping.

In the evenings, she would head to a gym before returning home.

On the first weekend, she went out alone with her child. On the second weekend but only on Sunday, her husband joined them for dinner together with her in-laws.

Just like before, she was chauffeured around and the chauffeur doubled as a body guard as well.

Based on this information, it was confirmed that she was not working. However, it did not seemed that Cory was spending too much time with her.

Me: Avery, I need your help again.....

Avery: You want me to get close to her, correct?

Me: yes......

Avery: how should I go about doing it?

I told her the details.

Avery: ah.... ok..... got it.

We hung up after that.
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Old 09-11-2020, 12:01 AM
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Over the next 2 weeks, Avery informed me that she had joined the charity organization and took part in their activities. She had also spoken to Jamie and they got along fine.

Her job was to continue to get closer to Jamie. During the 2 weeks, I visited a lawyer to set up a trust fund.

In the meantime, I received a call from Chen.

Chen: I've got the information you wanted.....

Me: ok.....

Once again, I handed Jason the remaining payment and he got his henchman to make the exchange for the information.

When I received the package, they were still sealed and there was no indications that anyone had seen the details.

There were a lot of information and Chen had done a thorough job. I went through the documents and photos carefully.

However, Cory was not my priority now. I needed to know what was Jamie's feelings for me first but I had to wait for perfect moment. It would be stupid to walk right up to her and ask her directly.

Avery providing me the detailed information of the charity work they were doing.

For their charity organization, the volunteers were assigned in pairs to help out with the under-privileged senior folks. Most of these senior folks lived in pairs in a government rent-subsided one-room flat and each pair of volunteers had pre-determined units to take care of so that the seniors would not have to acclimatize to new faces each time. Some of the works included bringing the senior folks for their medical appointment, cleaning their flats, getting food for them and so on.

On the other hand, only very few seniors that lived alone and my plan would require any one these elderly who lived alone.

In order for my plan to work, everything had to come together at the same time.

Finally, 3 months later, on a Tuesday, the opportunity presented itself in accordance to my plan and Avery immediately informed me about it.

Her voluntary partner was away for vacation for that day and she had to bring one of her care-recipient who lived alone for a medical appointment. She needed someone to assist her to clean the house while they were away. At the same time, since the units under Jamie's pair did not require any external visits. So, she approached Jamie for help. Not surprisingly, Jamie agreed.

Since they always went to the location in chartered buses provided by the charity organization, her chauffeur would remain at the care center and wait for her return.

I quickly made my way down to the location. I caught a glimpse of Avery's back view as she walked towards the other end of the corridor with the elderly person in her care.

It had been so long since I ever spoke to her alone and my hands shook as I walked up to the door.

I checked the corridor once more to make sure that there was no one else before knocking. Avery had already gone down in the lift and the corridor was empty.

Jamie opened the door after a few knocks.

Jamie: Avery, you forgot something?....

Just like the last time I saw her, her dressing had not changed. However, her hair was messy and apparently, she had been cleaning something before she came to the door.

Her eyes were wide opened once she realized that it was me. She was definitely shocked to see me.

Jamie: Scott!

I quickly pushed her back into the house before anyone saw us and closed the door behind me.

It was a very tiny flat. There was nothing much in there. A 24" CRT TV, a squarish foldable wooden table and 2 stools were all that were present in the living room and the kitchen was part of the living room, with a small electric stove sitting on the counter.

The door to the only room was opened and a old bed sat inside.

She came realized that we were alone in the flat and started to panic, backing away from me.

Jamie: Why are you here?! What are you doing?! We can't be in the flat alone!!

Me: baby.... calm down.....

She was not shouting but her tone was harsh and she was backing up continuously.

Jamie: no! I can't be seen in here with you! I'll get into trouble!

Me: I made sure no one saw me.....

Jamie: You can't be sure!

Me: I am sure..... I had disappeared for so many years.... She would have thought that I had already given up on you..... but I missed you baby....... very very much...... everyday and every night since the day you left me, I thought of you.......

It stunned her and she stopped backing away.

Taking the opportunity, I covered the 2 steps between us, wrapped one arm behind her waist and kissed her directly on the lips.

Her initial reaction was to try to push me away.

Jamie: NO! Let me go!

However, once I stuck my tongue into her mouth and touched hers, her reactions changed instantly.

As if her tongue had a life on its own, it started to fight against mine. She stopped pushing me away and left her hands on my chest.

All our forlorn longing for each other were expressed in our kisses and things turned passionate quickly.

As if we were in such a hurry, immediately I unbuckled her culottes and let them fall to the ground by her feet. As she was unzipping my berms, I pulled down her beige cotton undies.

With my cock out into the open, she automatically turned around, opened up her stance and I inserted into her bushy hole from behind.

Jamie: ernnn....... ernnnn......

