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Old 07-08-2021, 10:30 PM
rageallnight rageallnight is offline
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I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'poreans

Exceptionally desperate to boost inoculation rates so it could unabashedly pimp Singapore once more to all and sundry, this PAP government has resorted to an overtly underhanded strategy of discrimination based on vaccine status. Divide and conquer through engendering infighting amongst citizens, brilliant yet despicable. Well, I got news for you dear monkeys in white, your agenda shall fail miserably - because we have since realized you never cared whether we live or die; you would do whatever it takes just to flourish atop our bones.

When another of your inexplicably hurried, vacillating decisions to lift dining restrictions comes into effect next Tuesday, I shall take the first step of refusing to set foot inside restaurants. Rest assured I am not alone, for more than a dozen of my friends have pledged to do the same. And when word spreads, I have utmost faith many will follow suit to unequivocably demonstrate the fallibility of your judgement call.

Vaccinated or not - either we eat together, or we don't.
Old 08-08-2021, 12:28 AM
dcfv dcfv is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

You should be unvaccinated so we could hopefully reduce the population by 1.
Old 08-08-2021, 03:03 PM
fallen11 fallen11 is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Originally Posted by dcfv View Post
You should be unvaccinated so we could hopefully reduce the population by 1.
can free up 1 more slot for foreigners to come in
Old 08-08-2021, 03:36 PM
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Originally Posted by dcfv View Post
You should be unvaccinated so we could hopefully reduce the population by 1.
hahaaa omg too funny
Old 10-08-2021, 08:38 AM
Penguin23 Penguin23 is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Originally Posted by rageallnight View Post
Exceptionally desperate to boost inoculation rates so it could unabashedly pimp Singapore once more to all and sundry, this PAP government has resorted to an overtly underhanded strategy of discrimination based on vaccine status. Divide and conquer through engendering infighting amongst citizens, brilliant yet despicable. Well, I got news for you dear monkeys in white, your agenda shall fail miserably - because we have since realized you never cared whether we live or die; you would do whatever it takes just to flourish atop our bones.

When another of your inexplicably hurried, vacillating decisions to lift dining restrictions comes into effect next Tuesday, I shall take the first step of refusing to set foot inside restaurants. Rest assured I am not alone, for more than a dozen of my friends have pledged to do the same. And when word spreads, I have utmost faith many will follow suit to unequivocably demonstrate the fallibility of your judgement call.

Vaccinated or not - either we eat together, or we don't.
Your reasoning is sound, but your actions is akin to throwing out the baby with the bath water. Hurting restaurant owners to spite the Men in White, is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.'re probably still going to go eat in a hawker centre or in a food court right? Lol.
Old 11-08-2021, 11:54 AM
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Wah, I so long never come into SBF and nowadays people here talk until so chim ah..

Aiyah.. Regardless of your rumblings (either your mouth or stomach..), the fact of the matter is that the overall plan when dealing with C-19 in SGP has been effective till date, with other countries trying to emulate SGP processes and SOPs. It is not the best or perfect plan, nor any other country has one (you name me one lah..), but it is always tuning and perfecting to meet whatever dynamic situations arises.

Your main topic here is makan only correct? Want, all eat outside together, vaccinated or not. Else don't want to eat at all, correct? Don't tell me you are one of those cheongster visiting recent KTV there to makan is it? Hahaha..

Bro, your view is entirely yours to own, no problem. But trying to lump your view onto others and assuming that others will have same thoughts as you is quite dictator-style leh. For the sake of public safety and continuation of commercial businesses, this much of safety net should be at least in place to prevent another surge of infections, don't you think so?

Peace bro..
Stopped cheonging... since July 2008...

Still a Samster all the same and to help out anyone in need of advice or assistance...
Old 13-08-2021, 10:46 PM
EtherC EtherC is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Another great example of how bombastic words are not an indication of intellect.
Old 14-08-2021, 12:43 AM
zhonglian zhonglian is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Originally Posted by EtherC View Post
Another great example of how bombastic words are not an indication of intellect.
Fully agreed. Those 4G whites also like to use bombastic words trying to confuse the citizens.
Old 14-08-2021, 12:57 AM
superfucker6969 superfucker6969 is offline
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Originally Posted by rageallnight View Post
Exceptionally desperate to boost inoculation rates so it could unabashedly pimp Singapore once more to all and sundry, this PAP government has resorted to an overtly underhanded strategy of discrimination based on vaccine status. Divide and conquer through engendering infighting amongst citizens, brilliant yet despicable. Well, I got news for you dear monkeys in white, your agenda shall fail miserably - because we have since realized you never cared whether we live or die; you would do whatever it takes just to flourish atop our bones.

When another of your inexplicably hurried, vacillating decisions to lift dining restrictions comes into effect next Tuesday, I shall take the first step of refusing to set foot inside restaurants. Rest assured I am not alone, for more than a dozen of my friends have pledged to do the same. And when word spreads, I have utmost faith many will follow suit to unequivocably demonstrate the fallibility of your judgement call.

