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Old 29-01-2008, 07:18 PM
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Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

We have often heard air-stewardess, female insurance agents do EXTRA to either supplement their income or to get certain deals. So far, I don’t think I have not seen anyone mentioned financial consultants/personal bankers in banks being mentioned.

Here is the story:
A few days ago, I went to one of the local banks to seek advice on investment. Upon entering the bank, I noticed this banker straight away. Although she is not a top beauty, she is tall, slim, and has a pair of killer legs which shows off in a short tight skirt with slit by the side. Fortunately for me, the bank was pretty empty, so I could see which banker is free, went an get a queue ticket at the right time and “beep” her cubicle number called for my ticket.

I walked over and in her sitting position, I can see that her skirt goes up higher showing more of her beautiful legs. Our conversation went on quite well, lots of ra ra about what the banks has to offer … etc. the chemistry is there. But really who is listening to her, I could hardly concentrate as she try to explain some of the package they are selling. My eyes keep wandering down to those legs. I got a feeling that she notice but I don’t think she mind. Why I say that? First she made no attempt to cover up and occasionally she cross her legs, sometime showing her garment underneath deliberately or otherwise (I will not detail this, but I can say it is sexy type). Seriously, if it is not for the opening concept cubicle, I feel like grapping her there and then. In the end, I left the bank but not without getting her contact first.

The thing is I feel that she is more into the potential deal I have rather than anything else. If it is cash she is after, does it mean that I could offer her straight off rather than beating the bush?

Does any bro here has any similar experience?

Please share.

PS: Apologies if there is already a similar thread on such topic.
Old 29-01-2008, 08:43 PM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Why don't you try and then get back to us brothers about it. Never know your luck and we will never know unless you try
Old 29-01-2008, 10:11 PM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Hi Bro,

Just words of advice. Some of the ger could be just cock teaser...asking for yr $ so that they will hit their sales target.

Just dun do anything in the bak...cos there is cctv in every corner...
I m here juz to share and learn.. Up me if you like what i post.


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Last edited by Hellfire79; 29-01-2008 at 10:34 PM. Reason: error
Old 29-01-2008, 11:20 PM
joemac21 joemac21 is offline
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Agree, well she is not going to get any $ until I am satisfied with her "service".

Let's put it this way, the product they all sell are the same be it from her or her colleagues. Why should I buy from her without a good reason (giving such free shows is not a good reason). I know I should not think of it this way but the way she acted is simply too invitational. I only hope I have not got it wrong.

Originally Posted by Hellfire79 View Post
Hi Bro,

Just words of advice. Some of the ger could be just cock teaser...asking for yr $ so that they will hit their sales target.

Just dun do anything in the bak...cos there is cctv in every corner...
Old 30-01-2008, 08:47 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Originally Posted by joemac21 View Post
Agree, well she is not going to get any $ until I am satisfied with her "service".

Let's put it this way, the product they all sell are the same be it from her or her colleagues. Why should I buy from her without a good reason (giving such free shows is not a good reason). I know I should not think of it this way but the way she acted is simply too invitational. I only hope I have not got it wrong.
Well.. nothing ventured, nothing gained.. please go try and report back.

Else, u can always give some senior cheongster the details and they will scout for you..hahaha
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Old 30-01-2008, 09:01 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Originally Posted by joemac21 View Post
Agree, well she is not going to get any $ until I am satisfied with her "service".

Let's put it this way, the product they all sell are the same be it from her or her colleagues. Why should I buy from her without a good reason (giving such free shows is not a good reason). I know I should not think of it this way but the way she acted is simply too invitational. I only hope I have not got it wrong.

Let's put it this way... i think you are a asshole who think money can land you all the girls in this world... ... "until you are satisfied with her service" .. geezzzz ...

from your posting, i dun think you are looking for a girlfren.. jus some pussy to relieve your itch..

1. if you want to bonk a pretty face and willing to pay for it, go and book a social escort.
2. if you want to bonk a pretty face and not willing to pay for it, go clubbing and pick up girls for ONS... that is, if you can..

granted there are stories of insurance agent/personal banker who will screw around to close deals, but that does not mean all will screw around!!!

its hard enuff to enough a honest living in singapore already, let her do her job with some dignity..

jus my 2 bytes of bandwidth...
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Old 30-01-2008, 09:02 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Originally Posted by joemac21 View Post
Agree, well she is not going to get any $ until I am satisfied with her "service".

Let's put it this way, the product they all sell are the same be it from her or her colleagues. Why should I buy from her without a good reason (giving such free shows is not a good reason).
i hope u r nt a person tht looks for "extras" in order to close a deal..
be it financial advisors, car deals, housing agents...

pls treat others wif respect..

if e girl likes u n proceeds on further wif or without e deal, congrats..
if nt, pls dun KPKB tht e girl dun give u "extra" cos u r givin them "biz"..

i apologise in advance if u find me aggressive but my OC is a financial planner n there tons of those bigheaded dicks out there tht tinks they r big shots when they give a $100 premium mthly n suggests explicitly indecent expressions and deals to my OC..
You muz understand, many idiots like to fantaise and dream tht they r so "unresistable"..
Old 30-01-2008, 09:03 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?


in case u dun know how to check your CP.. i zap you!!!

There are no saints in a sex forum... if you can read this, despite your claims of merely being a passerby/lurker/silent reader, you are already tainted and have been corrupted.... welcome to the darkside !!!
Old 30-01-2008, 09:10 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Originally Posted by joemac21 View Post
Agree, well she is not going to get any $ until I am satisfied with her "service".

Let's put it this way, the product they all sell are the same be it from her or her colleagues. Why should I buy from her without a good reason (giving such free shows is not a good reason). I know I should not think of it this way but the way she acted is simply too invitational. I only hope I have not got it wrong.

Hi Bro,

If u are in sales line, you will know that "mei ren ji" is also one of the tatics as well...same like u go clubbing..may seem some ger who are very invitational as well, but may not necessary think u can bed them.

Just of curiousity, are u investing in millions? Cos if not, the comm they are getting may not worth them to do much. Of cos, unless the u are v v handsome, which woman will love u at 1st sight lor.

My humble advice is that when investing, be more focus in the investment u are in, rather than the woman cos ultimmately, it yr $ u are porridge or big feast...u decide
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Old 30-01-2008, 09:28 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

There are alot of such cases ... financial advisers, insurance agents, property agents etc ...

If got any experiences with them, can share, if not no point asking whether people have the same experience ...
Old 30-01-2008, 09:46 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

If your deal is worth a lot of money, then some of them can consider. Or if they are seriously short of their sales target.

If not, I know some of these earnings tens of thousand a month. I don't think they will go to bed with you for a commission of a few hundred or one two thousand.
Old 30-01-2008, 09:50 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

Mostly it is luck, something they also horny ... like ONS, but then you must be good looking
Old 30-01-2008, 10:03 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

It take two hand to clap,it do not matter you invest million or buy a million hse, like same bro said that, if the gals like you , they'll go out with you not matter what the amount you invest or buy. One caution of advise, when you want to have fun with this type gal, just be careful, you dont know what going to happen next....
Old 30-01-2008, 10:17 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

i tot got homerun stories of Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers to see here. so sad.any one got stories to share?
Old 30-01-2008, 10:27 AM
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Re: Air-stewardess, female insurance agents ... Personal Bankers?

unless i have the wealth of Li Ka-Shing, if not, i can go on dreaming of closing a deal with one of these professionals.
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