It was not a slow loving making session. Instead, our copulation was primal and pure animalistic. I just thrusted into her like a beast and she did not even try to cover her moans. We were just releasing every ounce of our lusts from the hiatus over the years for each other.


It was not even 5minutes before we came in tandem.

However, I was able to remember to pull out of her just before I ejaculated. Unexpectedly, she got down on her knees and brought her mouth over my cock as I emptied my load.

After she swallowed everything, she wore her clothes and went into the toilet. While waiting for her, I wore mine as well.

She came out shortly, looking a little awkward at what had just happened. The length of the period of time that we were apart was the caused of it.

She spoke before me.

Jamie: Please help me to sweep the floor while I wash the toilet..... you need to leave before the other volunteer return..... they can't see you here.....

She handed me a broom and returned to the toilet.

30 mins later, we were done with all the cleaning and sat on the 2 stools in the living room.

I knew from Avery that the medical appointment would normally take about an hour. We would roughly have 15mins left but I still asked Jamie about it and she confirmed the time.

She looked down on the floor and spoke softly.

Jamie: Scott..... how did you know I was here?.....

Me: I had my ways....

Jamie: well, you should know that I can't be seen with you.... I had promised her.....

Me: yes, I know.... and I also know and understand everything that happened..... I don't blame you one bit.....

Jamie: Since you understand the reason..... you should know that it's not possible for us.....

Me: It will be..... and that's why I had recently set up a trust fund for your parents.....

Jamie: what?!.... What do you mean you set up a trust fund?!..... You don't even know how much they need?!

She looked shock.

Me: Yes, I know how much money is needed.... what I've set aside for them will be enough to last a life time.....

Jamie: where did you get the money?! You are joking right?

Me: I'll tell you another day.....

From our earlier intimacy, I did not need to ask her if she still loved me. Her actions had already answered everything.

Me: Anyway, this is my number..... let me know when you are ready to meet up for a longer discussion..... the time is almost up..... I've got to go....

I handed her a slip of paper with the number of my 4th burner phone and opened the door, leaving her with a bewildered expression on her face.

After that, I went home.
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Old 09-11-2020, 12:03 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

Since it was a Tuesday, she would meet her friends for shopping in the afternoon and I did not needed to wait long.

My phone rang about 2pm with an unfamiliar number.

Jamie: We need to talk.....

Me: Is it convenient? You mentioned that Beth might send someone to monitor you....

Jamie: There's a body guard who follow me around.... but I have sent him help me to purchase something..... I can talk now....

Me: nope..... I prefer to meet up....

Jamie: ermm.... that might be difficult....

Me: I'll make some arrangements.....

Jamie: but.....

Me: trust me..... I'll let you know in due course....

Jamie: ok.... but you can't text or call me..... it might not be at a convenient time....

Me: don't worry..... I know..... I won't get you into trouble..... just be patient..... and I love you.....

There was a long silence at the other end of the line.

Jamie: I miss you too.....

That was the last sentence she spoke before the line went dead.

With that, I put my plans into motion.

First, I called Avery.

Avery: I was about to call you..... so, did you managed to meet her? Earlier, when I saw her, she did not give any indication that you had met up with her.....

Me: yes..... but I need to meet her alone again.....

Avery: hmm.... you didn't get to ask her what you wanted?....

Me: yah.... something like that.....

Avery: ok.... what do you need me to do?

Me: you can still remember how to pilot a yacht right?

The both of us had taken our powerboat licenses together when we were in China.

Avery: yacht?

Me: yah....... I need you to book a yacht and then invite her along in front of the chauffeur..... say that it's just a break away trip but she has to pay for her share..... but make sure to tell her that I sent you before you even ask her in front of her chauffeur.

Avery: Of course!.... do you think I'm dumb?....

Me: I don't mean that.... anyway, let me know the costs.... I'll pay you after that....

Avery: haha.... of course..... but what about you?

Me: I can't be on the yacht...... I'm sure that the chauffeur would look around to see who boarded the yacht..... I'll find some ways to meet you somewhere out at sea......

Avery: ok.... not a problem.....

Me: thanks a lot for your help.....

Avery: stop repeating yourself......

After I told her the date, we hang up.


I went out to purchase a small inflatable kayak, paddles and a life jacket.


I went out to purchase an air pump.


I had chosen Tuesday because it was the day that Jamie did not need to visit her parents.

So far, Avery informed me that she had done whatever I told her to and Jamie had agreed to the suggestion. However, she did not shared much information to Jamie except that I was the one who asked her to relay the message.

This morning, at 8am, I was already at ECP at the carpark nearest to the airport. I chose this location because it was much more secluded compared to the other areas.

I got the motor started and before long, I got the kayak inflated. After dragging it to the edge of the water, I started to make my way out to sea.