Vaccinated or not - either we eat together, or we don't.

You should be born as a Malaysian and see how good the gov treat you. Ungrateful piece of shit
Old 14-08-2021, 06:21 PM
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Time will tell, don't think this measures will last long....Either u vaxxed or not u still carry risk of infection.

Many vaxx in Israel also die of covid, maybe we have cases here but only our Govt owned SPH, MOH never disclosed only...
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Old 20-08-2021, 08:21 AM
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Hope those unvaxx people can wake up their ideas. Just go for the jab you idiots. We want to open up. We want geylang and the FL scene to open up so hopefully we have more choices and the prices can come down or at least not increase astronomically.
Old 25-08-2021, 06:50 PM
sinnerrr sinnerrr is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

im sorry, but is there proof you can get herd immunity just cause 80-90% of the population is vaxed?
No, there isn't. in fact, there is evidence to show that the vaccination doesn't work.
This opening and closing of the economy is stupid. There is no evidence to show that this works. Look at australia and NZ. they've been closed since the very start but it hasn't helped in anyway from keeping the virus at bay.
Im not saying dont get vaccinated, do it, dont do it. whatever. But if you think vaccination is the really need to do a bit more research.
Yes, now flame me. its been a lil chilly these few days anyways.
Old 26-08-2021, 11:56 AM
EtherC EtherC is offline
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Ever hear of someone getting TB in Singapore? Its quite rare, because of vaccination. Vaccination will not be 100%, its just like you carry a shield to war doesn’t mean you won’t get cut or won’t die. It still confers a significant amount of protection. The situation is not static , we make the best decision based on the data and expert opinions. Sometimes it can backfire. No one has the secret manual to managing disaster. If you have , jolly well stand up and get a position with MOH. This is coming from a life time opposition supporter.
Old 26-08-2021, 03:29 PM
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Originally Posted by sinnerrr View Post
im sorry, but is there proof you can get herd immunity just cause 80-90% of the population is vaxed?
No, there isn't. in fact, there is evidence to show that the vaccination doesn't work.
This opening and closing of the economy is stupid. There is no evidence to show that this works. Look at australia and NZ. they've been closed since the very start but it hasn't helped in anyway from keeping the virus at bay.
Im not saying dont get vaccinated, do it, dont do it. whatever. But if you think vaccination is the really need to do a bit more research.
Yes, now flame me. its been a lil chilly these few days anyways.
All information official channel our govt get is from WHO. Remember last time WHO also said no need to wear mask, when our govt also stupidly comply, but actual fact they don't have enough mask, worried kena blame

Now again, our govt naively think that 80-90% vax = herd immunity when the virus is mutating and current vaccines may not work after a few months and require a booster shots! So long as our govt door keep opening for new mutated virus to come in this will never end!

So guys & gals just enjoy these couple of months of freedom, can travel to Germany, can eat in restaurant quickly do it now. U never know few months later we have to lock down again!
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Old 26-08-2021, 10:54 PM
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Re: I am fully vaxxed. That said, I stand in solidarity with my fellow unvaxxed S'por

Originally Posted by sinnerrr View Post
im sorry, but is there proof you can get herd immunity just cause 80-90% of the population is vaxed?
No, there isn't. in fact, there is evidence to show that the vaccination doesn't work.
This opening and closing of the economy is stupid. There is no evidence to show that this works. Look at australia and NZ. they've been closed since the very start but it hasn't helped in anyway from keeping the virus at bay.
Im not saying dont get vaccinated, do it, dont do it. whatever. But if you think vaccination is the really need to do a bit more research.
Yes, now flame me. its been a lil chilly these few days anyways.

SO STUPID i cannot believe all this idiots ...what are they reading some stupid stuff from some right wing Americans idiots ... newscast like foxnews or what ? How many of them said they regret just before they died.

What rock are you living in? Newspapers, News on Youtube, TV, or better still read the tweets of local and foreign infectious disease experts... who is talking about herd immunity?

Endemic! Resilient ...expect more cases as we open up. Minister repeat this so many times, you should already drum it into your head. 80% is not about herd immunity especially for SG -- we will open up! is about we can get a reasonable balance. The fear is for the unvax ...idiots. The delta variant is so transmissible that it can also pass through your ordinary masks....nobody is hiding this if you dig hard enough. However when you are vax, the chances of getting severe covid is very very slim. the chances of being infected but not getting covid disease is low but high enough chance to be still infectious (esp in the first 3 days)...that it is worrying for unvax.

Do you get it??? Don't expect herd immunity to save you ...unvax!

Till worst kind of variants come, this is what we know so far ...hence the race for vaccines boosters and new form of mrna vaccines that is more durable and defend us from more type of variants. The longer you don't vx, the higher the chance you will be a victim of more dangerous covid. and not just from delta.
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