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Old 28-06-2008, 10:03 PM
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Need some advice


I recently had sex with a FL on tues and was worried about if I have caught any STD. She gave me a BBBJ in the tub when we moved to the bed, she was massaging me with her body.

When my dick came in contact with her body, it was quite painful on my penis as i believe it was due to the fact it was very dry and was very uncomfortable. She continued to gave me a BBBJ and we finish off with sex with condom.

When it was done, the condom was half way and when I went to bath, I found out my foreskin was swollen and was very red underneath the it.

Currently the redness underneath the foreskin can still be seen and I believe I had suffered some abrasion or tear during the massage. The fact that she had given me a BBBJ after the abrasion or tear is what scare me most as I afraid as I might contracted STD or HIV due to it. I also have a very small red dot on my penis which is not painful or itchy although I have alot of small dot on my outer foreskin

Will be going to DSC on monday to do my checkup and want to know if i'm able to contracted HIV due to the above as i'm very scare now
Old 29-06-2008, 02:54 PM
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Question Re: Need some advice

I am now in the same boat as bro worrying_11.

Went to a MP yesterday and had BBBJ and HJ but no intercourse. Came back and had a burning feeling in my urinary tract and the dick's tip (tract opening) when urinating. There is also redness (looks like signs of abrasion) on the dick head. These things have lasted until this moment. I am quite scared I contacted STD (don't think it's HIV) but am not too sure.

Thinking back on what happened at the MP: the BBBJ and HJ were very rough due to her lack of skill and my dick actually felt a bit painful in the process. I now hope those symptoms are just aftereffects of this. I now also suspect that the bed sheet was not clean/changed and I contacted the viruses on it.

Am thinking of monitoring the condition for a couple of days and going to the doc only if the symptoms persist (so as to avoid unnecessary embarrassment). Any kind advice from bros with similar experiences? Thank you in advance.
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Old 30-06-2008, 12:08 AM
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Re: Need some advice

Raw BJs or BBBJs can get you some nasty STI, including syphilis, gonorrhea and herpes. Getting HIV from BBBJ is rare.

If you notice something funny, you ought to visit the doctor. Although you can describe your symptoms here, its not exactly helpful because we are not doctors, we cannot diagnose, we cannot prescribe medicine for you. In short, we cannot help you.

Next time, you must think that its a WL/FL, she has sucked many many dickheads raw before. There's a very high chance she's got some STI and can pass it on to you.

You can actually opt for BJ with condom. There are flavored condoms available, simply get your WL to put on a cap once you are hard.
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Old 30-06-2008, 04:30 PM
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Question Re: Need some advice

Two days have passed. My dick still looks quite normal without the usual symptoms except for redness on the head. But stinging pains remain at its tip and during urination and it's dripping. Confused as to what has happened to me.

Thanks to AfA for the advice. Will go see a doc tomorrow if things do not improve. Is a general practitioner able to cure STDs? Or should I see a urologist or dermatologist?
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Old 30-06-2008, 06:09 PM
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Re: Need some advice

Originally Posted by H-suru View Post
But stinging pains remain at its tip and during urination and it's dripping
dripping ==> i think is very bad sign that you caught something. but shld be curable.

go DSC, i think GP cannot handle this
Old 01-07-2008, 05:07 PM
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Re: Need some advice

Thanks, Bro Glock.

Finally went to a GP just now. The diagnostic result was positive! Got a jab and some antibiotics and was advised to get a test in 6 months' time to be sure. What an embarrassing experience!

But the GP couldn't tell me if my condition is serious or not. He told me the name of the STD but couldn't catch it. The short term is something like GNO or NGO. Does anyone have any idea what this is?
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Old 01-07-2008, 05:10 PM
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Re: Need some advice

Huh??? you went top GP to cure your STI and now you donno what it is .... bro, you should have gone to DSC where they will also do other tests to make sure you are fine ...
Old 01-07-2008, 09:16 PM
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Re: Need some advice

Sounds like you caught NGU.