The girls would be departing from Changi end at about 9am and would drop their anchor roughly about 3 miles out while waiting for me.

As I paddled along, I saw a large yacht off the shipping lanes and made my way towards it.

The girls were already standing by the railings at waved once they noticed me.

And finally, I stopped behind their yacht and brought the kayak into the boat.

Me: Hi girls.....

Avery: hmm.... I thought you were going to rent a boat....

Me: nope.... anyone could check with the marinas on who made a rental for today and it would give me away.....

Avery: I see....

Me: Did the chauffeur check the yacht before he allowed you to depart?....

Avery: yes..... he did as you expected....

Jamie: how did you know he'll do that?

Me: It's just a guess......

Avery: You owe me big time....

Me: Thanks..... but why such a big yacht?! how much is this thing?!

Avery: haha.... since you are paying, I got the biggest one I am allowed to steer.....

I rolled my eyes as I removed the life jacket.

Avery: ok... you 2 can speak in the cabin..... I'll keep the boat moving then.....

I had already told her previously that once I was on board, she was to keep us in motion so that we would not be so easily spotted. If there were any boats that were following us, we would also be able to spot them easily.

Avery: anyway, I've only booked this for 4 hours......

Me: ok.... have you brought and food and drinks?

Avery: they are in the cabin..... help yourself.....

Jamie and I went into the cabin as Avery went up to the helm. Shortly, motor of the boat rumbled to life and we started to move off.
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Old 09-11-2020, 12:04 AM
pussluver pussluver is offline
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Re: Fate or Destiny - Part 2

After I finished my snacks, I looked out to sea through the windows in the cabin and spoke.

Me: baby..... does it remind you of the time when.....

She did not allowed me to complete my sentence as she hugged me before kissing me directly on the lips. My tongue met hers and we started kissing each other passionately.

After a few minutes, she broke our kiss and looked down at floor, embarrassed that she was the one who made the initiation.

Jamie: erm.... sorry..... I can't stop myself.....

Me: It's fine..... anyway, have a seat.... I'll start then.....

I told her everything from the day she left me at Bali. My conversation with Beth, why I went to China, how I earned my wealth and what I had been doing since I came back. Once again, I mentioned about the trust fund for her parents and told her not to worry about it.

Jamie: why? Why are you doing this?

Me: I already told you that it's because I love you.....

Her eyes started to water.

Jamie: even.... even after what happened in Bali and I left without a word?

Me: Yes..... in your letter, you already explained why you left..... as for what happened then, I know that it was because you have no choice but to let it happened...... If you were arrested then, Beth would never forgive you and the marriage, or what you deemed as a job, would never have proceeded. As such, she would have stopped the finance for your parents....... and you cannot afford that..... you rather put your happiness on the line so that they can continue receiving professional care...... I know you are filial and love them very much.....

The tears formed into a pool and started to flow down the sides of her cheeks.

Jamie: sorry...... I had to give you up.....

Me: I'm not blaming you.....

Jamie: *sob*...... I had to be heartless but only because I wanted you to give up on me..... *sob*..... I don't mind being unhappy but I wanted you to move on and forget about me..... *sob* find your own life....... sorry..... I am selfish.....

I went over to hug her and she started to weep on my shoulders.

After 10mins, she stopped and looked into my eyes.

Jamie: *sniff*..... how did you find me?..... *sniff*.... why did you look for me now?.....*sniff*

I grinned.

Me: wait.... wait.... let me answer one at a time..... I look for you now because of what you told me.....

Jamie: what did I tell you?

I scowled.

Me: hmm...... You don't remember the words you told me when you first saw me again?

She looked down at her thighs.

Jamie: erm..... I remembered..... but they don't mean anything.....

Me: Are you sure?

She blushed.

Jamie: The words weren't meant to instigate you to look for me..... they just came out..... I mean.... I didn't meant to open up your wounds again..... I....

I placed a finger on her lips.

Me: yes.... I know.....

She looked into my eyes again.

Me: He's my kid right?

There was a look of panic in her eyes.

Jamie: no.... I mean yes.... but everyone thought that Jie Lun is his kid..... are you trying to snatch him away from me?!..... If.....

She was starting to get hysterical and tried to push me away from her.

Me: no.... hang on here.... I'm not trying to snatch him away..... I'll explain..... but first, I need to know if you still love me....

Jamie: are you trying to snatch him away?!

Me: Baby.... answer me first and then I'll explain everything......

I spoke to her firmly this time and she stopped.

After a while, she nodded her head.

Me: I want to hear it.....

Jamie: yes.... I still love you.... but please don't snatch our child away from me.... he's all I have left now......

Me: good.... and I've already said, I'm not trying to snatch him away.... but I will snatch the both of you away from them....

She looked at me in surprised.

Jamie: the.... the both of us?

Me: yes.....
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