Although its an embarassing experience, you ought to think positively. You went to see a doctor, you went to get it treated. Hopefully, you'll wear condom for each and everytime you have sex, including BJs.
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Old 02-07-2008, 06:18 PM
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Re: Need some advice

Thanks, AfA. Yes, it's NGU.

Could you advise me on the following: How serious is this disease? Can it be transmitted non-sexually? If so, what are the precautions to take in everyday life to avoid its _non-sexual_ transmission to those living with me?

Nongonococcal Urethritis (NGU) in Men
(Also Called 'Chlamydia - Nongonococcal Urethritis ', 'Nonspecific Urethritis', 'NSU')

Nongonococcal urethritis (NGU) is sometimes called nonspecific urethritis (NSU). It is an infection of the urethra (the tube leading from the urinary bladder to outside the body). The symptoms of NGU are similar to gonorrhea, but the usual treatments for gonorrhea will not work.

What causes NGU?

NGU is caused by a bacterium called Chlamydia trachomatis. There are several other bacteria—including Ureaplasma urealyticum, Mycoplasma and Trichomonas—that can cause symptoms resembling those of NGU.

How does NGU spread?

NGU is a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is passed from one person to another by unprotected sexual contact. It can be spread through vaginal sex, oral sex or anal sex.

What are the symptoms of NGU?

It usually takes one to three weeks after the infection occurs before a man develops any symptoms of NGU. The first symptom is usually a leakage of milky fluid (discharge) from the tip of the penis. The amount of discharge may vary from a little to quite a lot. There also may be mild burning of the penis during urination. If the symptoms are ignored, the discharge may decrease although the infection is still present. Sometimes there are no symptoms. If left untreated, the infection may move up around the testicles, causing pain, swelling and sterility. The infection also may spread to other parts of the body, causing severe illness.

How can I know if I have NGU?

If you think you have NGU, or any STD, contact your health care provider. He or she will examine you and perform tests, if necessary, to determine if you have an STD. A sample of fluid is taken from the penis and tested for the germs that cause gonorrhea and chlamydia. Notably, 20% of men with gonorrhea are co-infected with Chlamydia. Testing for HIV and other STDS should also be done in confirmed cases of NGU.

How is NGU treated?

NGU is most often treated with medicines known as antibiotics. Antibiotics kill the germs causing the infection. The most common antibiotics used to treat NGU are doxycycline, which is taken twice a day for a week, or macrolide antibiotics, such as azithromycin. This treatment cures the infection about 90 percent of the time. If you are allergic to doxycycline, or if doxycycline does not cure your infection, other medicines may be used.

What should I do after being treated?

Make sure you take all of the medicine you have been given. Do not stop taking the medicine, even if your symptoms go away. Do not share your medicine with others.

Do not have sex until you have taken all of the medicine and you are sure that the discharge is gone.

Men can check themselves for discharge by gently squeezing the penis. The best time to do this is when you get up in the morning before you urinate. Clear fluid from the penis is normal. A discharge that looks like milk or pus means that you still have an infection. Don't check for discharge more than once a day. Squeezing the penis more often may cause irritation and discharge even when there is not an infection.

Avoid reinfection by always using condoms for vaginal, oral and anal sex.
Contact all of the people with whom you have had sex during the last three months and advise them to get treated. Remember that there are other causes of NGU besides chlamydia. Even if your partner has a negative chlamydia test, he or she may still have given you the infection.

If the discharge doesn't go away, or if it goes away and then comes back, return to your health care provider for further treatment.
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Old 02-07-2008, 09:02 PM
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Re: Need some advice

You are very lucky you went to a GP and sought treatment. If you didn't seek medical help, you could have gone sterile. Just take your medication, complete your course of anti-biotics. Don't have sex until you are fully cured. You'll be alright.

If you have a partner, e.g. GF or Wife, or some one you had sex with recently, you may want to inform them. If they are infected, it can cause them to experience pain and discomfort too.

It's not transmitted non-sexually. Don't have to worry abt passing it on to your loved ones.

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Old 03-07-2008, 02:36 PM
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Re: Need some advice

AfA, thank you very much. You have done a good job in educating the public!
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Old 07-07-2008, 09:59 PM
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Re: Need some advice

Yes, Go do a check up for most safety
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